Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Tmsculli, looking good buddy - as far as your nute questions go, you're correct in your diagnosis of whether the plants are taking in more nutes than water and vice versa; I know I've told you this before, but for a mature mother plant (and it's prolly different for you because you're not under HIDs) I'm running anywhere from 1250 to 1500 PPMs with no problems - different people can get there different ways, and you're obviously choosing the safer way, but you can go WAY up from 500 PPMs (for the mother; seedlings at 500PPM is reasonable).

BTW, I started a journal today if you're interested.


Well-Known Member
Cruzer, the less than educated staff at walmart finally informed me that they only had 3 fans total in the store. They are out of season, and no longer exist. Whatever, it really sucks that I have to pay so much for them, but I need them. At least you showed me what I wanted, so I am still happy that I found fans that will work. OH!!!! Cruzer, I just got finished making the main part of my second reflector. This one is even nicer. I think you will be very impressed. One more stop to the depot tomorrow and she will be done. Although, I am tripping chocolate shrooms tomorrow after my finance exam, so I may not work on it hahahaha

Bob, thanks for stopping in again. Yea, I am definitely taking the safe route. I am just too paranoid to lose her haha. I think that now she is healthy as a horse and I can crank up to full nutes. This weekend I will do a full swap on her and get her up to full dose grow and micro nutes. I will also take the little ones up to 3/4 to get them up to around the 500ish level. I am going to take it slow still though. Those little bag seed ones are something to do before I can clone from the mother. I want to start flowering on Monday, so they should be done by around mid December I would think. I can start taking clones from my mother November 2 too.

On that note, I have another question. I want this to be pretty perpetual. I have heard about the clippings every 2 weeks to get it all going, but does that mean that I need to have separate tanks for each stage? I would think so because these different stages of growth will need different nutrient levels, correct? Do you guys think there is a middle ground? I have no problem with having a tank set up for initial clones, but what about like...the intermediate ones?

I feel like I am talking in circles, I can't quite get out what I want to say. I think what I want to ask is this:

EXAMPLE: (imaginary)

Today I took 4 cuttings and put them into a system
2 weeks later i take another 4 cuttings, can I put these clones in the same system as the now 2 week old clones, or do they need their own tank? Can I get one system set up for weeks like....2, 4 and 6 adn then have another tank for flowering?



Well-Known Member
Yea, I pretty much run one strength nutes during flower.

Chocolate shroom? Man its been a while since I shroomed.

Starting a new reflector huh? cool. I am still working on this one.
I attached some photos, 1st is the reflectors I am using now, pretty weak.

The pics of my progress. The alimnum sticks will be the support.
I plan on inserting the CFL's through the sides, so far I am at 4.5 pounds in material.
The yo yo hangers max at 22 lbs.



Well-Known Member
Man sculli glad to see your grow tuning out nicely.Just finished reading from the begining and the story looks good even with the rough start.Just started my seedlings in a dwc tub yesterday but really thinking about grabbing a pump and hub next week. I'll be watching the rest of the way thru.


Well-Known Member
Nice, not bad at all for something that you thought was shot to shit.

Are you talking about a container like for multiple plants, or for a mother? For Mothers obviously 5 gallon buckets are the way to go. As far as for multiple plants, like 4 or 5, 18 gallon is the tank of choice. THey don't seem to sell them near me so I was stuck with 2 21 gallons and a 16 gallon. (I messed up a lot and kept remaking them =P) As far as the air pump goes, I initially used the 60 gallon tank pumps from walmart that everyone recommends. For an 18 gallon tub you should grab two of these and you will be set. Also, from my experience, air stones, the little guys, aren't worth your time in a big tank. Unless you are splitting them and having them all pushing a lot of air under almost each plant, I don't think they work too well. I am very partial to the circle stones to be honest. I have 2 6" circles one running from each pump in my tank currently and it is plenty.

Now, for my mother, I wanted to go balls deep , so I bought the Whisper 100-150 gallon air pump. I have that guy going into a single 6" air circle and it fucking cranks. I love it, it is also extremely quiet.

And as far as "bubbleponics" goes, I would honestly say to do it man. I have now started from seed with and without it and the difference is incredible. I'll post some comparison pics over time. It really does boost the speed of growth and seems to promote immaculate health to young seedlings into young plants.

here are some comparisons:

With NO WATER LINES it took 4 days to get a sprout above ground from germ

With bubbleponics, this was Day 4

Day 10, no bubbleponics:

Day 10 w/ bubbleponics

And for shits and giggles lets go up as far as I have pictures

Day 16 no bubbleponics:

Day 16 with bubbleponics

I mean, it's a crazy difference for not too much additional investment. I was not a believer either until I did it. it shocked the hell out of me to be honest man.


