Sounds like a plan good sir.

So, I'm not sure if I told you guys, but I ordered all kinds of shit and it is starting to show up and will all help my grow.

- REAL 6500k bulbs, 65 real Watts, 6 of them (spiral cfls)
- PH meter
- PPM Meter (received)
- Buffer Solutions (bought and found out I don't need =/)
- Water Pump
- Irrigation Hub


Sounds like a winner..Add a couple low low K bulbs to have full spectrum.
60%-40% ratio..Then reverse the order during flower.
I want to! I even have the bubbleheads logo on my photobucket! I tried to put it in my signature, but it said it was too long? Also, I have no idea how to physically join the group as far as clicking "join here" etc.

And Purp, I have 2500k, 2700k, 3000k, and 3500k guys lighting them all now, so with the 6500ks in there I will be able to get a nice covering of the spectrum.
Join up with us.

SpongeBob Squarepants grows hydroponically!

He grows with tiny bubbles, just like you and me!


We ARE Family,
We are The BubbleHeads!

If you want to learn from the greats,
PurpDaddy, Mostly Crazy, Bongtok4u,, db297, JonnyBtreed, Southern Grower, HomeGrown Hairy, ACGrower, MajPat, tSunami13, BlueyBong, Paranoid420, LongHornFan, SmokeNchoke, hubebaba, peterman990, xpac7007, chnk915, and hundreds of other skilled bubbleponic growers, then learn from THE BUBLEHEADS.

If you can teach DWC and Bubbleponics, am willing to help the new members here, and want to be part of a family, then join us.

Show your logo, show your pride, and show your intelligence and ability to do what most people can not do and that is grow Hydroponically with Feeder Tubes and a Water Pump!

We're not Dirt Bags!
We are The BubbleHeads!!!!!


We are NOT DirtBags!!! We can grow in water!

Right click the BubbleHead Logo, save it to your computer, then upload it to your signature.

By adding this bubblehead Logo to your signature, and claiming membership to the BubbleHeads, you agree to be very helpful to Newbies with DWC and Bubbleponics with patience and caring and make all other BubbleHeads proud to be a member of the gang. If you do not know the answer, go get someone else from the BubbleHead Gang to help.
Send this invitation to anyone you like and be sure that they know DWC and Bubbleponics and are willing to help newbies.

May the Bubble Force be with us all.
God Bless our Chief BubbleHead, Mostly Crazy!

The BubbleHeads are dedicated to helping others learn to grow in water, simple, fast and easy.

Helpful links:

BubbleHead Logo Post # 10672

CFL Tutorial -

What is Bubbleponics Post # 9835

8 Step Recovery Post # 9838

Start Nutes - Drain and Replinish # 10395

10 Days, 12 days, 15 days, 20 days Post # 9

Temps, Humidity Post # 8491


Roseman and purpdaddys guide for my Bubbleponics setup from Stealth Hydroponic

Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics-DWC Tutorial
BUBBLEHEADS know how to grow!
I think I might be able to offer some assistance or ideas if your ok with that.

Why not use the whole room you put your grow box in? The tighter the space, the more issues it seems to me? It works OK but can slow your learning curve because it opens up the potential for more problems IMO. I have used 4x4 and 4x8 tents. Air flow is critical as you can get hot zones and, with the tents have to consider outgassing.

Why CFL's?
I started with CFL's also. I had five 36" bars that had six sockets each with a double adapter on each. They work fine but do not give the best results IMO. Because of their shape they don't distribute the light as evenly as a regular Floro allowing you to get an even lower canopy. Lot's of waisted light and by the time you add enough of them, you could have bought a nice HID in cost and electric. No matter if it's a 250W, 400W, or 600W, my plants explode when I move them under a HID. My preference is a 600W and I also use 1000W. The difference between a 400 and a 600 is HUGE and my cloning phase, with floro's takes them past the value of a 400W for me. Adding more 400's lights does not equal the depth penetration of a larger W ballast. I look at 400's like CFL's. Sure, everybody uses them and they work great.

Stick to proven methods. No shortcuts or reinventing what works until you know what your doing so you know the difference.

