My First Grow and Journal


Well-Known Member
ob the buds are looking great homie. it looks like you put a lot of care into these girls. cool avatar also here is a pic of my old one. yoda is a pimp and probably goes around slappin dudes like rick james.:o


satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Hey OB,did you see my post earlier about my flush...bout a page back I some porn in the gallery for

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
page unavailable satman- think you have to gallery or link the album specifically- idk... good question for one of the mods/staff.

Excited to see it- you should link a journal in your signature.

I will have more porn coming at the end of week 6/start of 7, and its only getting better.

and mastakoosh i like the old avatar over the new one- i would like to see an entirely new creation, how fresh do you keep it? lol bustin your balls a bit- but ur current pic is a bit... distracting at the least lol.

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
I can see the pics in my profile,but not if I click my user name...says its open for view,I don't get put it down about 2 hits


Well-Known Member
no doubt dude, everyone seems to bust my balls bout this avatar lol. it makes me feel like an old hippy. like when you see a nudist colony and see the 60 year old dude drinking a tall boy walking around with his balls swinging in everyones face mwuhahaha. also i hate authority and control so when people tell me they dont like it, it makes me wanna keep it up. i am sure i will change it sometime cuz i go through a lot of them.


Well-Known Member
and i should take the time to thank Jinmaster for the rep- and most importantly for stopping by. Stick around- I am hoping its gonna be better. And the rest of these guys on here are the shit- so if you stick around- maybe just maybe you will be cool. Kidding- but we are the cool table at school.

And to the rest of this big educational classroom lunch forum of growing educations thank you for being so wise.
Grnman- for the hermie help and being on here since day once-
B.THC for his R+D and his mad science skills lol
Hothouse for lots of advice and instant response.
Mclovin for his frequent discussion and advice.
GotBeat for having ridiculous amounts of plants and a sweet set up.
Kulan for being here since day one first post
and thegigglepimp where ever he is at this time- for being at nearly the same time along as i am and having some sweet as strawberry.

You guys keep this forum growing. And have all been here since the first days- its really cool. I appreciate your time and what not- I believe I visit all of your journals as well and throughly enjoy them. Not as throughly as B.THC ;).

You guys rock, wish I could pass you the glass blunt I'm smoking.
Damn OB, you got a tear rollen down my eye! Remember, real men wear pink and cry!


Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
yeah its looking good dude. Very emotional speech, lol. Keep up the serious business of growing weed. Rite back at you with that blunt.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Hi OB Just stopping by as you have been quiet for a few days.
I hope everythings cool, see ya soon bro,


OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
just back from my festival, lots of news- including a harvest of holly- one of the hermies that was finishing early anyway. Other good news as well. I will have to do a big update soon. One of my mothers started flowering in veg so i moved her to flower- shes gonna be a monster plant- shes already over 2 feet.

My weekend was a wild time- great music and great times,
will get back on here I got 25 scripts to work through tomorrow morning.

off to work.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Yeah I have had 2 mothers, terry and heather. Terry got cuttings taken first. About 2 weeks ago. I took 16 clone cuttings, and a few just died- and 5 have already rooted and been transplanted. My goal is to make 6 clones grow to harvest- then i can perpetually keep 6 plants in harvest. I dont know what made heather start to flower, her conditions have been the same for most of her veg, and nothing has changed in the last few weeks. 18 hrs of light, vegging, etc- just started to flower out- so I figured why try and stop it, I put it into the flowering room- but its already over 2 ft tall and will probably jump another 2 ft at least- its gonna be a monster for sure. Vegged for like 4-5 months now. Should produce a lot of bud, and it will have the flowering room to itself for a period of time.

I harvested holly, one of the plants that went hermie and seemed to rapidly finish off. I am guestemating about 3/4 to an ounce- she wasnt huge- but she looked very good. I didnt mind harvesting just the one- because I had to make room for my mother plant, and also because i was still hunting herms off her one or two at a time occasionally. Helga has completley reverted back to no hermie, shes healed yay!

I bought a bunch of new nutes. Including some clearx flushing solution for my dense soil. Some liquid karma, some hydroclean, Cal-Mag calcium and magnesium soil suplement, some everyday liquid bloom nute, and some everyday liquid green nute.
Along with 8 bags of perlite for the new soil mixutures for the clones- using 33% perlite mixture and the old soil from the last plant.

Excited about my new grow with the clones and the new nutes- should be able to produce even bigger better buds, very excited. This harvested plant looks very nice, and should be smokable in 3.5 weeks- i am gonna cure it right for sure, seems more than worth it.

Picture update will be sometime this week- but i am crazy at work so we will see how that goes. I have a lot of catching up to do on RIU as well...

Be seeing you all very soon in your journals.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Pleased to hear the good news about Helga OB nice one.

Well done for loading up your gallery too, you can zoom right in with the gallery pics, (much better, esp' for bud shots), I like the number of pics you currently have in there too. LOL Porn all the way with you is it? haha

Im glad youve had some success with your clones, mine are struggling atm but still look OK, just not rooting,

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Hey OB,if ya get a chance,check out my journal,and leave your input...I look for some good arguments to come out of it,and I can promise you will learn something,if only what not to

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
WOW i just read you journal and your bud look good for something that had a ruff beging.. but you keeped your girl's going..
what are you useing for nute's...
da plantDOC