
Well-Known Member
Instead of blocking the four dippers you're not using just let them run into the res. This might reduce pressure and let the others drip slower? I'm not a scientist but that sounds logical to


Well-Known Member
If you are going to flower in DWC then it makes sense to root in something that will work in the DWC right?
You could use just about anything that will fit in the net pot. I would recommend rapid rooter cubes.
I find it much easier to get roots with them.

I have moved to the neoprene collars. I insert the cutting, drop it in my DIY ezcloner and in two weeks I got roots.
I can get roots in one week with rooter cubes.​


Well-Known Member
I have a shit ton of rockwool and no money, haha so I am stuck with using them. What is this DIY cloner you speak of? I really still need some ideas as to where in my set up and how I should go about cloning for all of this.


Well-Known Member
I have a shit ton of rockwool and no money, haha so I am stuck with using them. What is this DIY cloner you speak of? I really still need some ideas as to where in my set up and how I should go about cloning for all of this.
You can use my 3 gallon setup for cloning. That's what I use.


Well-Known Member
Yea I was going to do that because I only want to take like 3 clones at a time, but the problem is I don't have space for it. I also would like to not have to keep spending money. I was thinking about making some independent cloner humidity domes. Make one per plant out of like a two liter or something. they are small enough that I can fit them in the veg box with the mother. Would this work? Then I could just transfer them once they root into the main system, right? I may be wrong though. Is it not a good idea to try and do this without 2 separate systems going? Meaning, having the one tote for flowering, but I am going to need another full system to veg the young clones in?

knfjbajfea ugh


Well-Known Member
Basically I need to know if it is a pipe dream for me to want to veg my clones in the same little box as the mother of if I need to figure something else out. I mean, if I use the 3 gallon thing it will be light enough that I can put it on the shelf, and it's also hotter up there so humidity would stay up. Maybe that is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
Hey, it works for me, bro! Here's my veg/clone cab as of just about 3 minutes ago (LST moms on the left and clones on the right)



Well-Known Member
See like I said I know it will work, and it is what I do want to do, but I don't think I have the space for it. I'll see what happens. I think I want to wait longer before jumping into it too. I have these into flower and it's a learning process within itself. I'd like to make sure everything is settled before biting off more than I can chew I think.

So, this is Day 7 of Flower for the little ones. I am almost positive that all of them are female. I have not seen any balls or nubs and I'm seeing very similar growth to that of my feminized snow white mother. I am really starting to get the hang of the scroging and I think I like it. I'm hoping that doing it this way is going to give a higher yield than my original plan which was to basically focus on the main cola of each plant. Here are some pictures of them filling out with a few shots of the ones that are starting to grow very nicely.

It is also day 43 for my mother. She is gigantic, and pretty happy. I admit I have been paying less attention to her since I am flowering the little ones, but I think that's okay. She is eating and drinking a lot, but I am not confident in myself to add nutes mid week to get back to full, so I think I am just going to keep waiting it out and doing full swaps each week. I will most likely do a swap on both systems tomorrow or wednesday. I am interested in cloning, but like I said above, I think I may wait a bit and see what happens with this. Here are a few shots of her.

Does everything look okay? If any of you guys have questions, comments, concerns, as usual....speak up!

Later :peace:


Well-Known Member
Purp, you mean veg them in the same hydro system, or in the same box as in the mother box? The only thing with the mother box is that I would only have room for doing independent like single cup clone systems. I mentioned it, and kind of like the idea, but no one has given me any feedback on how well this would work. I guess I could just try it haha. God knows that plants not going anywhere, she's gonna be rooted to the damn closet if she gets any bigger haha.


Active Member
Looking great tmsculli, the scrog looks interesting. I hope it works out good for you. I may try that next time so i'm def keeping an eye on this thread


Well-Known Member
Everything is looking well man, cant belive it has been 43 days allready since i started following this thread.

I can say this with all honesty this thread has turned my way of growing around, hopefully for the better.

Got my self a new 140 gallon a hour air pump coming, a couple of years this would not have got me excited but at this moment in time i couldn't thing i anything i want more ( it's got 4 out lets WOOOW!!!!)

Pots are deffinatley too BIG man but you live and learn.



Well-Known Member
Infexion, thanks for stopping by brother. Yea, the SCROG is...interesting to say the least haha. Being strapped for cash I innovated and we will see if I strike out or not haha.

