My experience with food stamps

You must have never heard of classes. As in, the lower class who goes to the ER and the upper class who gets any treatment they desire.

But we all know you're not that bright, so no surprise here.
He's acting like a silly dipshit. He knows. Or he's one dumb fuck for real. He damned sure can't afford the best.
It's one Kynes developed in Oakland.


a lack of ideas, education, intellect or cleverness leads to the old standby, ethnic slurs.

next stop, gibbering fusillades of four letter words and Howard Stern ripoffs.

im bracing myself for your Coup de Grace, a wall of copy/paste BabaBooeys.

you sir, a a real genius.

and by genius i mean festering anal wart.

a lack of ideas, education, intellect or cleverness leads to the old standby, ethnic slurs.

next stop, gibbering fusillades of four letter words and Howard Stern ripoffs.

im bracing myself for your Coup de Grace, a wall of copy/paste BabaBooeys.

you sir, a a real genius.

and by genius i mean festering anal wart.
You have no idea the depth of hurt inflicted by the meaningless gibberish your phony intellect causes you to utter. NOT. You have 2 cents worth of education and a hyper-inflated ego - a know-nothing bag of air that has been called that by those closest to you all your life.
Kynes is a true leader. Of course he has no following and in real life would gather none. So he holds forth on internet forums - sharing his "wisdom" with any foolish enough to not read between the lines. But, like in real life, his followers drift away and most do it sooner rather than later. No problem for Kynes. Rejection is a way of life for him and he has developed numerous coping mechanisms such as avoidance to deal with it. Bet they had to tie a pork chop around his neck to get the family dog to even go near him when he was a child.
No he is saying you blow black people in oakland

psst... i kinda got that, i was taking the high road.

i doubt theres a twelve year old on the planet who would fail to recognize their intellectual soul-mate in harley's low-rent highrise brand of public toilet graffiti.

he seems quite perturbed by my disdain for his rhetorical talents, perhaps he may even begin posting pictures with words on them.

or, perhaps some "Yo Mama so Fat" snaps? dare we dream?

the intellectual world awaits, with bated breath.
psst... i kinda got that, i was taking the high road.

i doubt theres a twelve year old on the planet who would fail to recognize their intellectual soul-mate in harley's low-rent highrise brand of public toilet graffiti.

he seems quite perturbed by my disdain for his rhetorical talents, perhaps he may even begin posting pictures with words on them.

or, perhaps some "Yo Mama so Fat" snaps? dare we dream?

the intellectual world awaits, with bated breath.

I think your funny most of the time even when I disagree With you.
I think your funny most of the time even when I disagree With you.

ohh you do flatter so...

i often find my own assumptions challenged by your statements, and your perspective, and even when i disagree with your position, i do not disdain your right to hold it, nor do i condemn you as a person for daring to disagree.

very few positions can mark one out a irredeemably stupid, such as, just as an example, support for Stalinist Authoritarian Marxism, claiming that the Holocaust never happened, or arguing that moslem theocracies are less harmful than other theocratic dictatorships.

but the most egregious and vile sin any rhetorician can make, is to claim absolute authority on a subject and declare all other viewpoints absolutely invalid. thats what this thread, and it's OP are all about.

X is right, all the time, no matter what
i agree with X so i am therefore always right too, on every subject
disagreeing with me = disagreeing with X
disagreeing with X = excommunicatus pro omni tempore

The Originating Post, and (as a result of his collected works on this forum) it's poster are both beyond redemption, and should be treated as what they are, small petty bigoted brainfarts unworthy of the honor of being seen by potheads.
ohh you do flatter so...

i often find my own assumptions challenged by your statements, and your perspective, and even when i disagree with your position, i do not disdain your right to hold it, nor do i condemn you as a person for daring to disagree.

very few positions can mark one out a irredeemably stupid, such as, just as an example, support for Stalinist Authoritarian Marxism, claiming that the Holocaust never happened, or arguing that moslem theocracies are less harmful than other theocratic dictatorships.

but the most egregious and vile sin any rhetorician can make, is to claim absolute authority on a subject and declare all other viewpoints absolutely invalid. thats what this thread, and it's OP are all about.

X is right, all the time, no matter what
i agree with X so i am therefore always right too, on every subject
disagreeing with me = disagreeing with X
disagreeing with X = excommunicatus pro omni tempore

The Originating Post, and (as a result of his collected works on this forum) it's poster are both beyond redemption, and should be treated as what they are, small petty bigoted brainfarts unworthy of the honor of being seen by potheads.

Why dont you try to get a writing gig?
reported as prisoner #56802's magically gayer sock puppet.

it's hard to be more flamingly homosexual than prisoner #56802 was, but somehow this new sock puppet has succeeded.

i would admire this feat if i weren't so busy being annoyed by it.