My experience with meth

Be carfull that's a crazy demon to tame. It's wich craft hitler maid it with his science majors Bringing in cores of chemical from far corners of earth to brew a spell of death.. It's still cooked in secret like witches over a boiling pot of potion. It's funn a first it'll get u laid but man it ain't worth it. Good luck you'll need it..
merck invented it,but,hitler did take 5 shots a day reportedly.
he also only had one testicle and his mother was half jewish:-)
Ive tried it.... everytime its done nothing for me... A little more alert but can fall asleep like nothin.

Wasn't what I expected, thought it'd be more intense than coke.
About 15 years ago I got into it kinda heavy. I had a friend that cooked it, we called it crank. A couple hits from a glass pipe and you were up at least 24 hours. I don't miss that part of my life at all.
If I want that speed rush now I would just smoke some freebase coke. It wears off way faster and doesn't fuck up my sleep schedule.
Never liked it myself but I can remember it as far back as early 70's. As easy to get as weed and acid. Also had a lot of "beans"/"cross tops" around, they were actually more popular with most heads back then.
i lived in Oklahoma..nuff said.
you know its bad when you go to the grocery store,and on the front wall is a huge poster "purchases of these items in large or frequent quantities may indicate methamphetamine manufacture." and then pictures of propane tanks,sudafed,coffee filters,matches ect...
we bought glass from an 80yr old lady.
shits crazy.
btw, that was a joke, or was it??
seriously though, never got much into meth, no real euphoria for me, but i've only snorted it a hand full of times.. always preferred coke tbh..
Hi all

In europe meth is rare as fuck and all yopu hear about it is utter and complete destruction stories from the us and pictures of monsters and the like.
I have a friend whos a chemist and had some propper glasy stuff, i was impressed as id only seen the odd pic online and it looked even glassier, almost completely clear glass.
Anyhow she says you shouldnt consume the pure crystal is too potent so shed made a mix of i think 1:5 ratio with powdered sugar for snorting. Anyhow she sorted me a line of what she said had probably 20 micrograms worth of the crystal.
It did make me rush a bit and danced a good while, mild euphoria nothing extreme, Basically like speed but much! cleaner. It was a pretty nice stimulant especially considering the minuscule dose. Id consider taking it again if i have a lot of clipping to do or dirt to mix. Maybe even party if i cant get source good mdma. Though i can see it being almost a completely different drug if taken in much higher doses, i think ill stick to close to threshold. was almost enough for me.
That's nasty eeewwwww
Fuck meth
cant get over 85.5% and have stable solid crystals..ask your friend..but im sure it was the shimmy-shimmy:-)
ill have some b4 xmas if i get off my ass...
now a lil meth and molly,thats a good way to "enjoy" meth..if youve got a weekend:-D
Aaaawwwwww c'mon guys wtf?!
Smoke weed!!!