I have never NOT used RO water. IMO that was your first problem. I soak my RW in 100ppm nutes for my cuttings. Then it's a week before I need to consider watering them again. If your supposed to give your plants 100 - 150 ppm of usable nutes but you've already given them 199ppm of ? iron, chlorine, etc... See what I'm saying?
Mist them every few days with a couple ML's of grow nutes per quart.

ALWAYS check and re-check your PH and PPM. Meters are a MUST! Sure, people say... But it's just a guess. Once you have it figured out you won't need them as often, I guess. I keep one in each rez giving me readings 24/7. They are worth the money and my most valued tool. Spare no expense.

Bubblers are tuff. I've done dirt, ebb&flo and various forms of areo and have yet to come close to the growth rate of any listed with a bubbler. It seems to me that the RW has to stay, almost dry in a bubbler even after roots drop. When well rooted a soaked RW cube is no longer an issue. Loose the drip line and use a squirter to water the cube when needed. Just a ML or two will keep you golden, not soaked, just moist. The more bubbles, the more roots. Once the roots start to poke through the rocks, lower your water 2" below net pot and let the bubbles cracking at the top of the water act as a areo. Change the rez once a week if you want. Seems to me I get a boost of growth at each rez change.

Forget about all the extras and stick with a good A&B nutrient. No Superthrive or whodoo voodoo. Just the basics until you see what it takes to grow properly then you can expieriment.

I think your second problem after RO is/was heat from your lamps. In one pic I see you had a tent of lights surrounding your seedlings. Room temp maybe 80 but the radiant heat from those CFL's is the main culprit IMO and drowning them. I would advise to raise the lights up.

CHILI POWDER. Forget about it. Get some ant spray and spray around the outside of the grow box. Terro will wipe out the whole ant community. Get a fly strip now also, just so you'll know what's there. Mice ate 100$ worth of AK-47 seeds of mine in a basement grow.

I wouldn't top that plant yet! It's not even a plant yet. It's struggling and suffering enough as is. Why would you want to stress it out more?
This is a good point in hand. Use some discretion in following advice. Sure everybody says top at 3 or 4 full leaves, like yours, but yours is NOT healthy and THRIVING. Same as giving 3 week nutes to a three week old plant that is more like a 1 week old plant from the guy giving advice.
I run big plants and I top them when they are ready. Not when I'm ready or by their AGE. On topping young plants you want to wait until they are healthy and growing rapidly. I wait until secondary branching is WELL established so there is not really a lag in growth after taking the tops. I also raise my floros up more than most to get a little stretching. I know the shortest, most nodes per inch is cool, but all that cool is just going to get chopped off as they get bigger. I try to keep the thick stalk while getting a inch or two separation in between the nodes.


Example. I'm at 3 weeks of 12/12. My plants are 5' tall with several main colas each. HEALTHY and thriving with no burned tips. My nute schedule following AN's "Light feeding schedule" with a 15 gal rez calls for;

3.5 oz A
3.5 oz B
2.17 oz MET
2.17 oz H2
2.17 oz F1
6.53 oz B-52
2.00 oz Carbo
11.0 oz Sensi
.75 oz Piranah
.75 oz Tarantula
6.80 oz BB

I just changed my 15 gal rez with;

3oz ea A&B
1oz Carbo
4ML of all the rest above.
I do not use Sensi, Piranha or Tarantula.
I will continue to raise the doses until they don't want it and I can tell this by their leaves curling, folding, color, turned down, etc... I can see these things before I get brown tips. I also judge this by their water to nute consumption from reading the PPM meter.

I write that just to show how little of the recommended nute load I am using. My first year of growing I tried to half the nutes recommended and everything was trash.
Stick with base nutes and add extras as you choose in very small doses and examine results before adding more or others.

I hope I haven't come across as a know it all as I'm still green myself. Not trying to talk down, just read your thread and thought, hey, I did that at first also. Hope you can glean something use full from it.

Don't sweat these mistakes and problems. I look back on my beginning efforts with GREAT fondness. You can only loose your virginity once! When you get it figured out, these trials will mean the world to you. I wish I could do it again. Have fun with it.
<I can see these things before I get brown tips.>

Burned tips are caused from the leaves not being able to cool themselves, not too high of nutes. Your leaves looked water logged to me but your stem wasn't shrunk, has to be the heat from the bulbs. That would also explain the early yellowing. ????

