Day 38 of flower for my ladies. I'm not sure I could be having a better run. Ever since that nute swap they have grown significantly larger and faster, the lame buds are now developing nicely, and all the numbers are steady and perfect. For the past 3 days I have had a ph when I test it of 5.88. The ppms have been dropping ~ 50 a day, and the water level has dropped .25" a day. They must have a very strict diet because they are following it perfectly.

Some pictures have shitty lighting due to zooming in and flash area etc.




















nom nom nom

What do you guys think?
Alright buddy, do you not think now looking back that you should have vegged a bit longer to fill the screen up before flowering.
Roseman, I am 38 days into flowering so 5 weeks and 3 days.

Craig, yea well the problem in general is just that I didn't know that I was going to be doing a SCROG at first. So it's not necessarily the fact that I didn't let them veg enough into the screen, but more so that I let them veg, and then plopped the screen on top haha. I definitely now know that you are supposed to have the screen there BEFORE so that they grow into it. Well, you live and learn man. Also, craig, you are always warning about bud rot, but what is it? How do you get it? My buds look beautiful, but you have always kept me on edge about that haha.
you have no concern for bud rot, from what i can see. (sorry for speaking for you craig) but every grower has run into one problem along the way, craig's bud rot was my light leaks. make sense? haha something goes wrong in our own grows and suddenly we're warning everyone the dangers of this or that. they look healthy and AWESOME to me, already getting some good frost on those baby buds. you're in for a few more weeks, my sativa flowered for about 2 1/2 months, and uh.. most people told me i could have given her more time. i learned that lesson the hard way, thats why no more sativa for me indoors, maybe one day when i move outside.

tl;dr awesome grow, keep at it, and keep on those ppm's, maybe pick up some bloom booster to dose in a little bit as the ppm starts to drop between res changes.

Shack, funny you say that, I was thinking the other day about how Murphy comes to visit each grower at least once and shows them his law book.

I think they look good too, but the ppms actually can't start getting bumped up yet. Just using the recommended dosage on the bottle and being up at 1000ppm I got a tiny bit of downward leaf curl and some coloring. I'm gonna let them chill for a bit. Maybe in like a week and a half I'll swap again and then crank them out.

I really want to get this harvested before Xmas, but I won't sacrifice the better bud by doing it. I wanted the short flower time, that's why I got the Snow White, so the clones should be a lot of fun and much faster because snow white has a very moderate grow time. I'm 38 days into Flower right now, you think I'll need over another month? I was shooting for like...middle of December. Like I said, I'm going by the plant, not a calendar.
Damnit, I think the clones are dying guys. If the tip of the cutting turns brown, are we still in business? They are looking more floppy and much less happy. I think the problem is that my airstone is not bubbling enough. I need to go out to a good store and get another really nice circle bubbler like I use for my mother and the flower tub. The bottom of the styrofoam is definitely not wet enough anymore which makes me think that it's the airstone itself that is dying. The more it gets used, the more it deteriorates and the worse it bubbles. Hpefully I can get something better in there soon.
Yea, just checked it again. All of the stem tips are browning and the bubble wand is doing great......right in the middle. I put it on a diagonal now and basically I am sacrificing two of the clones. The two holes that are now getting great bubbles should still work out unless the brown tip means it has gone too far.
Damn spam, ridiculous how some people are so rude and selfish.... .... .....

Sculli mang this cloning thing is getting on my nerves now lol! Crank up this bubbles son! If you simply can't get more bubbles on the stem, then submerge them in the water. The water is oxyginated so the plants won't suffocate, and cloning plants in water is about the second oldest method after just putting them in soil.
Yea I know man, if it's pissing you off imagine how I feel?!?! I know I just need more bubbles, but I don't have the time or money to make that happen at the moment. Sadly the shitty pet store right next to me never has good air stones.

Also, if the tip of it is brown, is it still good to go? Now the bubbles are good enough on at least 2 of them, but they are tossing water at a brown tipped stem, is this a futile effort?
Well, to my surprise, none of the clones are dead, and none are looking badly at all to be honest. That being said, still had brown tips, soooooo I chopped them off. I did it quickly in one clean cut and chucked it right back in the water. I am hoping that this fresh cut will get things rolling now that I have the system set up more properly.
Big Momma is finally happy again. She is getting her color back and all the pruning I did made her very happy.
The Flowering ladies are doing well too. Not too much noticeable growth from last night, but they are still cranking along. I was thinking about getting additional suplements, nutrients, and boost type things. Do you guys recommend any? Like a solution for faster buds, bigger buds, healthier buds, something like that. Is there a product that really is worth buying that makes a noticeable difference? In my grow bible there is a comparison in which the grower put sugar in the reservoir in the last 6 weeks of the grow, and the bud weight increased by 20% I know I am beyond the 6 week point, but I'm curious if adding some now would help?

