My First CFL, =0


Well-Known Member
It's been almost a week now. Anything picture worthy going on yet?
Actually ten minutes ago i was going to take a pic, i had a sprout!

but being the dumbass i am, knocked over my pot and the pot rolled over onto it, and bye bye sprout, i actually almost cried. .
But i had another sprout in a different pot i transplanted it just now into my FFOF and everything is great so far, thick sturdy stalk. I give it another day now and ill post a pic, sorry for the let down, these minor setbacks really add up to a lot.
a word to the wise, get your shit before you try ANYTHING. . .:cry:


Well-Known Member
Minor Update
:: After i get off work tonight ill post pictures.

i woke up this morning low and behold i have a sprout, exactly 36 hours after it hit the FFOF soil.
That stuff is amazing!


Well-Known Member
I forgot to post the pic last night,
I need some help though, there is a small yellow dot in the center of a leaf as you can tell, and something strange on the other one, any suggestions?



New Member
thats nothing man its just normal for the first leaves mine did the same thing!!

check my gorw an post


Eddie G.

Well-Known Member
Hey wats up bro? I'm in this exact stage in my grow! My seeds just cracked! Can u tell me exactly wat I gotta do next? I put my seeds in a little rock wool cube and pre soaked the rock wool cube with hot ass water!! Now wat do I do? Do I put them under light? Do I water them?? Oh by the way I have a humidity dome! Thanks for ur help man! Good luck on ur grow?


Well-Known Member
Hey wats up bro? I'm in this exact stage in my grow! My seeds just cracked! Can u tell me exactly wat I gotta do next? I put my seeds in a little rock wool cube and pre soaked the rock wool cube with hot ass water!! Now wat do I do? Do I put them under light? Do I water them?? Oh by the way I have a humidity dome! Thanks for ur help man! Good luck on ur grow?
I didnt use a medium, i went straight from germ, to soil.
But do not water them, and give it 24hr light.
If ur using cfls you can get fairly close to the plant, (3 to 4 inches from the plant).
If u soaked the rockwool in water then it should contain enough moisture until you re plant. You might wanna verify that, but as far as i can tell your set for now ^_^ if it starts looking a little dry, give it a bit of moisture, just keep an eye open


Well-Known Member
i woke up this morning and waited til around twelve hours after my last checkup on them, my seed i had planted a two days ago has popped up today, and my other sprout is looking better and better, im not sure which one i will keep, one is younger than the other but it seems as its growth might be faster than the other,

Any comments?

Left is my newest sprout and the right is my first sprout.



Well-Known Member
So, i post new pics everyday but today i'd like to show u guys just how much better the younger plant looks,

the first one is my first sprout, looking weak but its true leaves are much bigger than the false ones, the false leaves are kinda dried up and dead looking already and the true leaves dont look super healthy

Now my second sprout which is (as ive said before) about 2 days younger. Looking mighty fine ,very healthy and all.



Well-Known Member
acid I can help ya out with anything you need just pm me I have ALOT of experince with CFL/Flouro grow's im not on here daily but enough to help you out and ill post you some pics of my lemon skunk and grow show to help you out

she's about 15'' tall with 10 inches being solid bud and at the base of the main cola I cant put my hand around her


Well-Known Member
sry bout the huge pics that picture is about 19 days from harvest in a few ill resize and pm you the others you requested


Well-Known Member

ok first top 3 are Pink.A.Mazer, next 2 are A.mazer and last 1 is Pink Afgan the parents to my new line all crossed w the above Lemon Skunk


Well-Known Member
but yea thumbs wouldnt work kept fuckin up so double sry on the huge pics ACID pm me if your interested and we'll work somthing out you said you were kinda broke? I can help you out...


Active Member
Hey acid burn. Thanks for checking out my post. I was reading about your seed problem. Have you tried the paper towel trick yet. i tried it for the firstime with one seed and it cracked in less than 24 hours. Putting it in some soil today. I will let you now how it goes. As for your budget, I got my 42w lights for $5 a piece w/free shipping.


Well-Known Member
but yea thumbs wouldnt work kept fuckin up so double sry on the huge pics ACID pm me if your interested and we'll work somthing out you said you were kinda broke? I can help you out...
Thats quite fine, the bigger the better, my jesus 15"?! and just mainly one huge cola, jeez
That pink mazer, and lemon skunk look delectable

You have genius in you Kloset, haha

and yeah fourfingers, walmart rips me off, the 42 watt 2700k are 10 bucks a piece at walmart! fucking rip off,
altho i got 2 23w/6500k for 7$ which was super sweet


Well-Known Member
my sickly sprout has died, i'm sad to say.
Although her younger sister seems to be growing like wild fire.
It is her seventh day since i planted her and well, i'll just let you guys see for yourselves =]

Tell me what ya think:bigjoint:



Active Member
Lookin healthy! Mine looked like that about 3 or 4 days ago. :( Then I ran into a shitstorm of problems. We're back on track now though. Check out my CFL Grow. All my materials cost me about 5-600ish in one way or another.