My experience with meth

Today they use some non amph. adhd type stimulant that barely works

I rember 'gaining access' to the CD fallout shelters as a kid to gain the phenobarbital in the med kits

I had thousands of phenobarbital. I couldnt give those suckers away. And i tried. My girlfriend and i filled plastic eggs with pills, cross tops, quaaludes, chloral hydrate, doriden and, mostly phenobarbs. We put them in little easter baskets along with real eggs and chocolate bunnies and handed them out for easter. Nobody ate many of the phenos.
lol..i had a friend who robbed a drug store distribution center blind of their supply of barbituates..all in all i think 8 huge pharmacists bottles..never got even asked about it either..lucky..
but he couldnt give em away either:-D
Yea, phenobarbital was not popular with most people I knew. Reds(Seconal) was much more in demand.
My experience with meth is watching some friends I grew up with destroy their lives and end up with nothing except time in jail. Yep, those people will be the ones working picking up cigarette butts in McDonalds parking lot in a few years. I always wondered how they found people to do those shitty jobs, now I know.
I could always tell a meth head. Look under their kitchen sink. If it was clean, well there you have it. I did the most insane things. All of my tools wrapped in grip tape, cigars organized by year and country of origin, hash rolled into tiny two hit balls, shucking peanuts, shells in one bag, nuts in another, pounds of them. I hate peanuts. Studied theology when i couldnt sleep.

I finally checked into rehab. I doubt you have ever seen a man chase a pound of skittles with a jalf gallon of coca cola before.

And i have the partials in my mouth to remind me.

Crank, gack. I purposefully avoided anyone who i used with for ever. Now it is known to me that one dose could very well kill me. Atrial defib. I was never frightened when i was in the er. But the look on my wifes face almost brings me to tears to this very day. The horror, the fear, the sadness the helplessness as she heard the heart monitor go into a constant buzz. I will not put her through that again.
I could always tell a meth head. Look under their kitchen sink. If it was clean, well there you have it. I did the most insane things. All of my tools wrapped in grip tape, cigars organized by year and country of origin, hash rolled into tiny two hit balls, shucking peanuts, shells in one bag, nuts in another, pounds of them. I hate peanuts. Studied theology when i couldnt sleep.

I finally checked into rehab. I doubt you have ever seen a man chase a pound of skittles with a jalf gallon of coca cola before.

And i have the partials in my mouth to remind me.

Crank, gack. I purposefully avoided anyone who i used with for ever. Now it is known to me that one dose could very well kill me. Atrial defib. I was never frightened when i was in the er. But the look on my wifes face almost brings me to tears to this very day. The horror, the fear, the sadness the helplessness as she heard the heart monitor go into a constant buzz. I will not put her through that again.
felt the same way waking up getting dragged to the car after that 80mg shot of o.c....
dancing with the devil in the pale moon light is not for me anymore...
just curious.why do you "clean out" houses?

Well, if someone starts using meth later in life when they own a house they are making payments on, they tend to loose the house. Then the house gets sold at auction and some unlucky bastard gets to tell the occupants they need to leave before the SHERIFF SHOWS UP because none of us want the SHERIFF TO SHOW UP now do we. After the tweekers leave some unlucky bastard gets to clean up their shit so the house can get painted and sold again. This often entails removing 20 to 200 partially disassembled vacuum cleaners. Not sure why tweekers like them. My theory is they take them apart to see where their trash disappeared to. Next, you remove several hundred plastic bags of trash that they had been hording since the trash company cut off their service.

Somewhere along the line, every tweeker decides that actually cleaning house is for retards and beneath their intellect. Mind you I keep a pretty dirty house but this goes far beyond that. Imagine a house that was cleaned maybe once after it was purchased and then never again for the 8 to 10 years it was tweeked in. Hopefully they were only cooking in the garage since it is easier to clean up the phosphorus stains there than the tile in the kitchen. See, it's important to clean a house properly lest it get labeled a "Meth Lab" then it gets really hard to sell.

Often times, if there are dogs or small children and they are never allowed to go outside to use the bathroom. More than one time I've found a room piled with 18" of shit. Just imagine what you find when you shovel that out the window and finally start scraping up carpet. Don't imagine it, you find ticks crawling around like ants. There you happy now that that shit has been burned into your brain?

The only thing I can say is, if you every buy a house, talk to the neighbors, make sure tweekers weren't living there. That house is mojo voodoo shit and you don't want to live there. I'm not just talking about the chemicals from the meth cooking either.
Hi all

In europe meth is rare as fuck and all yopu hear about it is utter and complete destruction stories from the us and pictures of monsters and the like.
I have a friend whos a chemist and had some propper glasy stuff, i was impressed as id only seen the odd pic online and it looked even glassier, almost completely clear glass.
Anyhow she says you shouldnt consume the pure crystal is too potent so shed made a mix of i think 1:5 ratio with powdered sugar for snorting. Anyhow she sorted me a line of what she said had probably 20 micrograms worth of the crystal.
It did make me rush a bit and danced a good while, mild euphoria nothing extreme, Basically like speed but much! cleaner. It was a pretty nice stimulant especially considering the minuscule dose. Id consider taking it again if i have a lot of clipping to do or dirt to mix. Maybe even party if i cant get source good mdma. Though i can see it being almost a completely different drug if taken in much higher doses, i think ill stick to close to threshold. was almost enough for me.

yeah it gets way better then that but dont do too much or you wont sleep for 3 fucking days

ive snorted some meth a few odd times and its good but the coming down is fucking shit

honestly id stick to a lighter stimulant man like phenylpropanolamine

and ik this was a month ago lol but still hahaha just thought id share
Of allthe drugs this 62 year old man has experienced, meth taught me the leadt and provided me the least enlightenment, the least joy. It eas the only substance that sent me to detox and agony.

The high is magnificent, sad and lonely. The consequnces are depressing and forlorn. I will never claim that meth is wrong, i cannot make that call for another but know full well that a man who has never forsaken any substance found that this one alone was utterly unfulfilling anf fraught with peril. Little good can ever come from meth. I place it at the very bottom of all the many drugs i have danced with.

Please be careful with this one. Very very cateful.
Of allthe drugs this 62 year old man has experienced, meth taught me the leadt and provided me the least enlightenment, the least joy. It eas the only substance that sent me to detox and agony.
The high is magnificent, sad and lonely. The consequnces are depressing and forlorn. I will never claim that meth is wrong, i cannot make that call for another but know full well that a man who has never forsaken any substance found that this one alone was utterly unfulfilling anf fraught with peril. Little good can ever come from meth. I place it at the very bottom of all the many drugs i have danced with.

Please be careful with this one. Very very cateful.

Im gonna take that pretty seriously!
Ive not taken it since and have gone dancing plenty of times and didnt think about it. I dont think ill ever do it again and if i do it will be in the same miniscule amount lol.
Of allthe drugs this 62 year old man has experienced, meth taught me the leadt and provided me the least enlightenment, the least joy. It eas the only substance that sent me to detox and agony.

The high is magnificent, sad and lonely. The consequnces are depressing and forlorn. I will never claim that meth is wrong, i cannot make that call for another but know full well that a man who has never forsaken any substance found that this one alone was utterly unfulfilling anf fraught with peril. Little good can ever come from meth. I place it at the very bottom of all the many drugs i have danced with.

Please be careful with this one. Very very cateful.
Yeah bro, thanks for giving ths 58 year old youngster sound advice! haha. Reckon that I'll just be taking your word on this one...