my first grow how do they look and a few ?s


Well-Known Member
Now that all my plants are gone i shall be paying more attention to everyone elses grows
cant wait to see what else happens here


Well-Known Member
well the plants are looking great still pretty much the same just a lil bigger lol. i will take some pics tomorrow. but i wanted to update and let you know i so far have 3 fems and 3 males im tossing out the males when my husband gets home from work. but im really excited b/c all my plants look the same except for 2. and one of them is one we adopted from a friend.. well i just spotted hairs on her today so shes a girl! im glad shes a biggen and smells so good think its gonna b one of my best plants. so yeah thats good news for me just thought id let yall know ;) take some pics tomorrow when the guys are gone. peace out tricks :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
welp took some pics today 8 days into flowering..tossed out 2 boys last night and waitin on a 3rd gonna give it a lil longer to fully show. ok so heres the break down...

1&2 same plant girl
3&4 same plant girl
5&6 same plant girl
7&8 same plant boy (pretty sure)
9&10same plant undetermined
11&12 same plant undertermined
13 all
let me know what ya think.. look good bad?? right sex lol thanks guys <3



Well-Known Member
Looking good there! Is that a T5 flouro?..if so I'd put it above the plants between the cfls. It'll do more good up there. I can't make out the undetermined one...its just a lil blurry around the internodes.


Well-Known Member
hey shenagen thx! yeah the 1 undertermined hasnt shown any signs of sex yet and the other is my topped plant has pistols everywhere but no hair or balls yet.. could it be female??? can females have pistols with no hairs for a while? i dunno lol but it look hella girl. oh and no its not a t5 its just a flourecent grow light figured it'd work for side lighting. :)

and hello growman nice to hear ur gonna get a plant after all be stealth!! and yes ive noticed :X lol i came down this morning and plant 1 nancy was all up in her light grow 2 inches over night :X good and bad lol hope they dont out grow my house! nah they shouldnt i got a decent amount of room left. but gl with your new grow! wish i could sex my last 2 plants :X grrrr need the lights soon hopefully! bye for now guys thx for the replys keep em commin good or bad :mrgreen::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
well I am a bad one to ask.. Ive been jacked by customs.. check with blazin though he has gotten some great service from the bank he ordered from. My fav genetics right now are DNA though.


Well-Known Member
Girls are looking good, you have come a long way. stick with it it's so worth it. Trust me I know first hand, finishing up my first grow from bag seed. Check my journal. Peace. Happy growing, and again good job.


Well-Known Member
ok so i could really use some help here i started with 8 plants now have 5 left 3 girls 1 undetermined and this one i need help with.. i want to know asap so i can get rid dont want to pollinate... ive had no probs so far seeing guys and finding my 3 girls but this one is wierd... it has no hairs yet and is the first plant to really start flowering... and it has these balls on it but they are not in groups just one ball every here and there... and one ball is broke open kinda and looks like lil leaves or something in it are comming out. im so confused on this one... heres the pics the 3rd pic is what the ball looks like open.. plzzzzz help me!!! if its a guy it needs to go so if your expert eyes could help would be greatly appreciated. thx! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
looks to me like you have a hermie!! have you had any temp problems or anything else that may have given the plant a shock?


Well-Known Member
nope :/ have had no probs with any plant... and theyve all been treated the same.. and this is the only one then X: so i dunno IS IT REALLY A HERMIE?? oh god lol i may keep if it is lols... more opinions plz??


Well-Known Member
me personally I get rid of my herms unless I want to try to get female seeds from the other plants.. when it pollinates the other plants will stop producing thc and start concentrating their work on seed making.. some have tried to pinch the seeds off with mixed results.. also I know some people have let them go just to the point of opening and pollinating then chopping and making hash or canna butter! good luck with whatever way you decide to go! nice op either way!@
