I dunno about you but I feel like the roor packs a much bigger punch
My vape takes a while to get me high, I have to sit around it for about 5 minutes until I start feeling really baked, it is a different high from my bong but it seems to wear off quicker
I want to try a bag vape, seems like a would prefer them to the whip
yeah i like sitting on bags, i couldnt imagine hitting it straight from a whip with hot vapor
first dude, chill. You should know me. I like a good argument not because it strokes ego but its a good brain exercise. So chilllllllllll

in the end its the internet, and in the end you probably wont change anyones opinions.. just like I probably wont change yours, and thats ok.
yes I can bro.
you're acting like I"m some stupid newb who just randomly got bronchitis one day and blamed it on the vaporizer, which I find pretty fuckin offensive bro. just because you LOVE vapes doesn't mean they're 100% healthy for you.
No bro,
I respect you. I'm not bitching at you, I tried to induce conversation in the most non confrontational way possible
I was coughing out EVERY hit while I was sick, the vape is 100% the reason I got bronchitis then pneumonia. I"ve smoked through colds SEVERAL times without this EVER h appening so yes. it was the vaporizer,don't even try and convince me it wasnt.
seriously bro, just because you're a vaporizing elitist doesn't mean it's the best thing on fucking earth with NO drawbacks whatsoever. if you're inhaling something other than AIR AND WATER it will fuck with somebodys lungs out there. just because it doeosn't fuck with yours doesn't mean you can say it didn't fuck with mine, now kindly fuck off with this bullshit, this is like the 3rd time you've tried to say that it wasn't the vaporizer when there is NOTHING ELSE IT COULD HAVE POSSIBLY BEEN.
LOL i'm not a vaporizing elitist, but I had thought you were before as in ONLY vape. I still smoke up on my bong, i still burn jays every day, with the occasional blunt and I love it... but in the end of the day i put out my opinion that if I HAD to choose one it'd be the vape.
I mean dude I had never had bronchitis in my entire life before that happened, I hadn't had pneumonia since I was 4 years old... I've been sick several times with the same kind of cold and smoked through it wihtout developing bronchitis or pneumonia. you're a fool if you think the vaporizer is so great that you can vape through a cold and not fuck it up worse.
This statement I have to focus on a little bit more..
Okay, so you've NEVER had a cold develop into bronchitis. At least NEVER before vaporizing. So your conclusion is that vaporizing is the SOLE reason you got bronchitis. NOTHING else had a hand in giving you bronchitis, yes?
People other than pot heads and cigarette smokers get bronchitis and pneumonia after a cold. They have been getting bronchitis since forever. Bronchitis is not NEW like vaporizing.
>>>> Well what gives everyone else bronchitis? WHY is it
not even in the realm of possibility that YOU contracted bronchitis because of the SAME reasons EVERYONE else does? Why are YOU the special one who is 100% immune to bronchitis and pneumonia UNLESS your vaporizing??
/\ that is my main argument
To quote you,
if you're inhaling something other than AIR AND WATER it will fuck with somebodys lungs out there.
So whats the difference between smoke and vapor? What makes smoke including tar better on the lungs than a vaporizer?
Do you think its logical to say that SMOKING and could induce bronchitis that brings on pneumonia too?
you're a fool if you think the vaporizer is so great that you can vape through a cold and not fuck it up worse.
I don't believe I ever said that, I just said how can you be 100% sure that the vaporizer was the cause of it. I said that there are MANY things that cause a cold to develop into bronchitis
the way I see it is this, smoking 6000 years, vaporizing less than 30. our body is obviously better adapted for one than the other, and to try to act like that isn't the case is pure foolishness.
Has every single human being that has existed in the last 6000 years smoked? I dont think so.
It's my recollection that
static environmental conditions induce evolution. And
when there is a mutation in the DNA, it either helps the animal live, or it doesnt. The animals that get these mutations, and go onto reproduce carry on the mutation and the species eventually evolves.
Here is a direct quote from CANORML, do you believe in THAT organizations work? If you do then the below may suprise you? Or you can just choose to
not believe it. Which is fine, because everyone is entitled to an opinion unless its something like refusing to believe the earth is round.. check the bold.
ike tobacco, marijuana smoke contains toxins that are known to be hazardous to the respiratory system. Among them are the highly carcinogenic polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, a prime suspect in cigarette-related cancers. These toxins are essentially a byproduct of combustion, separate from the pharmaceutically active components of marijuana, known as cannabinoids, which include THC. Although there is no proof that marijuana smoking causes cancer, chronic pot smokers have been shown to suffer an elevated risk of bronchitis and respiratory infections. Respiratory disease due to smoking may therefore rightly be regarded as the primary physiological hazard of marijuana. Cannabis vaporizers are designed to let users inhale active cannabinoids while avoiding harmful smoke toxins. They do so by heating cannabis to a temperature of 180 - 200° C (356° - 392° F), just below the point of combustion where smoke is produced. At this point, THC and other medically active cannabinoids are emitted with little or none of the carcinogenic tars and noxious gases found in smoke. Many medical marijuana patients who find smoked marijuana highly irritating report effective relief inhaling through vaporizers. Users who are concerned about the respiratory hazards of smoking are strongly advised to use vaporizers. Alternative devices, such as waterpipes, have been shown to be ineffective at reducing the tars in marijuana smoke
Users who are concerned about the respiratory hazards of smoking are strongly advised to use vaporizers.
It seems like myself and CANORML agree on that basic point..
You can argue your point of evolution all day. I can't proove that your wrong, evolution is shaky ground and there is no "definitive proof" of evolution. Just like abortion isn't wrong or right, EVERYONE has an opinion.
But - In the end it seems to me that the only difference in a vaporizer VS smoking is this:
1. A vaporizer produces the cannabinoids into a vapor, by heating the herbs just BELOW combustion.
2. A bong burns the cannabis, which releases the SAME cannabinoids into a mix of burned plant matter/tar.
I see NO other difference, besides other shit in smoke (like tar)
that couldn't POSSIBLY help your lungs
With all that said poplars, I truly enjoy our conversations. I wouldn't be pondering the idea you proposed unless you came out and said it.
Understand I don't want to be hostile, I like you, you grow some good weed and bring some good knowledge to the forum
I hope we can continue this in a chlled out manner

pass the j to poplars