My first grow, 400 watt scrog, white russian and blue cheese.

Thanks for the info man you touched base on pretty much every thing i have been thinking, i have been using RO water and its been quite a while since i have fed with Epsom salts so i was wondering if it could have been a cal mag issue causing the problems, i have also been watering every 3 days or so which should be okay under normal circumstances except for the fact that I'm using air pot containers and they are supposed to use about 30% more water. I also wondered if it was just the natural ripening that was causing the yellowing so i checked the trichomes with a microscope it looks to me like I've still got a ways to go most of the trichomes were clear/cloudy, what threw me off about the yellowing was that some of my young sugar leaves are yellowing quite badly and the way my blue cheese's leaves are curling upwards. I am going to try and correct the issue now by watering every 2 days, I'm also going to start feeding with Epsom salts every other watering to see if it has an effect on the issue, as far as the temps directly under the hood go i am not sure but i don't think its to hot, i will set my thermometers lead there and try and get an accurate temperature reading, thanks again for the information man.
For the temp below the hood, just hold your hand at canopy height for about a min or two. If it doesn't become uncomfortable then it is fine. Just trying to eliminate the easy things first and work to the more complex. Looks more like a cal/mag issue but it also looked like heat stress. I don't know how often to use the epsom salts, so might want to read in the org section for the proper amount and how often. Looks good, get that wrapped up and finish with a healthy boost of some dank nugz!! :)
I'm pretty sure its not to hot ive had my hands there before but i wasn't aware i was supposed to leave them there for a few minutes, ill do that when the lights come on just to make sure that's not the problem, but i don't think it is it is an air cooled hood after all and it is about a foot away from the canopy.
Well i left my arm at canopy level under the lights earlier today and it didn't seem to be to hot to me, I'm betting it is probably just a cal/mag issue since I've been using R/O water my whole grow, the plants aren't looking to bad i cant tell if the Epsom salts has helped yet, but either way i am just happy i have made it so far it looks like my first grow has been a success, i cant wait to see what i yield.
Didn't think it was heat neither. From what I know about soil, it takes a few for any imbalance to correct itself. Unlike hydro which is pretty fast, either way. Hence why I chose soil, so I don't come home to a mess of dead/heavily damaged plants. Looks good to me and if you take everything that went wrong out of this one and can avoid it or minimize it next round. Can't wait to see this finish and so on. Peace!! :)
Didn't think it was heat neither. From what I know about soil, it takes a few for any imbalance to correct itself. Unlike hydro which is pretty fast, either way. Hence why I chose soil, so I don't come home to a mess of dead/heavily damaged plants. Looks good to me and if you take everything that went wrong out of this one and can avoid it or minimize it next round. Can't wait to see this finish and so on. Peace!! :)

Yeah I've always wanted to grow hydro but i decided not to for my first time because i wanted to get the hang of things before going to a medium that could go so wrong so fast, I'm pretty sure the only real problems I've had this grow are those bugs which i never identified and haven't seen in a long long time, the PH lock out i had at the start of flowering and this cal mag looking shit that's going on now, although I'm still not sure if its just the natural yellowing of the plants as they get ready for harvest. This next time around i think I'm going to go with hempy buckets for a few reasons, #1 the PH of the soil less medium is not as easy to adjust although it seemed to fall right into place after i stopped fucking with it, #2 the soil provides a medium for pest to breed in, and #3 i want to see the difference between growth in hydro and the growth in soil less.

hey mate did you top these plants or just let em grow straight in to the screen

I topped both of these plants multiple times I'm not sure exactly how many times it was but i know i should have 8 tops on each plant, the white Russian seems to have responded well to it but i am not sure if the blue cheese has, i know the blue cheese is not supposed to be a heavy yielder but the growth compared to white Russian isn't looking very great.
So a bit ago i had cut off a bit of under growth from the Blue Cheese and the White Russian and smoked it and i really wasn't that impressed with either after drying them for a day or 2, anyways yeah i put the blue cheese back in the grow room for a few more days to dry and i more less forgot about it, so last night i pulled some out and sparked a tiny bowl of it and god damn was i high as fuck this Blue Cheese is so potent i am seriously considering growing it again after trying it with a quick dry. I didn't get to try the White Russian after letting it dry for longer i wish i would have saved some but i didn't know the potency would change so much with a few more days of drying.
Well its been a few days since my last update so i figured i would throw a few pics up, i am also considering chopping my blue cheese i checked the leaves with the scope and i found most of the trichromes to be cloudy i am thinking about chopping because i want a wake and bake stone out of one of these plants and the blue cheese doesn't seem to be doing to well, what do you guys think should i chop or ride it out for a few more days the plant is 5 days from being 8 weeks in flowering.
Finally the forum will let me post some pictures, anyways here are some shots of the blue cheese i am going to harvest it in 2 days i will check the trichromes before i do, last time i checked the they were mostly cloudy and i didn't see any amber i know it may be a bit early but the sugar leaves are drying up and dying and its worrying me a bit I'm going to harvest at exactly 8 weeks, i will post some pics of the White Russian up in a little bit. Again i am not exactly impressed with the blue cheese growth I'm not sure what happened but it doesn't look like i am going to pull very much off it, I'm thinking there has probably been a deficiency going on or maybe that i topped the plant to many times and it doesn't like to be topped, either way my White Russian is looking like it is going to yield a lot better.














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So i decided to harvest my blue cheese today at 55 days flowering, i am drying 1 o/z by air and 1 o/z with the water cure to compare the weight difference, the rest of it i am water curing, here are some pics of the harvested bud.





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you didn't flush for a week before harvest? hopefully it turns out ok. good luck with the cure experiment. congrats on the harvest it looks like some good smoke.
Nah i didn't flush before harvest i am using a premixed super soil so i figured i would never get all of it out by flushing, also doing a water cure leeches out all of the ferts so even if you don't flush you get some pretty smooth grade A smoke, as far as the quality goes its some great smoke i quick dried some pop corn buds a while back and it got me stoned as fuck.
Damn man, been waiting for an update lol!!! You don't need to flush anyways. Most peeps are stuck with what they heard/read and not what they tried!!! Don't give up on her yet (BC), i'd say try her in a different pot, Don't think those airpots work right in your set-up, just sayin. Looks good nonetheless. Hope your smoke is potent n tasty :) Peace!!
I haven't given up on her yet, i took 2 clones off her yesterday when harvested i know it was late as fuck but i was lazy and i wasn't sure i even wanted to keep the plant, but yeah i am going to reveg her and try her in hempy buckets this next grow, I'm also gonna dip into my seed stash and pull out 2 more plants to grow along side the White Russian and Blue Cheese since I'm going to be waiting forever for them to reveg. I'm going to post up some pics of the White Russian shortly i think it still has a while to go but i might have to cut it short when my Blue Cheese is done with the water cure, harvesting this blue cheese took so fucking long i was on it from midnight till 6 am, i like the potency of the bit that i quick dried a while back but the fucking pop corn buds pissed me the fuck off.






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WoW, now those look like some very nice dankity dank!! Looks like you should get a nice haul off of her. Very nice!!
Yeah man I'm sure i will get a decent bit off of her, this water from the blue cheese cure smells so good its such a shame i am eliminating most of the taste and smell by doing this, but i do have a wet o/z that i am air drying so i will get to taste the end product.
Well i just finished up my water cure and started the drying process in a food dehydrator, i am pretty surprised at the smell they still smell quite a bit like blue berry, i guess we will find out what the finished product smells like in a few hours here...