my first grow how do they look and a few ?s


Well-Known Member
getting mad at me for telling you to do your own research.never said anything about you being stupid.The one with the hate problem is you.You hate the fact that i dont shower you with attention and huggs and puppydogs.I tell it straight.But like you said you did the reasearch and allready knew.So you posted a ? you knew the answer too.And go ahead listen to your "friends " the ones that tell you its a hermie when its not.And be rude to the one that gave you the right info.Its cool id expect nothing lees from a insecure little girl whos starved for attention.Im out.and i ment it do not pm me anymore.12 in one day is more than enough


Well-Known Member
this isnt a dating service....go to or here too just making a point dude....theres enough chicks out here in la...i dont have to go on here to meet women...your tripping....


Well-Known Member
lol i stalked u?? i should ss my pm list right now.. i sent u like 2 msgs and not once did i beg u to come back to my fact on the contrary in case you forgot and i quote "its cool though if you feel like your wasting time helping me its no biggie maybe on the next grow since if i do grow again i wil def. get a better light :smile:" i responded to you because you appologized.. also in case you forgot your the one sending me pms about music linking me to your youtube... and all this other shit... so i think you may be confused about who is the one stalking who... i never said you were wrong.. just rude.. and you are so i dont apologize for that. i told you last time if you didnt have anything that wasnt rude to say then dont say at all i didnt ask you to come back or for your help... i ask for help in general. so plz like i said before do not comeback here with your negative energy your just a wierdo whos sour because someone pissed in your bong or something.. so plz just back off. thanxs :cuss:


Well-Known Member
I told you not to mess with that looser bonghits....for all others reading this he is a stalker. See what ya get. And yeah shit...I gave my reasoning behind it all. The last pic looked like buds forming on my shity screen...and I could have sworn earlier in the thread she said it had pistils( not pistol..bang bang idiot) and then got the balls, guess I was mistaken on that one. But seriously dude you're a looser and your music sucks....I hope you stick to your words and don't come back. I allready told myself I was never going to respond to anything you've written...too I'm DONE. piss off

Sorry gdg for this negativity on your thread, but dam I hate that guy.


Well-Known Member
oh and btw before your rude ass post when i was replying to everyone... and said if im being rude it was to you i was fucking kidding why i put LOL ... so all this bs is over nothing i shoulda stated that earlier but i yeah my bad on that but i see your just definatelly a negative person that i dont need to read posts from so again thx for the help you did give me and plz dont come back here again.. i think you just need to think stuff before you say/type maybe because all of your comments come off a little rude and arrogant.


Well-Known Member
Oh my gosh, dude keeps re-editing!! You hit the nail on the head gdg...he is a ultra negative person who doesn't read peoples posts before spouting off a bunch of trash.


Well-Known Member
Allright...this is F'd up....Bong wanabe jsut gave me a neg rep. Dude you really are a looser...right the f back at ya.
To ANYONE else that thinks this guy is a d bag...send him a negative rep....dude needs to learn how to act.


Well-Known Member
i re edited because i decided not to post all the pm,s she sent me because i dont feel the need to humiliate her.And im not negitive at all i just dont relate to young punkass bitches like you verrywell shenagen.Your a stupid kid and you give the wrong info.Then i called you out.


Well-Known Member
i re edited because i decided not to post all the pm,s she sent me because i dont feel the need to humiliate her.And im not negitive at all i just dont relate to young punkass bitches like you verrywell shenagen.Your a stupid kid and you give the wrong info.Then i called you out.
A kid...a kid....right. I'm over 30...and you didn't call me out on shit...learn how to read... and get the fuck out dude.


Well-Known Member
Send him a negative rep for being such an ass hole, I'll give you a pos. one in case he sends one to you....he negative rep'd me...but it didn't change the score cuz my good ole budy jar sent a +. ..thanks man! I've never seen anyone on this site that more people have had a problem with....and I've been here a year! And I told you he was a crazy ass stalker should've never pm with him. You never know he could be good with computers and stalk you in real life(I doubt it though)