My ficticous first grow

well its may 1st and like a true stoner i've been slack so heres the brief start-up:

april 4th geminated 12 seeds (all bag)
april 7th 8 taproots trans plant all 12 to soil and into the old phototron for seedling development
april 9th 4 sprouts some hope on the remaining light cycle at 18-6
april 17 i now have 4 leaves still 1 fan each on the 4 that came up
april 17 a new sprout has appeared from the group that didn't tap root
april 20 the 4 originals now each have 3 leaf fans on the next branch
april 21 repot to 3 to 1 gallon 1 still seems ok in the cup and the sprout hasn't really grown
april 23 cam and 1st pix


keepin on with the update:
april 24th time to move to the closet 2ftx3ftx6ft
i'm lighting with 9 23w cfls 6500k about 3 inches above with the ability to eaily add another 4-8 but i'm on a budget and 9 seem to be doin the trick so far
april 28 with continued acclerated growth looks like repot time again
april 29 OHHHHH noooooo it was brutally cold last night and 2 plants are drooping like mad.
april 30th added heat last night and looks like health improving also prolly alittle over watered so i haven't since the initial water when i repoted


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hey just so you know, if anything you ever posted on the internet were actually admitted into a court of law, your little disclaimer sig is worthless
ok its may 1st and i'ts now 21 days since the first sprout
looks like i survived the cold transplant things are still moving along
i went to 5 gallon buckets with the main 3 i went to 2 gallon with the next and one gallon with the sproutling
all of them had full root growth ie i could see nice white roots at edges of medium when i transplanted
the sproutling has me puzzled in that its essentially the same age range but had grown down instead of up it seems it was packed full of roots by comparison of of any of the others that transplanted.
oh and yes i'm using action figures so i cann keep different plants seperate if i decide to clone
heres the new pics 2 of each including "the lil clown"


after smoking one and thinking about it here's a basic overview and a few thoughts and questions:

i have basically 2 identical spaces 2x3x6ft with essentially the same lighting available (8 and 9 cfls 6500k for veg gonna lower it to bloom)
spaces have adequate ventillation and no light between the 2

ok my first grow is in side a,
1. how long in veg should i wait to bloom?
2. i'm concerned about sexing since its bag seed
3. when should i start the other side in order to keep a regular cycle?
4. should i clone and start a batch from seed? or just 1 or the other?
5. i'm sure i have a million other questions i'm all kinds of stressed since its my first real attempt, even tho i think they look ok so far

it is day 21ish since the popped up so time to start planning
i'm noticing some odd leaf growth on one of my plants. if you notice it the 7th pic the leaf is missing the center section. well after looking i noticed alot of my under growth is showing this same trait. any ideas or am i just being paranoid?