MY FIRST GROW (hydro closet setup)


Well-Known Member
hey man plants are looking good but im afraid you are getting a little 2 sisor happy. ALl this cutting of the plants stresses them out and greatly increases your chance of a hermi. hope it doesnt happen but with all the cutting and topping it just might be 2 much for your plants to handle and they might trany. Just letting you now man that when you top or fim or anything like that its not good 2 do anything that streses them again like taking clones for a week. hope it helps man

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Thanks dude i appreciate the info, but im pretty confident that i will not over stress them, at my hydro shop i talked to the guy in there and he is pretty exp, and he said i should have no problems. I sure hope i dont! lol but all those clones are gonna be nice either way!! :joint:

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
There are something like 36 right now but in the space i have i can add another shop light and probably do almost 200 ya!!!! lol :joint:
The clone tray i have holds 50!

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Took my first set of baby sized clones 8 days ago, and one of the ones from plant #6 has legs!!! kick ass considering all did for the first 4 days was have reg RO water in there! its the only one but still i am impressed! that means the big clones i took last night will probably be on their feet in half the time since i used a rooting gel!!!
LEG IT! :joint:



mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Shak, you're doing awesome. I like your experiment. Some bushy, some trimmed and lollipopped. I'm interested to see the differences because I'm thinking of trying this kind of stuff on my crop. Thanks for doing the R&D for me:mrgreen:
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Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Shak, you're doing awesome. I like your experiment. Some bushy, some trimmed and lollipopped. I'm interested to see the differences because I'm thinking of trying this kind of stuff on my crop. Thanks for doing the R&D for me:mrgreen:
Thanks man! I appreciate the motivating words! Keeps me on task!!! :joint:

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Day 36

Dont have full plant pics the light went off when i was halfway done, i woke up too late today :cry:....

But here is topview so you can see how the diff tops look (FIM, Topped, and not topped) :joint:

Clones are doing good the first 13 clones i had in the little round dome are almost all showing some roots, but i have no where to put them just yet, so im gonna create a baby veg chamber with floro, similar to my clone area... till i get my other set of t5 lights!

The pics are in number order from left to bottom right! Sorry about the blurry last couple usually i would take new ones but the lights are out.....



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New Member
Nice job man, looking great. I would say though you should give them a little more time between cuttings. It will stress the roots and also stunt the growth. The plants energy needs only go up, when you clip those leaves off the plant struggles to bounce back on track for a couple of days, like a transplant.

Other than that keep it up.

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Thanks! a lot of people that have been watching this will be glad to haer that i am officially DONE CUTTING unless fully yellowed or fouled leaves! :joint:

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Day 37

Okay here are the pics for today, everything seems to be going pretty well, a couple of the plants were looking a little weird but i think with the hand watering i have been doing i can get them back into shape #7 the one that was very sick and i cut like hell and fimmed is looking great! can hardly tell its the same plant!

Most of the old clones i took (the first 13) are now at my good friend Oden230's house,

I have also set my timer to 12/12 so tomorrow morning at 12am the lights will go out and the plants will get their very first 12 hours of dark!


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New Member
I think maybe a little less water still. And at some time soon they need a transplant, they will start to grow REALLY slow, then you know its time for more root realestate.

You want those leaves to either reach upwards toward light or be level with the ground so to speak. The droopyness is being caused by one of the things stated before.


Well-Known Member
Awesome journal Dr Shakalu. I dint see your srtain mentioned anywhere.... What is it. I am growing apollo 11 and the plants look almost identical to yours. I almost wish they weren't so short and branchy. I am 2 weeks behind you in length of time from germination but am using 600 MH and HPS and i started with T5s for veg. Maybe a good comparison of what differnet lights produce....Good luck man, looking really good.

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