Craig, it's so weird for me to hear that too man. Like realizing that I will have my own home grown bud in December is a wild thought to me haha. The setup looks good man, keep it up. Four outlets sounds intense you are going to be bubbling up a storm brother.


Well-Known Member
I'm actually feeling a little pessimistic about things today guys. I woke up and saw that the lights had come on on schedule and everything was fine. I went to class and them came back to do my afternoon ph, water, blah blah etc. The lights were off. The damn breaker popped again. I am almost positive it popped only like 40 minutes before, so maybe it won't be too bad. What can happen from things like this? Also, I'm still unsure of the sex of these plants. It has been 8 days, shouldn't I be seeing some definite sex? I also found that I was a little rough with some spots, I broke a branch, and found another one bruised a little bit from bending and tying down too tight.

I'm just a little unsure and not positive that I am where I should be being at day 9 of flower. I guess I will just have to wait and see?


Well-Known Member
I'm actually feeling a little pessimistic about things today guys. I woke up and saw that the lights had come on on schedule and everything was fine. I went to class and them came back to do my afternoon ph, water, blah blah etc. The lights were off. The damn breaker popped again. I am almost positive it popped only like 40 minutes before, so maybe it won't be too bad. What can happen from things like this? Also, I'm still unsure of the sex of these plants. It has been 8 days, shouldn't I be seeing some definite sex? I also found that I was a little rough with some spots, I broke a branch, and found another one bruised a little bit from bending and tying down too tight.

I'm just a little unsure and not positive that I am where I should be being at day 9 of flower. I guess I will just have to wait and see?
Some people say the messing with the lighting schedual can cause the plant to hermie, on the other hand some people say that hermie is due to weak genetic's and nothing to do with stress, look hard enough and you will find a aguement for both on here.

Take it easy man sounds like your having a shit day, we all have them, for godness sake though when the buds get big and thick, check DEEP down for bud rot. Because nothing destroys you more than losing a third of your crop just before harvest TRUST ME ON THAT ONE.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
I'm actually feeling a little pessimistic about things today guys. I woke up and saw that the lights had come on on schedule and everything was fine. I went to class and them came back to do my afternoon ph, water, blah blah etc. The lights were off. The damn breaker popped again. I am almost positive it popped only like 40 minutes before, so maybe it won't be too bad. What can happen from things like this? Also, I'm still unsure of the sex of these plants. It has been 8 days, shouldn't I be seeing some definite sex? I also found that I was a little rough with some spots, I broke a branch, and found another one bruised a little bit from bending and tying down too tight.

I'm just a little unsure and not positive that I am where I should be being at day 9 of flower. I guess I will just have to wait and see?
How much are you running on that breaker and what size is it?

Seems weird, I don't think you're drawing that much electric, are you?


Well-Known Member
THanks craig, you are probably right. Just a rough one I guess. That stress then caused me to fuck up the nute concentration TWICE on my mother. Wasted a good 4 TBSP of Micro and Grow =/ I'm sure you will keep reminding me about that rot =P

Bob, no I'm not, but this house is shit. The fucking electric makes no sense and is terrible. We have been tripping things every once in a while either up here in my closet, or down in the garage because of a stereo, or fridge etc. The house only has one GFI and it didnt seem to reset anything anyway. I have a portable GFI in the outlet I just though.

Hopefully it won't happen again. I'll let it go this time, if I find it dark one more time then I will make some serious changes and make it more dependable.

For the most part though I am just nervous that I am behind schedule on my SCROG deal, I reallllllly want this to go through man haha.

Also, have any of you guys taken any thought to my cloning questions? About the individual clone containers?

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Yea I was going to do that because I only want to take like 3 clones at a time, but the problem is I don't have space for it. I also would like to not have to keep spending money. I was thinking about making some independent cloner humidity domes. Make one per plant out of like a two liter or something. they are small enough that I can fit them in the veg box with the mother. Would this work? Then I could just transfer them once they root into the main system, right? I may be wrong though. Is it not a good idea to try and do this without 2 separate systems going? Meaning, having the one tote for flowering, but I am going to need another full system to veg the young clones in?

knfjbajfea ugh
Yeah, that cloning idea will work - any clear plastic that acts as a "greenhouse" can be used for cloning. Just go get yourself a $2 bag of jiffy pellets to root them in and that'll work fine.