My first post here, I think. (this one #2)

I've enjoyed your thread, thanks.
Haha, danel, welcome to RIU and I appreciate the input. As stated many times before I am well invested into my current methods and I don't wish to alter them as of now. I like cfls, it limits my ventilation, my fan use, and additional ducting etc. I am in a rental house and the modifications I have made to the property as of now are already going to be a bitch to fix. I made my decisions for all parts of my grow before hand and altered a bit as I went. I feel as though you may not have read my entire thread, because many comments that you made were about things that I realized and changed or fixed.

I did order meters.
I did use the whole closet.
I did move my lights back.
I did increase air movement.
I did lower my temps.

I don't wish to come off as a dick either, but it's frustrating when people come into my $1,000 adventure and tell me to just toss another 600 at it and everything will be just ducky. I like my current set up and so far it works for me. Hell yea I want to get out of a fucking closet, but I can't currently do that in these conditions.

So thanks again for taking a look at everything, and tossing me some feedback. I'm sure I will read this post multiple times and pull some valid information from it.

We are NOT DirtBags!!! We can grow in water!

Right click the BubbleHead Logo, save it to your computer, then upload it to your signature.
Haha Jesus, you guys probably think I'm retarded. I never realized that there was a spot to UPLOAD the picture directly. I kept uploading it to server sites and then trying to put it in with HTML. Doing to much work, fucking story of my life.

Roseman, have a question for you. I am still shaky on nutes especially with the previous conditions that my lady has been in. As stated before the last nute change put her at half dose of grow and half dose of micro nutes. Would you need a picture to diagnose whether I should add full dose or do you want me to get some ppm values for you. Last I checked the ppm was almost 500, but it has probably diluted by now.
So my ph meter came last night, but I don't have my buffer solutions yet, they should come today. I was reading the back of the packaging and it said that I needed to get some HI70300 Storage Solution for 30 minutes to reactivate my electron. I didn't know about that so I just ordered some online now, but do I need it? Regardless, the payment is in, I guess this is just me asking if I can be impatient and use it without the storage solution. I don't plan on using it before the calibration though obviously.
So, I just re-read the back of the package, I don't need that solution actually because my tip is not dry (tehe)
Haha Jesus, you guys probably think I'm retarded. I never realized that there was a spot to UPLOAD the picture directly. I kept uploading it to server sites and then trying to put it in with HTML. Doing to much work, fucking story of my life.

Roseman, have a question for you. I am still shaky on nutes especially with the previous conditions that my lady has been in. As stated before the last nute change put her at half dose of grow and half dose of micro nutes. Would you need a picture to diagnose whether I should add full dose or do you want me to get some ppm values for you. Last I checked the ppm was almost 500, but it has probably diluted by now.

BubbleHead Brother, what ever I can do for you, just let me know. I think any plnat with three nodes can handle a full dose of nutes, but half a dose is better if that small.
Give us a description again or point me to a thread of yours.
So my ph meter came last night, but I don't have my buffer solutions yet, they should come today. I was reading the back of the packaging and it said that I needed to get some HI70300 Storage Solution for 30 minutes to reactivate my electron. I didn't know about that so I just ordered some online now, but do I need it? Regardless, the payment is in, I guess this is just me asking if I can be impatient and use it without the storage solution. I don't plan on using it before the calibration though obviously.

just dip it in vinagar.
Ah! Vinegar! Alright, well I will do that tonight when I get my buffer solution for the time being.

Here are some pics of her today. I think she is doing well and I may not need to make any changes for a bit.

And Roseman, feels good to be part of a team =P









That is a standard sized bic too btw.
There are a few small brown dots showing up and the pics make it look a little yellowish, maybe a little more nutes would be good....

She is currently at a ph of 6 and ppm is 409. Water level is good and there has been some very expansive root growth. Really fresh, white, hairs are sprouting and stretching out nicely.
They ae vry beautiful babies, very healthy looking.
I'd put some COVERS over the rocks to prevent algae.