My first blueberry plant!!! Need help!!


Well-Known Member
thats cool!! i alredy have a fitting for this bulb that alredy hase a build in reflector!!


Well-Known Member
Oh, that would be even better with a home made reflector, that thing can support both for a while!

Nice one SLB!! i will be reciving all the equipment by tuesday i will be writing a full journel and will be uptating regulary with pics and comment and ask of advice!!!!

one more thing SLB how many plants would you recommend me to plant judging on the space and equipment. also keeping in mind that i am a first time grower??


Well-Known Member
Nice one SLB!! i will be reciving all the equipment by tuesday i will be writing a full journel and will be uptating regulary with pics and comment and ask of advice!!!!

one more thing SLB how many plants would you recommend me to plant judging on the space and equipment. also keeping in mind that i am a first time grower??
Well, since it is your first time, you wouldn't wanna stress yourself by having to look after so many plants, so I would suggest 6 at the most...not too many, but you can still pull a lotta bud! and judging by what you're gonna get, and if you do most of the things right, you can probably pull a gram per watt!



Well-Known Member
Well, since it is your first time, you wouldn't wanna stress yourself by having to look after so many plants, so I would suggest 6 at the most...not too many, but you can still pull a lotta bud! and judging by what you're gonna get, and if you do most of the things right, you can probably pull a gram per watt!

thats cool! ill be doing 4 plants


Well-Known Member
some Questions!!

Q1) can any one tell me why do growers do cuttings from they marijuana plant and then re grow the cuttings?

Q2) and i heard that female plants ore better to grow is that true? and why?

Q3) are marijuana plants a low buzz if you grow them from seeds?

Q4) are cloned marijuana plants more stonger buzz?


Active Member
Q1, the cuttings are used as clones. The cutting roots, then it's ready to grow
Q2, Females when not pollunated fills their seed pouch thingy with THC resin, in lue of seeds, male plants are alittle lower in potency, don't want them around females, unless your making seeds
Q3, Q4, No and No


Active Member
some Questions!!

Q1) can any one tell me why do growers do cuttings from they marijuana plant and then re grow the cuttings?

Q2) and i heard that female plants ore better to grow is that true? and why?

Q3) are marijuana plants a low buzz if you grow them from seeds?

Q4) are cloned marijuana plants more stonger buzz?
1. I believe your talking about cloning, and then, yea, its called cloning, and cloning is better because a seed is a gamble if you don't know the sex, and you have to grow it from the start while a clone already has some growth so it has a head start. I don't know a lot about cloning but thats the best answer i can give.

2. Females are the only thing you should be growing. Their potency is extremely higher than male plants. If you grow males and females then the male will pollinate the female and you'll get seeds in your bud, and when seeds are grown it takes a lot of energy from the plant that if it wasn't pollinated than that energy would go into making a more potent bud. Females=Good Males=Bad

3. No. Its how well you grow it and what strain it is.

4. Idk, but I don't think so, you'll just have a higher chance of a succesful plant, I think.

Good luck, keep asking questions, the more questions the better.


Well-Known Member
Q1, the cuttings are used as clones. The cutting roots, then it's ready to grow
Q2, Females when not pollunated fills their seed pouch thingy with THC resin, in lue of seeds, male plants are alittle lower in potency, don't want them around females, unless your making seeds
Q3, Q4, No and No
hey thanks alot for that!!


Well-Known Member
1. I believe your talking about cloning, and then, yea, its called cloning, and cloning is better because a seed is a gamble if you don't know the sex, and you have to grow it from the start while a clone already has some growth so it has a head start. I don't know a lot about cloning but thats the best answer i can give.

2. Females are the only thing you should be growing. Their potency is extremely higher than male plants. If you grow males and females then the male will pollinate the female and you'll get seeds in your bud, and when seeds are grown it takes a lot of energy from the plant that if it wasn't pollinated than that energy would go into making a more potent bud. Females=Good Males=Bad

3. No. Its how well you grow it and what strain it is.

4. Idk, but I don't think so, you'll just have a higher chance of a succesful plant, I think.

Good luck, keep asking questions, the more questions the better.
hey thanks and i will do.


Well-Known Member
Hey Nas,
Good luck on your grow. Do as much research on this site as possible and you will find a lot of excellent information and helpful people!
Your light looks good for the vegatative part of the grow based on the 6400K spectrum you note. That will take you through at least the first month or so before you would begin the flowering portion of the grow. For flowering I believe a lower spectrum (2400 K) light like a high pressure sodium (HPS) is advisable to get the correct (red) spectrum of light.

I am still a newbie, just a month into my first grow, but I have 3 confirmed females out of 5 so far and my plants are doing great just by following the advice of the folks on this board. Get to know your plants and don't freak out about every little thing and I am betting you will do fine. Good Luck!