Growth Day: 59
Flowering Day: 1!
Temp: 23.8
RH: 39%
As I said I have been a busy beaver over the last day or so. I finally got around to getting in there with my camera. Now it is time to get you guys filled in on what has been going on. First I started by giving the area a thorough cleaning. Then I layed down a painters plastic drop sheet ($4.00 and home hardware). Next I needed to figure out a way to split the room into 2 different photoperiods. After a little bit of thinking and a lucky find I figured it out. I put a nail in the wall on either side of the room and then hung the piece of pipe I found from the nails. The next step was to go back to my old friends garbage bags and duct tape. I made a curtain by taping several garbage bags together and then sealed it to the wall on one side and left it loose on the other side so I could slide it out of my way when I needed in. Light problems solved.
Now for the fun part. I took my six train wrecks out of the veg box to be transfered into their new flowering home. I filled up the 5 gallon grow bags with some BX mix that I purchased at home depot. A good sterile mix of peat,pearlite, and vermiculite. I added some extra pearlite to each pot as I was filling if for increased drainage. After thoroughly soaking all of the grow mediums with 6.7pH water it was time to transplant the Trains. When I pulled the first one out of the pot I was absolutely shocked at how much root was wrapped around the inside of the pot. They should have been transplanted weeks ago. After popping them into the hole and backfilling around them I proceeded to water them in. After letting them set for a little bit I also added 1L of 1/2 strength nutrient solution to each grow bag. Then I arranged them under the HPS and placed an oscillating blowing onto the plants.
The clones are all looking very healthy. Roughly 8 or 9 of the 11 clones are showing new growth forming out the top which I assume means they are starting to take root. I figure within a couple more days I should be able to see the roots sneaking out the bottom of the rockwool. At which time they will go into the 8" pots either to flower, so I can determine sex, or to veg depending on which clone it is.
Now I know that was an awful lot to read. As a reward I will now post lots of pictures of the TWs in the new 5gal bags.