
Well-Known Member
Hey Bob, I am just using 6" round airstones that I found at a pet store. Nothing too special about them. Now, I have the powerful air pump and two of the smaller ones that you plan on having. THe smaller ones are plenty strong enough to take care of a single circle stone.

DAY 39

Everything looks good. I am waiting for my damn mini fans to get here so that I can switch to flower. I can't have it be dark in there and have ventilation, so I need those small fans so I can work it all out. Since I am letting the smaller plants get taller because I'm waiting to flower, I made a screen last night to do a SCROG. I found an old box fan and cut out all but every 4th little plastic bar. This gave me a bunch of rectangles about 2"x3". It is perfect size for the rubbermaid tub. I just need to figure out how to keep it where I want it now. I may hang it, or build some legs for it to go to the ground. I'll get pics up soon so you guys can see what I am talking about.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Thanks for your answer; I'm still unsure what I'm gonna go with, I guess I'll run out and buy a few different ones and compare them.

BTW, that old fan cover for a SCROG sounds pretty cool, good job.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Bob and today is just awesome.

Finally done my hell exam week!!! yay!!!!

Also......I found the instruction manual online for my light timer!!!!

So once those fans get here it is flowering time kids.

Ill take pics of the screen for you guys. You can let m eknow if it will work out


Well-Known Member
Alright, here is the screen I made.

Like I said I can't decide whether I want to hang it or give it legs, but I will figure it out. Can't do any work today, friends keep stopping by and then I have to work later.

You think this will work for me guys? I'm really starting to get excited about getting some bud!


Well-Known Member
you want it on legs man, if you susspend it the plant could push it up. Try getting some pvc pipe and some bends to make a frame, go to a hardware store. (dont forget the pvc cement)

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Alright, here is the screen I made.

Like I said I can't decide whether I want to hang it or give it legs, but I will figure it out. Can't do any work today, friends keep stopping by and then I have to work later.

You think this will work for me guys? I'm really starting to get excited about getting some bud!
I think that you've got a great idea, and I've never done SCROG so I don't know whether it will make a difference or not, but those squares look to be materially smaller than the standard trellis that most use - someone who's done SCROG can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't know if those squares are large enough for the bud sites to grow through.

Another issue with the smaller size and rigidity of it is that I'd be concerned about it hurting the plant(s).

Just some random thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I was a bit worried about it hurting them too which is why I was going to make the holes bigger. If I make the holes bigger then there will be enough room for them to get wound through it without getting hurt. Someone else help me out though with some definite yesses or nos on where I should go from there with it.

I hear you on that pvc craig. I am broke now, and not allowing myself to throw more money at it, so pvc may have to wait and some homemade legs may have to do for now.

on an amazing note my fans came. So i calibrated my timer, set up my fans, finished blacking out the box, and at 7:00pm we start darkness gentlemen.



Well-Known Member
Naw, that square size is fine. Legs or hang dont matter. Just tie it down.
At first train under the screen then up through and tie to the screen. You will never get one bud per hole, all you can do is try.


Well-Known Member
Cruzer, thanks for the input. I was looking through how you were doing it the other day, but I wanted to be sure. Do you weave it in and out of it, or do you just bring it up through and then tie it down?

Also, if there is anything else that I should know about flipping into flowering or anything like that please let me know. This is my babies first night alone. I hope they sleep okay.


Well-Known Member
It dosent really matter, you are just restricting the height. as the plant grows you need to train the side branches too. keep training and keep them close to the screen untill the second week of flower is finished. Then the stretching is done. let them go.

Just make sure when you do make a tie down the grow tip is not pointing down. You want it sideways or up on an angle.


Well-Known Member
Day 40 Veg on Mother & Day 1 Flower for the little ones

So they survived their first night in the dark and with their new full strength nutes of all 3 persuasions, they are thriving. They were wilting a bit this week so I was hoping that I would get this response form them. My blackout job works perfectly and everything is going pretty well.

My only questions are about my screen. Should I cut it out so I will use 4 of those little squares into 1 big one? Also, at what height should I use it? I think I may want to start using it now to be honest. I am running out of vertical room and once I get that other reflector in there it will be pretty limited.


Well-Known Member
I just set up the reflector. It looks great. I am missing one wiring setup to get the 4th bulb in there so there are only three for now. It reflects it around very very well and is nice and sturdy. I'll get pictures up tomorrow most likely.

Oh, also, some of the leaves are starting to look and feel almost a bit...plasticy? like...thin plastic almost cellophane. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
25% eh? Well that means I need it.....last week. Hahaha Alrighty, looks like I am figuring out how to secure that bad boy tomorrow afternoon. Funny thing is, it is night 2 of well....night...and I just realized that these seeds aren't sexed. I have no idea if they are male or female. I would hate to have all 3 of them be males =/


Keep 'em happy and chlorophyl will do the rest


Well-Known Member
As long as they are in separate pots you can still pull a male. Its harder to do in hydro cause the roots get tangled. You will be OK, just cut it up. Maybe a good time to start learning how to clone. Get some gel and practice on a weed from the yard.

After 2 weeks flower you will want to remove all the lower growth. Anything that isn't past the screen goes. That means you will have several clones. Just make sure you number or name the plants and keep the cuttings labeled so if one is male you toss the cuttings you got from him.

Then you will be set with all females.


Well-Known Member
Cruzer, thanks for the tips, but I actually am not going to clone these guys. I am only even growing these to calm my nerves and give me something to do while big momma gets ready. She will be ready to clone at the end of the month so I can start having some guaranteed female Snow White strong indica clones going at that time. I am going to try and get the screen in now, but I'm still a little scared and confused about it man. I already have clonex and all that fun stuff and I have cloned bamboo from my backyard haha.

I just need a guide on screening these guys up. like I said, I'm just a little scared about bending them and such.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Cruzer, thanks for the tips, but I actually am not going to clone these guys. I am only even growing these to calm my nerves and give me something to do while big momma gets ready. She will be ready to clone at the end of the month so I can start having some guaranteed female Snow White strong indica clones going at that time. I am going to try and get the screen in now, but I'm still a little scared and confused about it man. I already have clonex and all that fun stuff and I have cloned bamboo from my backyard haha.

I just need a guide on screening these guys up. like I said, I'm just a little scared about bending them and such.
Why would you need to bend them? Pretty sure you want to place the screen above them and let them grow into it (about 75% coverage, from what I've read) and then flower them - don't think that you should be manipulating them to fit into the screen.


Well-Known Member
nice grow son, really starting to take some form, actually on the last steps of building my DWC/bubbler system, keep up the good work hope everything goes smoothely thoughout the flower stage mate.

id comment on the SCROG but i dont know enough about it and id probably be leading u in the wrong direction but a good place to find good info is in the FAQ at the top of the page(its got just about everything.....


Well-Known Member
Yea, Bob this is why I am confused, I can't seem to find exactly what to be doing. I just set it up and pulled a few bud spots up but I don't know if it was right. Any changes will have to be made tomorrow afternoon though or possibly late this afternoon before the lights go out at 7, we will see how things go. Hopefully I come home to a great explanation haha.

Thanks for the kind words master, best of luck to you