Lol dude jacky omg! hahaaha i wont laugh too much cause way back before i started growing and i heard about cloning i thought that you used the fans leaves too...then i read more and grew and realized what part you really use to clone...and its not the fan leaf!
hahaha thats so funny tho in your sorry...
well let me explain to you cloning...
when you clone, you use the part of the plant that grows from the corners of where the fan leaf stem meets the main stalk stem....that growth is pretty much its own marijuanan plant...and thats why if you cut it, and pop it into somthing to grow in...youll get anohter plant...
a grow done right should have some of these side stems (cloning stems) or nodes as big as the main stem around 3 weeks from seed, its much easier to clone when your using a branch this big and full of that looks like a mini pot plant
Get the picture now?
Where did you think the new growth was going to come from on that fan leaf? haha think about it...