My dog overdosed on Widow trim


Well-Known Member
this has happened to my dog before . . . . left some cannabutter waste on the back deck, dog broke off one day and ate it all, was paralyzed the next day. pissed herself, etc.

she was walking around in circles and shit after she started regaining motion and shit.

took her like 4 days to start acting normal. the 5th day she was totally out of it . . .


Well-Known Member
This is Tank

Tank's owner and his buddies are half bowl smokers and throw out 1/2 burnt bud

So we went out to the casino where Tank's owner got tanked and threw up a few times on the way home, even in his car only to come home and find the dog trippin out

We start looking around and he ate the whole ashtray full off half smoked bowls and there was a bunch

So Tank managed to stumble out on the patio where he threw up this grey blob - the ashes

After that he snuggled up to his owner who was by now passed out in his bed

They looked so cute sleeping together

I will never forget that trip :lol:



Active Member
LMFAO, you guys are all bad influences, hopefully ur dogs didn't experiment further and move past the "gateway drug" to harder "drugs" heheheheeee. :)


New Member
lol funny stories...I have never seen a dog eat weed myself but the highest I ever got was from eating an ounce of buds..yes and 3 friends each ate an ounce of straight buds EACH and smoked about an ounce and we could still walk but let me tell you we didnt feel like walking at all and just pretty much laid out on the furniture the rest of the night - we where all teenagers like 19 & 20 - kids do dumb stuff what can I tell you :P


New Member
LMFAO, you guys are all bad influences, hopefully ur dogs didn't experiment further and move past the "gateway drug" to harder "drugs" heheheheeee. :)
Yah, It wasn't too much later after that I came home and my dog was in the corner mainlining heroin with a turkey baster.
Weed was funny, but H was not. I immediately had her put down. No hard drugs is a pack rule. She had to go.



Well-Known Member
My dog once ate a bunch of roaches. Like 10-15 of them! He wasn't right for the rest of the day. He was so stoned he wouldn't even get up for his favorite treat. I had to carry him up and down the stairs. He doesn't care for bud or trim, just roaches. :weed:

Man o' the green

Active Member
This is a repost from me earlier this week on :

I was over at a friend's house last year, and he was making cannabutter with some leftover stems and such. We then dumped the remains from the cooking ( minus most of the butter ) into the back yard to clean up later.
I'm sure that dog smelled the butter as soon as we let it outside, and went straight for it. We were so high that we weren't paying attention. The dog came back in looking a little confused, then puked the green stuff all over the floor. The first thought was that the dog had eaten something poisonous, but the answer was obvious.
Just to be sure, we looked up anything we could find on pet poisoning or intoxication, and nothing showed that even a large dose would be dangerous. Going to the vet would have been worse than pointless.
Very soon we noticed the dog swaying back and forth on it's feet, and had a very glassy look in it's eyes. That dog sat in the corner for hours just looking stoned. Not happy or sad, just dazed.
The cannabutter never worked well for us, but we must have extracted something to get the dog that high.
About 6 hours later the dog was normal and eating everything it could.
Most harmless drug ever.

Ace Smoking

Active Member
Well my dog is back home after a $300 vet bill. He's still a bit out of it, but his pupils aren't dilated anymore and he can walk. He munched out pretty hard when he got home. But yeah, be careful with that cannabutter waste. Dogs evidently love it.....And if you think your dog has been bit by a snake, do yourself a favor and save $300 by checking for puncture wounds before rushing it to the vet. - Article interviewing a vet talking about an increase in doped up dogs. - For those who think its funny to get your dog high when it doesn't want to. Generally it won't hurt your dog, but it is toxic and high level doses can cause seizures and comas. Plus if its an inside dog the piss and diarrhea is reason enough to avoid the situation


New Member
I never get my dogs high ... since i do most of my smoking outdoors, but I can see that in an apartment a contact high is unavoidable.

Harvest time is another matter however... :lol:

Sorry to hear you had to pay to find out, but very glad ur dog is over it.


Staff member
sad you have to be carefuldogs puppies wil get into anything i mean ANYTHING my friend and i baked a bach of brownies with weed (duh) anyways
we cut up the pieces and put them in like tupperwear conatiners, anyways he put them under his bed cause he lived with his mom and he didnt think his dog would smell or beable to get at tehm
anyways he dog ate the entire pan of chocolate weed brownies was okay though just reallly highthe dog just went to sleep lol

my puppy idk how she did it but jumped onto my computer desk where i had a bottle of midol , (think she takes after the two cats in the house) and she chewed the thing right open i dont think she ate any but still scary im super careful now because they just dont know any better


Well-Known Member
When I was a teenager my uncle had a doberman that would follow the joint around when it was passed. He would put his head in your lap til you blew him your exhale and then he would go to the next person. Laziest doberman I have ever seen.
i had experience with a really old pittbull. he actually jumped in my lap in an arm chair while i was hitting an overlarged steamroller. that dog loved weed, im pretty sure it actually helped with the dogs arthritis cuz the dog would get around better too.


Well-Known Member
I've heard of people getting in shit with the cops in similar situation, maybe a good cleanup of your place is in order.


Active Member
i smoked with an old dealer once. A friend and I were hanging out shooting the shit when he pulls out this nug that is so covered in crystals it almost looks like a glass ornament from christmas or something. we smoke it and im fucked but my friend just lays down on the couch and twitches for like an hour before i can convince him to leave. No idea what strain it was. I was in highschool and didnt know there were so man. The guy only called it "Naggles"