My First Attempt at a Hidden Grow (Tips Please) Pics Included


Well-Known Member
yeah definetely looks like too many nutes, and the leaves curling down suggest a bit of heat stress as well.
Remember with feedings it should be something like FEED---WATER---WATER and then repeat( i only feed my plants omce a week if that helps, every other time its just water)


Active Member
yeah definetely looks like too many nutes, and the leaves curling down suggest a bit of heat stress as well.
Remember with feedings it should be something like FEED---WATER---WATER and then repeat( i only feed my plants omce a week if that helps, every other time its just water)
Not doubting, just curious. I've used nutes every feeding since I've started and have no negative effects. Is this preference or fact (your nutes schedule)?

@Ontheball- To avoid this burning, try using "Alaska fish fertilizer", fish emulsion (deodorized) doesn't cause the room to stink and WONT BURN! You can find it at home depot or any other similar store for liek $5 us dollars.


Well-Known Member
I only burnt the plant as i had be making the mix stronger each time to see how much they could take as its a mild nute 5-5-5.

Sae i gave the plant a flush earlier i had only been giving them nutes , so ill try mix it up with water every other day.

Its funny i was looking at the build up in the drip tray from the nutes thinking its probably like that inside the pot. thats why i flushed.

Im now tempted to repot it , as the problem seems to be slowly getting worse each day and for the last 3 - 4 days humidity and heat have been perfect :/ but then

i heard it was bad to repot in flower ? i should really get something for drainage aswell.

Had hunt for reflective stuff today could find a goddamn thing tried hardware stores sports places etc im thinking of going back to lining the cab with foil ?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Few more pics , i just done some light reading im scared ive got bud rot now as the curled leafs are only at bud sites :/


and a quick birds eye cuz i love these shots :)




Well-Known Member
Few more pics , i just done some light reading im scared ive got bud rot now as the curled leafs are only at bud sites :/

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and a quick birds eye cuz i love these shots :)

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I seriously doubt that you have bud rot at this stage. Buds are way too small for that. But if you want to put your mind at rest, simply look at one of the stems of the damaged leaves (right at the base of the stem, where it grows from the stalk.), if it's rot, you will see it. It will also pull away really easy.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the post dude im waiting for "lights on again" so i can have a little tug. normally my plants recover from whatever abuse i give them in a day but cant shift this :/

Getting impatient with my clones now but i dont have any solution im guessing a clones root only needs to be as big as a tap root to go to soil ?


Well-Known Member
thanks for the post dude im waiting for "lights on again" so i can have a little tug. normally my plants recover from whatever abuse i give them in a day but cant shift this :/

Getting impatient with my clones now but i dont have any solution im guessing a clones root only needs to be as big as a tap root to go to soil ?
If it's nute burn (I'm 99% positive that it is), then the leaves won't recover from the damage, but as long as you are careful with the feed from now on, the plant should be fine. It's just been shocked like fuck, so it's going to take a few days to sort itself out.

I root clones in rockwool and I wait till I have some nice roots at a couple of inches long before I transplant. If your aren't rooting in rockwool, then I just don't know. I wouldn't be to eager though. If there isn't enough root, the thing just won't grow.


Well-Known Member
Yeah ive noticed plants dont recover from any burn but they always recover from under / over water and temps.

My clones have roots are aslong as a germinated seed would so im guessing thats enough but the root growth has been slow so im probably going to give them another weak.

My plant in my friends cab has turned into a proper tree and shown fem too so im gagging to flower that once these are done.


Well-Known Member
this pics form my m8s cab the big plant on the right is mine is got some very wierd leafs compared to my other plants their like leather im guessing its the strain but got a very thick healthy stem on it.



Well-Known Member
Right guys im sorry but i wont be updating this thread anymore but u can follow the progress of these plants and my new addition in my new journal.

Its in my sig thanks to the followers and helpers hope to see u sub in my new blog :)

Click here for the new thread


Well-Known Member
seems to me that "leather plant" looks like nitrogen overdose, not a clear enough pic but looks very dark green.