Well, I just did a full nute swap on the flowering girls. They are 100% and hopefully this will help them take off a bit. Even with full doses, the tank is only at 1000ppm, so I may try to climb a bit later this week and see what happens. The Mother is getting huge and not liking being all cramped up so I need to do some big pruning and hopefully get some clones off of her. I am looking at it now and I just have one more question about my cloner. How much bubble action do I need? I know that the underside of my inserts (styrofoam, whichever you choose) should be wet on the bottom from the spray. That being said, are we talking moist, or like...soaked. If we need soaked, then I need to buy a better airstone. I am just making sure that what I have will suffice. I am going to take 2 cuttings now and put them in my new thicker styrofoam collars, be sure to mist them, and see what happens.

Possibly pictures later, as of right now I'm juggling this and getting stuff together for work.
Well, I just did a full nute swap on the flowering girls. They are 100% and hopefully this will help them take off a bit. Even with full doses, the tank is only at 1000ppm, so I may try to climb a bit later this week and see what happens. The Mother is getting huge and not liking being all cramped up so I need to do some big pruning and hopefully get some clones off of her. I am looking at it now and I just have one more question about my cloner. How much bubble action do I need? I know that the underside of my inserts (styrofoam, whichever you choose) should be wet on the bottom from the spray. That being said, are we talking moist, or like...soaked. If we need soaked, then I need to buy a better airstone. I am just making sure that what I have will suffice. I am going to take 2 cuttings now and put them in my new thicker styrofoam collars, be sure to mist them, and see what happens.

Possibly pictures later, as of right now I'm juggling this and getting stuff together for work.


You need some serious bubbling action for clones, otherwise they'll dry out.
Alright, I took some really good cuttings. I think this attempt is going to be a success. I moved my double outlet pump, 1 of the 2 I used on the flowering tank, into the cloner and took the cloner's smaller air pump and put it in the main tank. Now the clones are bubbling seriously and the flower tank still has plenty of bubbles.

These cuts are much healthier, all on 45*, didn't use clonex this time, made sure not to flip them upside down, immediately got them into water, all lower branches were cut off, all leaves were cut in half, and I misted them. I think we are good guys. haha. Pics are uploading now.
Alright, I took some really good cuttings. I think this attempt is going to be a success. I moved my double outlet pump, 1 of the 2 I used on the flowering tank, into the cloner and took the cloner's smaller air pump and put it in the main tank. Now the clones are bubbling seriously and the flower tank still has plenty of bubbles.

These cuts are much healthier, all on 45*, didn't use clonex this time, made sure not to flip them upside down, immediately got them into water, all lower branches were cut off, all leaves were cut in half, and I misted them. I think we are good guys. haha. Pics are uploading now.

Sounds like you're just about good to go - I'm rooting for ya.
Rooting....clever Bob haha

Alright, here are some pictures my friends:

Big Momma, Day 71 of her vegetative life in a box:




Can't get a real picture of her where she looks like a plant haha, but you get the idea. There are branches, leaves, etc.

My girls on day 36 of flowering:












Alright, oh and while these ictures have been uploading, my clones are starting to wither. It's 80 in the box, but I think that the light just may be too much. It's too big, evidently give off too much heat and I think it is the reason why my clones keep dying. You guys think I should downsize?
Here are two pictures of the clones 15 minutes ago



Like I said now they are withering a bit, so I went ahead and pulled the big light and put something smaller in. Hopefully they will bounce back.
Good move changing the lights. Even the 2x26w AG lights need to be a good 4-5" from the plants. I'm also not a fan of cutting leaves in half as it's like taking away half of the plants reserves. What's your humidity with 80degF temps? I'd estimate it isn't high enough, so yeah move those lights away and get those temps closer to the 70s.

Apart from that looking at your mother it's not like it matters if these 2 clones die too, she's damn near a shrub lol.

As the the styrafoam, I'll post ya a pick of how it should look as soon as my home net connection is back up. Uploading and posting pics from a phone is a pita.
by the looks of your mother you can be clipping some HUGE clones, like 2-3' tall and with much larger leaves.
umm... lost my train of thought. those clones look like they'll be pretty successful though. hopin for ya!

Shack and Knickers, yea she is a damn shrub haha. It's awesome, I love how robust she is. I just keep clipping and it grows larger and it weirder directions haha.

Infexion, thanks for the link. I know that misters are a great way, foggers too. Sadly I'm a broke college student who is all about DIY. Can't throw anymore bones, we are working on what I have.
Knickers, I wasn't sure if I should use clonex if I wasn't putting the clone into a medium persay. Do you think it is too late to dip them in now? They are definitely still alive though, whch is awesome. i just checked on them. I am sure the humidity is too low too. The temps are definitely better with the 2 smaller lights, but I'm sure humidity is still not high enough. I'll have to throw my meters in there tomorrow and see what's up.
are you clipping just the top 2 nodes of a branch? my suggestion was that you cut further down the branch, and give yourself some thing hardier to clone.
i realized i said 2-3' i meant, 2-3 INCHES but now that i rethink, possibly closer to 3-4 inches.
glad to see you might have this all worked out, keep em misted and a close eye, you'll be successful!

Yea, we'll see how it goes. If this doesn't work I may be at the end of my rope, not sure what I'll end up doing. Probably something terribly expensive and irrational.
Just checked on the clones. 1 looks great, 2 are 90% dead one is like..70% dead. I put a clear cup over the healthy one for a humidity dome. I'll be back after this class in like 2 hours and I'll do some more work with them.
Alright mate heres the styrafoam I'm using right now:

A good 2cm thick, and its quite aerated and fluffy

The hacksaw blade I use.. the wide edge is a clean cut, however I taper the disk slightly to wedge into the cups, so the bottom edge is a bit rough.

The clean cut from the edge to the centre of the disk. The cleaner the better as youre really stuffing the styrafoam disk into those cups!

The hole in the middle was originally only say 3mm wise, but the plants easily grow and stretch the opening and secure themselves into position

And its supporting this weight eaaaasily, and these plans will be in a scrog which will help with weight anyway
Hey, why did the pics on your Comparison thread, DWC Vs Bubbleponics, disappear?

I noticed many of your pics disappeared.