
Well-Known Member
supercropping will also keep them low too.I HIGHLY recommend that and toppng..its a must to have a nice yeild.
Look into it man...seems like it wouldnt work but its encourages lower growth like topping does..where you got sum of the tie straps at,,u can supprcrop there.


Well-Known Member
Well I am using tying instead of weaving because the plastic squares are not as friendly on the plants. The zip ties are just my replacement for string and actually, I like them better I think. I can loosely tie something down about half way without harming it and then by the next day, the plant is used to it. I can tighten the zip tie and bring it down completely.

I will look into supercropping though and see what that is all about.

Clones are dead, haha they flopped over and broke in half. I am not comfortable growing them in there, I need to figure something else out. Also, I have been thinking about time in this house. This little grow should be done by mid december which is perfect because I leave for a week in canada in january. When I get back, I was thinking about just flowering out my mother completely. I know this sounds kinda stupid, but I have to move out May 31, and moving this shit around is not going to be easy I will definitely clip some clones and move them, but I refuse to move a mother around haha. I will have to remove the top shelf and let her grow up, but that thing would flower out a beast.


Well-Known Member
Those clone have too many leafs on buddy, if you have all them leaf's then the clone has to work really hard to take enough water to feed them.

Another trick when cloning is to cut the leaf's in half so there is less to feed but still enough for photosynthesis.

Have you thought about sticking the cutting straight into bubbling fresh water and leaving it, might be a thought. Get a airstone and a sandwich box and bubble some water with the clones poking through the lid.


Well-Known Member
good call craig! when cloning the only leaves you really should leave intact are the top set, and those like craig said should be trimmed in half



Well-Known Member
See I couldn't find anyhting like that guys. All the branches I saw were single big leaves or little bud trees like what I cut. I did hear about the leaf cutting and I definitely should have done that. Craig, I don't quite understand what you are talking about with the shoe box bubbler. I do have a 5 gallon bucket that I think I may get bubbling for them and rig up some lights for them


Well-Known Member
Not a 5 gallon, i am just on about a small tupa wear box that you put things in and put in refrigerator. Just a small box of bubbleing water.

With regards to finding something like what we are talking about with the clones, just get a clone a trim the excess off. Leave the top leaf's.


Well-Known Member
Okay Craig, that makes sense now. I can probably splice off of the air pump and get some bubbling in a tupperware thing for sure. Thanks man, i also may run to the grocery store and get one of those ones that holds turkeys and shit. It is thinner plastic and has a lid so It can be the humidity dome too.


Well-Known Member
Alright, well I whipped something up and took some new cuts, we'll see how it works haha. I'll get pictures up after my camera is done charging


Well-Known Member
Good luck buddy, let me know how the cloning goes.

My white widow has come and in the rockwool i will start a thread as soon as i have finished the grow room setup.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good man, keep us posted!

I just used a little Gladware container, put two square holes in the top for the rock wool, put some water in it and ran a single air stone into it.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Sounds good man, keep us posted!

I just used a little Gladware container, put two square holes in the top for the rock wool, put some water in it and ran a single air stone into it.
You honestly don't need the rockwool for cloning, and will probably make things a little more difficult if you have another failure, because you'll be introducing another variable into the mix (the wetness of the rockwool).

Honestly, all you need is for some bubbling water and the splashes from said bubbling water to "agitate" the stems of the cuttings, and in about five to seven days you'll see little "nubbies" coming off of them.

As Craig said, you need to remove the excess leaves, as the plant does not photosynthesize until it starts growing roots.

Other than that, some bubbling water with the stems getting misted gets it done every time.

Good luck kiddo.


Well-Known Member
Just killed another set of clones. I don't like where and how I am doing it at all. It's too thrown together and not somewhere I can watch it and take care of it. I don't think I'm going to fuck with cloning until these are done because I don't have anywhere to put them. I have to be logical. I seriously just do not have the room or capacity on other levels to grow clones right now.

On another sad note...Houston....we have balls.

That one that I smelled male on a few days ago has some pretty nice balls. I mean, those things are lookiing good. Just kidding, that's gross. But seriously, neither my mother or the other plants have anything like them, so I am pretty sure I can conclude its a male. I did take a picture that I can show you guys that is a clear ball. I guess that means I have to untie and pull him outta there huh? It's a shame because that was the runt the whole time out of the three haha.


Well-Known Member
I just want at least one person to reassure me that those are indeed balls and this is a male plant before I rip him up. Until then, it's study time.


Well-Known Member
Is that really fencable? I spotted it the first time I posted pics and it just keeps getting mroe apparent to me. I think the more convincing thing to me is that my fem seed mother and the the other two plants have nothing like it. That being said, I still don't have any hairs. I'll wait for some more votes:

Man: 1
Fence: 1
Female: 0


Well-Known Member

DON'T PULL THAT PLANT YET!!! When you see multiple "balls" then you know it is a male.

I seriously think everyone worries too much about pulling males out so early. I have grown males out on purpose before and pollen is not an issue for at least two weeks after showing its sex.

Don't do until you know for a FACT that it is a male.


Well-Known Member
Yea, diggity, I was thinking the same thing to be honest. It's not worth the possibility of being wrong, you know? For all I know that plant could just be showing sex sooner or possibly in a more odd way than the other ones. I don't really lose anything from keeping it there until I see a sack and some balls. hahaha