Pet got into my stash stories

Shoot, if bk78 is going to put up cat in the grow photos, I may as well do it too.
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(His cat and grow are obviously a bit more premium than mine)

I’m not sure if I am more horrified or amused by this thread though.

I once left about an eighth of weed in a small glass jar in the night stand of my room at my folks house when I went back to college. It was tucked behind a book and was for my brother, we figured our parents were less likely to find it in my vacant room.

Our cat found it, knocked it over and was apparently batting the buds around in the carpet when our mom went in to investigate.

My brother called me to tell me what had happened and to let me know I needed to call our mom to discuss. She had utterly freaked out and steam cleaned then vacuumed the carpet obsessively.

I called her and found out she was afraid it was going to sprout in the carpet, hence the obsessive cleaning. She thought it grew like a fungus. For a smart lady, she was pretty uninformed about cannabis.

My brother also told me he immediately could tell that the cat had ingested some of it too. He sequestered the cat in his room and said his eyes were fully dilated for about 6 hours. He kept making low growling noises and pouncing on things that were not there. He then slept it off for about 8 hours.

Our mom was pissed, my brother cracked under questioning and shared that we’d smoked pot together pretty much every night that summer. She probably would have taken the cat in to get his stomach pumped if she’d realized he’d eaten it. My brother kept that part to himself at least.
I cant recall who posted the pic but it was a little seedling that had cracked and sprouted up from the carpet in their car.
Maybe mom wasnt so far off the mark? haha

Then again, this was a pretty filthy carpet that looked like it had its own eco system. I doubt mom let her floors get that dirty.

I want the gnome. Where did you get it? Finally impressed me.
I spied that too. I want one!
I cant recall who posted the pic but it was a little seedling that had cracked and sprouted up from the carpet in their car.
Maybe mom wasnt so far off the mark? haha

Then again, this was a pretty filthy carpet that looked like it had its own eco system. I doubt mom let her floors get that dirty.

I spied that too. I want one!
I'm looking to carve one from an oak log for my front walk. This isn't me until after hours. LOL.

Bong hit @0.15.
He's way better than I got when I had some. After I hit myself a few times with my homemade ones when I was a kid I ordered the white foam practice ones from AWMA. I ordered regular ones too, but that shit hurts if you fuck up, lol.

He's way better than I got when I had some. After I hit myself a few times with my homemade ones when I was a kid I ordered the white foam practice ones from AWMA. I ordered regular ones too, but that shit hurts if you fuck up, lol.

The ones in that picture are straight ogre clubs. I swung them around the other day for the first time in years. I was pretty rusty, but I still managed to pull off a few tricks. I would say at a point I was about as good as Nick Diaz from what I've seen. Ah, but I've left that all in my past... Now I just mediate and tend to my herb garden out here on Dagobah. Ninjutsu is a young man's game.