My earlobes are cold

i'm living in arizona but i'm old and am craving moving back to snow country. i'm canadian/american so i have a lot of territory to consider. i just want to rent an apartment a few floors up with a nice balcony. bundle up and sit out there with my mighty, digging the cold, white beauty of winter. 45 degrees is cold around here. while i'm in a short sleaved shirt with the windows open.
Except coming down.
i had rules when i dealt coke. my best friend would stop by at 3 a.m., knocking on my bedroom window begging me to just sell him another 1/8th. i never gave in as it would have encouraged him. he was smoking it at this point which makes you want more about 75% more than snorting it. weed is my first love but i never dream about it. after i stopped snorthing and occasionally smoking it, i used to dream about smoking it. it was calling to me. i smoked a decent amount of heroin in thailand. loved the high but never dreamed about it. smoking coke is the worst addiction. great fucking high though. i don't even watch movies with coke in it. gives me the willies.

if you have enough (via selling it) that shit will kill you. i lucked out.