yea I know, someone is going to bust my balls about offering to buy those, but not an airstone. I'll buy a nice airstone, I promise haha. Although, if these clones keep on cranking how they are I may not need them.
Well, to my surprise, none of the clones are dead, and none are looking badly at all to be honest. That being said, still had brown tips, soooooo I chopped them off. I did it quickly in one clean cut and chucked it right back in the water. I am hoping that this fresh cut will get things rolling now that I have the system set up more properly.
Big Momma is finally happy again. She is getting her color back and all the pruning I did made her very happy.
The Flowering ladies are doing well too. Not too much noticeable growth from last night, but they are still cranking along. I was thinking about getting additional suplements, nutrients, and boost type things. Do you guys recommend any? Like a solution for faster buds, bigger buds, healthier buds, something like that. Is there a product that really is worth buying that makes a noticeable difference? In my grow bible there is a comparison in which the grower put sugar in the reservoir in the last 6 weeks of the grow, and the bud weight increased by 20% I know I am beyond the 6 week point, but I'm curious if adding some now would help?

yea I know, someone is going to bust my balls about offering to buy those, but not an airstone. I'll buy a nice airstone, I promise haha. Although, if these clones keep on cranking how they are I may not need them.

Putting sugar or anything like that (molasses, etc.) in a DWC reservoir is a massive problem.

Imagine cleaning the equivalent of maple syrup out of your reservoir.

Also, I have the same "Bible" (page 280, was actually looking through that chapter last night, ironically enough), and I wonder how legitimate that comparison was - one nug up against another doesn't really seem statistically significant to me, truthfully.

And others will disagree with me, but it's always been my feeling that all the "magic additives" are 95% marketing hype.

Hell, I'm got some Bloombastic, Shooting Powder, and tons of other shit for you for free if you're ever out my way - I've got free samples coming outta my ears.

BTW tmsculli, check out my journal when you get a chance - posted a link to some videos I made.
sugar in the tank?! more than likely was he using unsulphured molasses? i would keep away from that in hydro unless you're doing organics with your nutes already.
what happens with molasses (this is in soil) it gets into the root zone and all the beneficial bacteria/microbes living in the soil get a good snack of carbohydrate from the molasses. in turn, the bacteria/microbes create a waste byproduct, (carbon, n-p-k other good things, depending on the microbe/bacteria) this waste byproduct is EASILY absorbed by the roots and straight up the plant. all carbohydrates do in the root system is feed the microbes, wakes them up and gets them back to work feeding your root system. the reason people say it "bulks" is because in the last few weeks of bloom most people are flushing, and that means a lot of the nutrients in the root zone are locked up, there isn't an easy means for them to absorb these nutrients. so you add molasses, and suddenly BAM!! its a buffet for the root system, and the get that last bit of what's left in the soil.

for hydro, i would avoid it. also floranectar from GH, a "sweetener" does not sweeten your buds, trust me.. I KNOW! i would say floralicious and koolbloom by Gen Hydro are worth the dollars.

floralicious gives your ladies micronutrients so i use it more as a curative, leaves start yellowing in flower i add a little in, instead of "grow" nutrient so that it doesnt shock the plant, but gives it a LITTLE of what it needs you can opt for one part Floralicious Plus or 2 part Floralicious Grow and Floralicious Bloom. if you're using it as a curative i would go for the two part, just in case you need a little grow micronutrient, and just add the bloom in with every res change, worth the money IMO.

koolbloom is worth the money, its actually a phosphorus/potash boost which during bloom the plants need more of to make bigger blooms.
koolbloom like i said above, its worth it, it actually has a chemical makeup that makes it worthy during flower. i started and finished flower with liquid, Gen Hydro recommends you start with liquid and finish with dry, something about the dry bulks better i guess... i don't know... long story short, KoolBloom and Floralicious

hope this helps and doesnt confuse you! any questions let me know.

Bob and Shack, this is precisely why I asked. While I doubt that Jorge Cervantes would put a trick picture in there, I do believe that details were left out and other variables were at play. That being said, I wont do it haha.

Bob, if you PM me where "your way" is we can maybe make this happen haha. I'll check your thread in a minute.

Shack, thanks for that explanation, I appreciate it. I'll have to look into Koolbloom and Floralicious.

I guess I think I need them just because I feel like they are still slow growing and small. For my first grow it's obviously awesome, but I tend to be a go upper-moderately big or go home.
"Koolbloom and Floralicious" Yea, good stuff.
You dont have to use it but My guess/estimate would be you will increse your yield by about 20%

I agree, leave the sugar out of it.
Woke up
Got outta bed
Checked the box,
The clones are dead.

If you didn't get that song reference, I don't blame you, but yea, clones are dead. My bubbles stopped bubbling gentleman. I'm not sure if it was the pump or the stone, but most likely the pump. For some reason it is just substantially weaker than it used to be. Weak to the point that this dual outlet pump was making pussy bubbles from one of the small single air stones. It would usually make that thing errupt. So, now I will be buying yet another air pump, and a very large and nice air stone for the cloner.

Biggggg night for the buds last night. No idea why, but those ladies cranked out some mass last night. I'll post pics shortly.
alright, so I went out and got a really nice 60 gallon air pump, and 2 of those big round air stones that I like. I have the cloner bubbling like crazy now, but I am testing the different combos of stones etc to see which way is the best.