I have a question!!!

My mother is looking amazing and doing some serious gulping of the liquid.

I have records from 3 days now and the ppms have gone from 535, 587, 508 respectively with 508 being right now, and the water has dropped from 7.5" to 5.5". I just added a gallon of fresh H2O and phd it out, but I am still kinda confused on seeing the trends to notice when I should feed etc.

Can anyone help me out a bit more with that?
perfect example i say!!!
bubbleheads all the way.
yes i was on a submarine, but this isn't the case lol
all your base are belong to bubbleponics.


Well-Known Member
How hard is it to find a decent box to start with, most of them have shit lids that will leak or are see through or have holes in the bottom. I live in the UK and they dont do rubbermaid's over here, apparently the rubbermaid ruffneck is supposed to be the dog's bollocks.


Well-Known Member
what happened to the others?The ones u had before you got the pump and feedertubes?Are they still alive?


Well-Known Member
Bob, I'll take a deep look into that later today, and thanks for the idea about the nutes, I may look into that.

Cruzer, I may be asking you a few more questions about your perpetual cloning cycle when I get to that point, good to know I have someone to ask about. That reflector looks great! Good call on those metal shafts for the support. I actually had the same thought trend and in the second one I am making I have 2x4s on either end nailed into it making it a very wide arch with 90* down turns on the side. The chocolate shrooms have been delayed until saturday, sadly my Finance exam has not. I have that at 2:30 =/

Miztaj, thanks for stopping by man. Yea, I would recommend the pump man, it works, it really does. If you have any questions just let me know man.

Pwiz, I'm glad you are as excited about it as I am man haha. All your base are belong to us. The Wizard needs food, badly!!!

Craig, I had no idea you were across the pond m8. haha. That is terribly unfortunate about the no rubbermaid. Walmarts here are lined with them floor to ceiling. They are trying to pump out the leftover "off to college" stock that they had. There is another company that makes a very very similar product called "Sterlite" maybe you can see if you have them in the UK. The ruffneck is indeed the cat's pajamas, that is what I am using now. it seals really well and they are like 6$ for an 18gallon one.

Purp, what you talkin bout mang? I started with 5 fem seeds, 3 sprouted, 2 died, left with my 1 mother that is the ballin ass big one. I planted 3 bagseed with the feeder tubes, they are the ones in the other pictures that aren't the mother. I'm not too sure what other ones you are talkjing about. Glad you stopped by though man, I was thinking yesterday that I hadn't heard from you in a while.




Well-Known Member
the ones from page 14 man..I been really bust with work and aint really had no time to get on here but i can say i am very proud of the BUBBLEHEADS.


Well-Known Member
Brother the ones on page 14 are all pictures of the same plant. That is my mother. it is in one 5 gallon bucket, that's it


Well-Known Member
Alright man found a place in the UK that import rubbermaid's (in the internet amazing) got a ruffneck on it's way. Cost me £15.00 notes like (that about $30.00) but hopefull i only need to buy one. Its 57litre's which i think might be a little large.


Well-Known Member
Good deal craig. 57 Liters is relatively close to perfect, some may say small depending on how many plants you are doing in it. There are 3.79L per US Gallon. 57 / 3.79 = 15.04 US Gallons. Most people use the Rubbermaid Roughneck 18 Gallon ones so you should be fine brother. Good to hear it man, hope everything works out.

Oh, and you will only need one haha, just don't be an idiot and not think all the steps through first haha.


Well-Known Member
I need help guys, my baby has some leaf not-normalness.

I can't decide if it is a K, or Zn deficiency. It is also very possible that it is light burn. I woke up and lights were too low, she had a growth spurt over night again. Pics are uploading now, hopefully you guys can help me.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Without even seeing the pics, if she shot up and got too close to the light, and you think it's light burn, it's prolly light burn.

That being said, bring on the pics.

Oh, and Craig, I was using Rubbermaids (like most others on here seem to do), but have been futzing around with connecting 5 gallon plastic buckets together - much easier to make light proof and much more sturdy, IMHO.


Well-Known Member
Okay, Day 35

She looks healthy. Look


I found these marks.

Now, like I said before, my bible shows that it could be a K or Zn deficiency. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't deficiencies usually start from the bottom up? These marks are ONLY on the top high leaves and on one side that was closer to the wrap-around lights. This leads me to believe it's light burn. You guys know how I am, I get paranoid and even if I think I am correct, I need the reassurance, so let me know what's up!


Well-Known Member
Ah, and I forgot, I have been building that second reflector for the main tub. I am almost done. Here is what I have so far.

The bulb that is in there is one of my 65 actual Watt 6500k cfls. I am going to put two of them in there and then 2 of the 2700k guys most likely.