This is a repost from me earlier this week on :
I was over at a friend's house last year, and he was making cannabutter with some leftover stems and such. We then dumped the remains from the cooking ( minus most of the butter ) into the back yard to clean up later.
I'm sure that dog smelled the butter as soon as we let it outside, and went straight for it. We were so high that we weren't paying attention. The dog came back in looking a little confused, then puked the green stuff all over the floor. The first thought was that the dog had eaten something poisonous, but the answer was obvious.
Just to be sure, we looked up anything we could find on pet poisoning or intoxication, and nothing showed that even a large dose would be dangerous. Going to the vet would have been worse than pointless.
Very soon we noticed the dog swaying back and forth on it's feet, and had a very glassy look in it's eyes. That dog sat in the corner for hours just looking stoned. Not happy or sad, just dazed.
The cannabutter never worked well for us, but we must have extracted something to get the dog that high.
About 6 hours later the dog was normal and eating everything it could.
Most harmless drug ever.