my first grow how do they look and a few ?s


Well-Known Member
hey mane thanks for all the support and i will def check out that guys buds. thanks to everyone else also. and yes this will be the first homegrown ive smoked... im pretty sure ive smoked some old mass produced stuff but never fresh home im very excited! the stuff i usually get around here if i can get some decent bud i will be very happy. all of this growing is so new to me that ive never even seen a weed plant in real life lol just smoked alot of it. cant wait to see my buds start to form. im changing my lights to 12/12 tonight so imma go down here soon and get some last pics of the veg :) will post soon. thanks again to everyone

oh and squirrel i picked a few of those 42 watts up thanks guy :)

what about the smell??? lol no answers on that one yet


Well-Known Member
hey mane thanks for all the support and i will def check out that guys buds. thanks to everyone else also. and yes this will be the first homegrown ive smoked... im pretty sure ive smoked some old mass produced stuff but never fresh home im very excited! the stuff i usually get around here if i can get some decent bud i will be very happy. all of this growing is so new to me that ive never even seen a weed plant in real life lol just smoked alot of it. cant wait to see my buds start to form. im changing my lights to 12/12 tonight so imma go down here soon and get some last pics of the veg :) will post soon. thanks again to everyone

oh and squirrel i picked a few of those 42 watts up thanks guy :)

what about the smell??? lol no answers on that one yet
if you have little money just buy a piece of carbon material for like 3 bucks and stick it to your fan it wont work great but it will help.


Well-Known Member
Hers a list of my supplier's for grow needs: you will need a exuahst fan to use it though

I got mo but these my top


Well-Known Member
scratch that last ? lol i think i found it ok well heres the last pics of the plants b4 flowering. i took a pic of all 8 so here they are only a few names.. Nancy,Alberta (Pujols that is), and miketta lol ( the one i adopted off a friend mike) the whole crop is gonna be called spider weed lol b/c i got lots of spiders in my basement and i have to clean webs off my plants every morning. ( but no they are not eating them! and no mites lol) and again 1st one topped 2nd one fim. Next 2 trying to train. now they are all looking pretty much the same but look at the last one compared to the rest.. looks a lil fatter leaves what do you all think? and again some pics look yellow cuz of light but you can see on others they are really green. and last pic is comparison of that plant that looks a lil different. enjoy!



Well-Known Member
you got alot of plants you might wanna invest in sum mo small cfl's of one big one bfo flower


Well-Known Member
hey mane ;) i have 10 26 watts and 2 42 watts that im using right now plus a long fluorescent grow tube that my 3 biggest plants have been growing under i also have 4 more lights on stand by for flowering :) hopefully thats enough im assuming ill only end up with 4 or less females if i end up with any more im going to plant them in a friends back yard :/ dont have room or light for more than 4. i will also be eliminating the grow light during flowering for its more blue. As far as the stretching i know that they are a lil.. they started when they were young but have not stretched much in the last month b/c i eliminated 2 hot halogen grow lights. those lights grew my plants like crazy but were too hot (probally can see a few burns) so had to keep it further away thus the stretching but after replacing with cfls seems to be doing way better my lights are very close ;) thanks for the input ill take a pic of my whole setup tomorrow after i get everything ready for flowering and you can lemme know what ya think.


Well-Known Member
shit load of lamps lol i havent followed but did you buy all those lamps ? if so wouldn't it be cheaper if you got a single hps ?


Well-Known Member
oh my bad i though dey was all female I'm trippin dat should be enough fo a cfl gro. I thought you only had like 7 smal cfls from da pics. dats enough lumens just keep em like 2in away from plants so they bush and you dont have too tall plants (you dont want major stem only new growth and compact buds). 3000 per plant is good
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Well-Known Member
shit load of lamps lol i havent followed but did you buy all those lamps ? if so wouldn't it be cheaper if you got a single hps ?

it was 25$ for all the cfls i had the other lights from lizards ;) the cheapest hps i could find w/o ordering over the net was like 80$ :/ and yeah mane i think ill have around 5000 lumens per plant maybe even more depending on the fems
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Well-Known Member
scratch that last ? lol i think i found it ok well heres the last pics of the plants b4 flowering. i took a pic of all 8 so here they are only a few names.. Nancy,Alberta (Pujols that is), and miketta lol ( the one i adopted off a friend mike) the whole crop is gonna be called spider weed lol b/c i got lots of spiders in my basement and i have to clean webs off my plants every morning. ( but no they are not eating them! and no mites lol) and again 1st one topped 2nd one fim. Next 2 trying to train. now they are all looking pretty much the same but look at the last one compared to the rest.. looks a lil fatter leaves what do you all think? and again some pics look yellow cuz of light but you can see on others they are really green. and last pic is comparison of that plant that looks a lil different. enjoy!

Looks great....its your first right? aaa the first smoke you grow yourself is the best you'll ever have!! Its like when you go matter what you make to dogs or will be the best dam hot dog ever.(at least thats how it is for me lol I may be weird) You should look into the hps for next time...just a thought.
Oh yeah..if you ever have any issues or plant probs, click the link in my signiture thing...its the best of what I've found on the net.


Well-Known Member
yep its my first.. cant wait to smoke it lol! and your right it probably will be like camping everything tastes better on a campfire hehe. and yes if i do grow again i will get a better light (*cough*cough*bonghits) lols <3. anyways thanks for the info my plants dont seem to have any nute deficiencies yet but as soon as i see a sign im sure your post will help awesome work. :joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
they all look fine.nice indica traits in those leaves nice and fat.What are you feeding them? And whats the temp. in your grow space? You might wanna wait just a couple more weeks to switch to flower just to let the top and fim really show.Then get the lights as close as you can w/o it getting to hot.Switch to flower and the stretch should'nt be a issue but be ready to keep moving the lights around cause they are going to grow 2 or 3 times their height in the first two weeks then on the top and fim remove the whole bottom third of the the bare steam i call it giving them a haircut.This will create nice airflow on the bottoms (healthy roots and stems)and concentrate the energy to the buds at the top of the plant (the highest potency and flavor).Your doing a exceptional job for the minimal equipment you have.So srry for coming at ya all hardass yesterday just a really bad mood.Can we forgive and forget? And mane2008 click on any one of the thumbnail pics at the top of the page then click search and type in miss thickness.Thats what im about ok so chill out on your Im da biggest dealer/grower on da block.stuff i apoligize to you too for being a dick yesterday It happens but dont disrespect me or try to knock my skills.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah...I didn't mean to look at it because you plants look bad...they look great...just saying IF you notice'll know where to look. The quicker you react the better.
PS you're not friends with kitty are you?(not her name, but if you know her then you'll get it)


Well-Known Member
LOL....its like in the new Harold and Kumar movie! Its pretty dam funny if you guys haven't seen it. There is a 3 way with a giant sack of pot...laughing just thinking about it!


Well-Known Member
lol gotta see that now ;) well we are on 2nd day of flowering no pics they look the same lol just feel wierd not posting in here and probally wont be pics worth while for the next few days sooo. HI! lol :blsmoke: