
Well-Known Member
Dustbowlio, I apologize. I meant that if you were trolling, which is what I first figured, it was not appreciated. That information about the cloning that you provided was interesting and did give me a bit more insight into the process. I have a pretty set plan about cloning, but I think that I may take some of what you showed me into consideration. My words get away from me sometimes and I feel bad about it. I'm a full time student and work as a server. I didn't exactly pick the best low-stress to accompany my schooling, but hey, dealers take cash, and that's what serving gets me =P

Smokey, thanks for taking a look buddy. THe hairs are actually getting pretty intense to be honest. I know I'm behind, but I think I'm still doing just fine. As I think we have discovered before, all this means is more time, no negatives really. If I said I was on day 15 of Flower instead of 28 you would all say I was pretty on track haha. I am really really really ready to start my SW clones brother, but as stated above, school runs my life. It is going to give me a fucking piece of paper so I can live a decent life how I see fit, so I keep it as top priority. Exams are hectic and cash is skimping a bit. That being said, I promise that before next weekend I will have an effective, SERIOUS, balls deep cloning effort going on for these ladies. I paid all that money for a named strand that I personally picked, and I'm excited to be chillin on bag seed? haha.

Cruzer, yea I forgot that you didn't see the masacre 09 or whatever the hell Shack called it haha. It was a bold, terrible, move on my part, but it happened. It's funny that you said this though, because I am noticing some pretty big things from these plants after all of that stress. I guess I forgot to post about it, but I did chop, pull and get all the roots etc out from that male. I took Roseman's advice and just cut that shit out. There have been 0 consequences to doing this and it was no hiccup for my growing process. You give me hope with this elephant theory, haha, we will see what happens I guess. I just know that getting that big fucking 6500k out of there and getting a fuck-load of smaller 2700ks in there was the best idea yet. I also have come up with a little bit of maneuverability for them to be honest. To attempt to get close light to most of the colas, they are all on connections of at least 3 of the splitters. This way I can spin and screw tighter, or looser, to move the light. It's actually pretty cool. I also have my reflector with the left side down lower than the right because the middle plant, taking up most of the left part of the screen, is growing a little bit slower and I definitely trained it down better than the right plant. As for the pictures, I apologize. I had no idea that people were having issues with them, no one has said anything. =/ I'm a bit of a techy and always have my resolutions around 1280x1400 or so, with widescreen, if not 32" or my 47" TVs as my monitor haha, so "Scroll bar? What scroll bar?" hahaha. I'll start resizing them, my bad. Dang downsides of an HD camera I suppose.

Shack, I knew you were here, you left crumbs all around your lounger. The city came in and said that I needed to get the carpets steam cleaned, I blame you!

LOooooooong response post. I'm cranking on Ritalin supposed to be studying for my FInance exam tomorrow morning.

Good night gentleman. Actually, no I lied. I have been thinking haha. I am staying in this house another year, and I will make sure the landlord doesn't do a between lease renewal inspection (he hasnt for 3 years) so I am good to keep it all going. I am thinking about this spring chopping the shelf that is above the flowering area and chucking a tent in there. This would be a DIY homemade tent and I think I will like it a lot. I can get better circulation and I can take better care of mamma dukes Snow White too this way.

Okay, now I'm done.


Active Member
Hey Hey sculli!! I have spent most of my day going back and forth reading your entire thread! I am very happy to see that through all of the ups and downs, that you are currently doing so well. I too will be growing Snow White pretty soon, so you can see why this thread really caught my eye. I just really had one question. I will be growing the Snow White in a cabinet that is 72" tall x 36" wide x 18" deep. That seems about the size that your box is/was. If I keep her short and bushy, do you think I will be fine for a good grow/harvest?


Well-Known Member
haha i completely understand how midterm weeks can be. trust me that bio1107 exam then a 4 hour lab had me a bit edgy. not to mention the sociology exam when we hae no book so its all about studying note. pain in my ass but like you said my cousin addy helps me through the long nights of reading and the een longer days of work an class... any how keep it up man


Well-Known Member
Rreign, thanks for stopping by brother. I can't wait to get my Snow White clones going, the mother is a very robust plant. If you keep her topped, you will have no problem keeping her in that box. They do grow extremely even on all sides though if cared for properly. You may want to think about making some even square shape as your box base as opposed to a rectangle. As long as you veg with your lights close enough to limit stretching, and you top at least once rather early on, you should have no problem growing in there brother. Now, flowering is a new story. In flowering the plant can up to quadruple in size I believe. Now, if you top properly during veg, by the time you flip to flower, you CAN have enough room to do it, but you will need to make sure that you keep a good eye on her and you are going ot want to flower as soon as possible.

hope that helps a bit brother.


Well-Known Member
Im TriZzZollin in this BiTch! Sup sculli..i been watchin u,,just got my cpu fest tomorrow night


Well-Known Member
they very much will quadruple size if you dont keep them in check... but even stretched they fill out nicely and are pretty white. i believe nirvana when they say its a close relative to the original GreenHouse White Widow...


Well-Known Member
lord knows i can improve my setup and they still look like a fresh mountain after a snow. hehe im so excited i cant stay outta my tent!!!!


Active Member
thanks sculli. I was actually just thinking about this little idea I had. If I just topped her early on the kept her sides pruned a little short while turning often, then I could eliminate the need for a bigger space during flowering. Well in theory anyway. I planned on pushing her to flower at about 3 weeks pending her size. I will also be growing buubleponically ( I think I just made up a new word, lol) I'll refer back to this post and purpl's diy as often as I can. Thanks again


Well-Known Member
Sounds good brother, that is what I recommend too. Keep me posted on how it all comes together.

Smokey, I can't wait to see that "snow" haha

Well, I finally got time to buy the stuff for cloning gentleman. Sadly, I did not have time to build the system or to take clones, but I will definitely get it together tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Just did my daily checkup and everything looks awesome. Some pics are uploading right now, I'll have them up soon.

I did get the shit to make the cloner, but I forgot to get some sort of top for it as a humidity dome sadly. I may have to do some more work later to figure that out. Although, I do still have those two small domes, I can at least get two going....


Well-Known Member
Alright, so I cut the 4 holes in the lid for the cloner, and took some black plastic spray paint and painted the clear tub black. That is outside drying now.

Here is a shot of big momma on Day 65 of her veg

Everything looks good with her and I can't wait to start cloning

Here are the little ladies, day 30 of Flowering for them

Sadly the nicest looking buds are the hardest to get pictures of. I think we are coming along nicely now though.

What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
those look AWESOME definitely a healthy flowering plant. given the recovery time needed and the growth you have there. you should have a VERY successful SCRoG harvest!


Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Tmsculli, you're doing fine (much better then me, but I didn't have the Internet) for your first grow.

It's all a learning experience, and you weren't gonna come out and be See More Buds on your first try.

You get some smokeable herb and learn, it's a success, and it looks like you're on that track.


Well-Known Member
Smokey, thanks brother, I'm thinking they look pretty good too =]

Purp, those things are wild looking haha. I can't wait wait wait...mmmmmm I am sitting in my room basking in the smell haha. I can't imagine what yours smells like haha.

Shack, thanks for the kind words sir, I am really glad that this turned around for me. Some of these buds are really starting to boom. I also have started to see more of the smaller and lower colas that are along the screen hairing and bulking up. I have been trimming some half leaves etc trying to maximize the light getting to those smaller ones too. If I can manage to get a few of those smaller colas and not just the few main ones, I will be in good shape.

Bob, it has been a rollercoaster man, but what fun is having everything handed to you? haha I love this shit and I can't believe that I am doing as well as I have been so it is really fun to keep up with. I still know nothing about any of the systems or styles, etc used in your grow so I can't wait to watch that one develop further either.


Well-Known Member
commin up nice sculli..give em a lil time theyll swell up alot!I Predict BIg BUDZ in the NEAR future!

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Smokey, thanks brother, I'm thinking they look pretty good too =]

Purp, those things are wild looking haha. I can't wait wait wait...mmmmmm I am sitting in my room basking in the smell haha. I can't imagine what yours smells like haha.

Shack, thanks for the kind words sir, I am really glad that this turned around for me. Some of these buds are really starting to boom. I also have started to see more of the smaller and lower colas that are along the screen hairing and bulking up. I have been trimming some half leaves etc trying to maximize the light getting to those smaller ones too. If I can manage to get a few of those smaller colas and not just the few main ones, I will be in good shape.

Bob, it has been a rollercoaster man, but what fun is having everything handed to you? haha I love this shit and I can't believe that I am doing as well as I have been so it is really fun to keep up with. I still know nothing about any of the systems or styles, etc used in your grow so I can't wait to watch that one develop further either.
Lol..........I don't get everything handed to me, I just try to buy it :bigjoint:

Should have my clones in the tent in a few days and flowering within about ten, so check in then.

Will post pics when I find my damn USB cord.