My First Attempt at a Hidden Grow (Tips Please) Pics Included


Well-Known Member
Cheers guys im not working atm so just dont have the money to buy anything but i start a small job next week so i will be buying x 2 400w hps.

I made the rookie mistake of thinking the plants wouldnt grow much on flower other than budding so moved the light and yup strech !

Theres alot ill be doing differently on the next batch thats for sure.

i plan to pick up another cfl today and a small fan to go in the cab as mines died.


Well-Known Member
thats a very good question and tbh im not really sure i could probably work it out from my first post. Ive got the pics taken but didnt have time to upload etc before work. hope to get them up soon. found some gnat lava too -.- think i found them quick enough tho , joys of having ur head in ur cab 24/7 lol

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
haha you should be kind of trying to keep track of things... at least mark shit on a calender.

it helps down the road when your feeding, and if anything bad goes wrong you can look back and see what you have or have not been doing.

and when you get those 400watters your gonna hafto boost your airflow. and make a few adjustments.\\good luck rasta


Well-Known Member
haha you should be kind of trying to keep track of things... at least mark shit on a calender.

it helps down the road when your feeding, and if anything bad goes wrong you can look back and see what you have or have not been doing.

and when you get those 400watters your gonna hafto boost your airflow. and make a few adjustments.\\good luck rasta
Cheers dude i did mark my flower date but not the date i started them lol i can trace it back. Going to use a different cab for the hps dont wanna burn the house down lol


Active Member
looking nice bra..
Im sure some haters are quite now. working on a similar project except with cfl and autofems.
I will be standing by to see what comes of this.


Well-Known Member
looking nice bra..
Im sure some haters are quite now. working on a similar project except with cfl and autofems.
I will be standing by to see what comes of this.

yeah it does make me smile u wont get bud blah blah , im starring at some right now :P lol heh comes updates !


Well-Known Member
Right so these photos are old now i ment to update before but net died so going to get this old update up then the new one


Well-Known Member
These photos were taken in my original cab , start of flowering ive got 5 defo fems now and i still have 3 unknown in veg , trying to get a mother going with one of them.

I gained a bug problem as you can see in the picture. i killed most without chems quite effectively too but got some spray and wiped the fuckers out they were feeding on my roots !



Well-Known Member
Just thought id post what i used to wipe out the gnat lava it did a brillaint job and it didnt harm the plants either very happy about that lol.

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Recently met a couple more smokers near by me which is nice as i know no one here >.<

Good guys too , i even got offered a spare light which i glady accepted.

Didnt have anywhere to put it tho , so a quick mission back to my old place to reclaim this.

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Now ive got space and wattage for some trees :D

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The plants have come from my original cab are still the same seedlings from page 1.

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Since my last update the sex signs have become bud sites and i have quite a few :)

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Sorry about pics im shit with cameras lol and my lights on a time tucked away so it cant be fiddled with lol.

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Ive still got the original cab so im going to use it to start vegging some more seeds and try and run a cycle.

Cant wait to grow my next bunch with my new found knowledge and equipment :D

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ive also got these two , i havent had the heart to kill them , they just been sat in my storage room , there more like house plants lol strechariffic :P


Well-Known Member
hahaha i even spaced the pic so the doors opened as u scrolled down lol. cheers sae ill have a read , id still ike urs if uve still got them apprently my wages are paying bank charges atm >:(

Ive been fucking about with the height of the lamp not used to it yet. i get it in a suitable place , then they grow within a day and the tips begin to burn.

dropped the light on the plants this morning so decided to just stick it at the top and leave fuck alone lol.

im trying to clone the bits that broke of but i only have water :/


Well-Known Member
So its the first chart i need and my light being where it is ive effectively made it as effective as my cfls in that box lol.

gonna get the tape measure out and have an adjust.


Well-Known Member
always nice aint it :D lol

Ive got the light 20" above the canopy now. I guess ideally i want it about 13"-14" but it feels far too hot on my hand there so its defo going to cook them.

Next on my agenda is to paint / line the inside and sort out some fans mines huge takes up to much space and i have to point it at the wall of the cab or its like a whirl wind in there.

Might be tempted to have the fans out my pc but im not a fan of bodge job wiring.


Well-Known Member
hahaha i even spaced the pic so the doors opened as u scrolled down lol. cheers sae ill have a read , id still ike urs if uve still got them apprently my wages are paying bank charges atm >:(

Ive been fucking about with the height of the lamp not used to it yet. i get it in a suitable place , then they grow within a day and the tips begin to burn.

dropped the light on the plants this morning so decided to just stick it at the top and leave fuck alone lol.

im trying to clone the bits that broke of but i only have water :/
yeah they are still sitting in the loft and whenever ya pick em up/get em delivered ill throw some clones in for ya as well, got a fair few strains going atm but trying to cut it down from 10 to bout 4 lol, an when ya get a spare £40 it would be well worth you investing in the cloner i bought, getting roots in 7days on everything thats gone in there so far an ya can do 12 at a time, so ya can make some money by selling cuttings to the new growers ya met lol

Also look at to see about reclaiming bank charges

Also also dont get too adventurous now you have a HPS, still switch em to flower at bout 12" otherwise they go mad, my 2 dark stars i waited till they were 18-19" b4 flipping em an theyve stretched to over 5ft lol


Well-Known Member
thanks dude that would be much appreciated i defo want to get into cloning etc, i should be in the positive in 2 weeks so hopefully buy some more bits.

i kinda made that mistake in my small cab at first i didnt think they'd still grow in flower so hit the roof then flipped them. First cab was maxed out lol.

its was only a few days later i read that they still "veg/grow" in the first 3 weeks of flowering.

Going to go prep some pots and start germing some new babys , not sure what good seeds ive got now wasted 24 germing in rooting pellets. >.<

got loads of the poo strain but dont wanna use them might try tap one of the locals up for some seeds :P