my first grow how do they look and a few ?s


Well-Known Member
Thank goodness....he totally brought a shit vibe....maybe we can move on...back to YOUR plants. I hope all the stuff I said made sense to you. You never sad if that last pic was all seed or not...still looking at a crapy screen.


Well-Known Member
oh and fyi i did keep a hermie its in a completely diffrent room it is way more girl than boy ithink its just a girl with acouple of balls but the way i look at it... i pay for that shit now right?? anddd its not cheap where i live so why not let this grow and not pay an arm for a half of shwag you guys can hate me all you want!! but i have the space i only got it under 1 light so im not doing alot. so for me its worth it ... if its not to you thats fine its your opinion but gosh darnit im sick of paying for shit that im growing right now on accident ya know so im keepin PATRICIA HERM.


Well-Known Member
hey shen well i dunno it didnt look like seeds at all it look like hmmm like puff lol its hard to explain it wasnt really developed but like i said that plant was way diffrent than my others i didnt see any seeds at all where as the other plants i could i dunno its a pretty decent pic though so maybe u could look another time :) but yeah had no hairs so figured male tossed it out..


Well-Known Member
K yeah..didn't mean seeds, just the balls, but i figured you'd understand. LOL its funny that jack ass was right..I did tell you it was a herm...that was my bad...I didn't remember your earlier post correctly...thought you had said it had hairs first...and the shit screen. Its fine that you're keeping it...its your plant:)


Well-Known Member
yeah i had two plants the one i posted pics on the wierd one lol that was a male... and patricia the one i am keeping that started off totally female has a shit load of hairs and just in the past few days developed a couple balls so imma try to pick em off and see what happens. but thx for the support shen and yeah he was right :X lol


Well-Known Member
Hey GirlDatGrows, I had two plants just like you showed earlier in this post. I thought the same thing, so I actually had the good fortune of being able to put them outside, and not have to kill them. And one I kept in the garden, one I put outside. The one outside is still flowering, and the one that stayed in the garden was fine, and turned out some fire ass bud. I had two plants that I found a few seeds in, but the were seeds within the bud. And the one that stayed in the garden, those balls eventually opened and a shitload of hairs came out of there. I noticed that lil growth about a week into 12/12, and I put one outside and it started to re-veg since I was still having long days, so it's flowering nicely now with no seeds, or seed pods. Hope this helps. I would have kept them too, just like you did, I would say put a few more lights on them cuz they are gonna grow some bud. Good luck, and keep growing.

P.S. It is rude as fuck to argue in someone else's thread, especially a woman. You fellas should be ashamed of yourselves. lol. Good job Girl. Peace.


Well-Known Member
intersesting story zeke... i would just like to mention that no one here was arguing with this girl, except for We was just trying to be helpful... as for me....i hate balls in my garden... i just clone the hell outta the female survivors..


Well-Known Member
i agree w/ cheezy and just want to state that i know you all were trying to help and that i take all advice good or bad.. i just hate when its said in a negative or rude manner. most if not all of you have more experience at this than me so why would i not listen! lols.. thx though and yeah patricia herm is starting to bud and looks nothing like that other plant i posted pics of in fact the bud doesnt look male at all so we will see what happens ;)


Well-Known Member
Oh it's all good Cheezy, I wasn't pointing fingers, I just thought it was kinda rude to be yappin in her thread like that, whoever entertained it. That's all, no big deal, but she is honestly trying to learn, and get sound advice, and it's kinda a bite in the ass to get folks bickering on your thread when you just trying to get some help and advice.

Glad to hear you got some buds coming from her. That's sounds and looks just like my two plants I had mentioned, and they ended up growing great bud with no seeds, or male signs. So, good luck and way to go on not killing her. Peace.


Well-Known Member
that is the kind of problem i had once i had a hermie that was totaly female till that fucker sexchanged on me the balls only grew on the lower nodes and the top bud was totaly untouched and had their virginity:)


Well-Known Member
ok so got some updates! checked on the girls today and they are starting to bud! yaaaaaayyy! ill take some pics here soon. oh and my last undetermined plant is my topped one when i looked at it today one little calyx has 2 tiny hairs starting to emerge im so happy! i just hope it stays fem lol so that gives me 3 girls and one herm i guess im satisfied :mrgreen: thx for all the support guys now i really cant wait till they r done :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
well here are the pics of the lil baby buds! lol didnt get shots of the herm today but maybe tomorrow but there they are.

1 and 2 topped plant not budding yet but first signs of female yay!

345 alberta pujols

5 and 6 miketta my biggest plants think shes gonna grow some nice buds!

enjoy friends :mrgreen:



Active Member
looking good to me!
first time grower myself and found your thread very informative.
looking forward to seeing more! +rep


Well-Known Member
Ooooh, those look nice, very healthy and green. Very nice work, keep it up, and happy growing. That's gonna be some tasty treats! Peace.