yes i feel like people try to use vapes, expect smoke to pour out, and dont know how to use it and just dont like it and hate on it forever like, 'fuck vapes that doesnt work blunts all day nigger blunts allllll got damn day'
then i set up the volcano, and they're barely through the first bag and theyre like, 'oh no man im good' and im just like bitch keep going we got like 4 more bags on this bowl
ya feel?
I know this is probably way late but anyway.. I completely agree with you 110%. Unfortunately I don't have my Volcano anymore, sold it to a homie cuz I used to be addicted to opiates and at the time needed extra $$$, but for the years that I did have it I can definitely relay some relevant experiences on this topic. In terms of health problems associated w/ vaping the Volcano is in a whole other category from every other vape out there. Other vapes might be made with plastic, get too hot to the point of smoke (being bad for your lungs), have an imprecise temp display, and in general may produce a vapor that contains carcinogens or other harmful substances. The volcano is a remarkable feat of German engineering which retains a calibrated accuracy to within 1-2 degrees of the temp listed, is not made with plastic and extensive testing specifically with the Volcano shows that it has no harmful chemicals,carcinogens or components in its vapor at what I believe was tested around 350-360 degrees F.
That being said, when I had my Volcano and vaped I would vape every day and it felt like pure medicine to me. It was so clean and amazing that I would use it specifically MORE if I was sick or had some other health issue. When I had alcohol poisoning, for example, and was admitted to the hospital after I got out I felt so sick and weak that I could barely get out of bed. When I vaped tho it was so relieving and worked so well as a medicine, it was better than taking any over the counter cold medicine. Likewise when I had a cold or any other sickness, vaping out of the volcano was pure medicine and in no way did it ever make me sick and actually the opposite. Now the testing showed that at 350-360 degrees there were no harmful chemicals but the Volcano, and most other vapes, can go well beyond that and the volcano goes up to 446 degrees a whole 100 degrees hotter. Now to thy guy saying he sold his vape bcuz he needs that bong rip, we'll trust me if you vape at 446 right off the bat, you get a milky white and yellowish bag that will get you more ripped than just about any bong. For volcano users this does make your bags not last as long tho however if you didn't know you can buy turkey bags at the store or the material from Storz and Bickel (I'd also recommend any1 to get the Easy Valve since although they say you can't replace the bags you can and it's super easy just google how). That being said tho that is almost equivalent to smoking and I think could definitely contribute to some health issues. Although studies have conclusively shown that smoking weed and cigarettes vs just cigarettes is better for you and weed helps fight the carcinogenic properties of cigs. One thing I've noticed tho that almost all Volcano users never do is vary e temp when they vape so
ATTENTION All Volcano Users:
If you only vape on one temperature you're missing out and you can get 20x more out of it if you increase the temp for every or every other bag. I will list a couple temp cycles that I and another friend carefully and precisely developed over the many years that we both used the Volcano. My friend liked starting out lower and was careful not to burn it while I tended to like it a little hotter not minding if near the end of the cycle it might be a little hot for some. In displaying the cycle temps I will use (MJ) to represent my friend and (CK) for mine:
MJ CK. CK#2 (Bong Lovers Cycle)
(1) 350*. 355. 360
(2) 355*. 360. 367
(3) 361*. 366. 384
(4). 367*. 372. 392
(5). 374*. 378. 400
(6). 382* 385. 410
Op (7). 392. 420

Op (

. 400. 446 #
Op (9). 410
Op (10). 420
* Vape 2 bags for each temp listed
# Completely optional and only recommend if you don't mind vaping super hot temps and know that vaping hot temps may resinate your bags quicker and can potentially be more harmful than vaping at lower temps. Spread this and Volcano users rejoice!