My First Grow [stealth cfl lst]


Okay. So I decided to start with my first step today, I decided to go out and get a decent CFL bulb and some soil, because those were the only necessities I need to start.

I'll post pics of what I am currently working with and some for viewing pleasure. I will 'not' post pics of my germinating seeds until ready to be covered in dirt.

So, I'm starting with bagseed, unknown strain. I have 10 total, so 1 is being germinated. Also from the same strain as 9 of those seeds[1 seed is from some other strain, that seed is still bagged so to say] I have 4 white seeds, now I've read somewhere [cant remember] that white seeds are not mature seeds and won't grow? Can anyone assure me of this? [btw I put a white seed in with the other one in the wet paper towel just for shits and giggles]

I will be low stress training any plants I grow.

I don't have nearly everything I'd like to have. In fact I can't even start taking apart my grow dresser and rebuilding it without the shit.. lol.. yea I'm strapped for cash.

When my seed sprouts, or if I have to start another one, then I will plant it in a 2L ice cream container and it'll be grown in my closet starting with the lamp I have, using a Single, 42 watt cfl, 6500k, 2600 lumens.

I will be getting more bulbs and some outlet to socket converters and putting some cfl's on a power strip.

My pics should be obvious as to what they are/will be used for.




lol, Some pics for viewing pleasure.. any ? just ask. :eyesmoke:

I have some pics of small pieces of some White Widow and some BC Blueberry... and in the bowl pic I believe is just WW or WW + Blueberry.. either way, awesome smoke.




Active Member
hey bro looks like your beginning a setup. Get a basic potting soil to mix with your miracle grow as it is usually fertilized and /or high acidic PH. just grab a basic potting mix about the same size bag and mix em'. The light bulb you have looks good, get like 5 of em for 8 plants through veg, use Fast Food restaurant cups as a vegging pot, they are basically free! lol! After that transplant to 2 gallon pots using a guana soil/ miracle grow mix along with 3x 2700k 42 watt cfl for every FEMALE plant. lol thats what id' do good luck man


hey bro looks like your beginning a setup. Get a basic potting soil to mix with your miracle grow as it is usually fertilized and /or high acidic PH. just grab a basic potting mix about the same size bag and mix em'. The light bulb you have looks good, get like 5 of em for 8 plants through veg, use Fast Food restaurant cups as a vegging pot, they are basically free! lol! After that transplant to 2 gallon pots using a guana soil/ miracle grow mix along with 3x 2700k 42 watt cfl for every FEMALE plant. lol thats what id' do good luck man
Colol thanks for the input man. Yeah I do plan on using a mix of soil/peat moss + perlite and vermiculite as my medium.. but until I have the funds to purchase the preferred components of my grow, I'll do with what I have. And really, this 1 single plant (the 1st seed to germ, btw no tap root yet on the seed germ-ing) but it'll stay in the ice cream bucket because until my cabinet is built, I dont want anything too big that I cant conceal. YES I will be diluting the MG soil with some other reg soil.:peace:



Okay, so today I picked up a quad of Cali/Kali Mist.
Buddy told me it was a creeper, so, cool.

I've read now that it's mostly Sativa, and it's smell is, kind of like a sweet but sour, like a candy sour, but a fruity clear sour that is a sweet/sour.. idk, I can't describe the sweet-sourness of it. Looks nice too. Gonna be amazing compared to the shit I've had since monday.. I'll post pics.

BTW I'll be talking about other Weed related things on here too. It's my thread, so.. kiss-ass lol jk jk :joint::joint::joint:


**Germination Process**

I'll be starting another seed in the paper towel method sometime tomorrow to be with the 2 that are currently germinating.. btw the white seed has turned darker to resemble the other one, I believe I can still tell them apart though. Tomorrow total seeds = 3 in.



**Germination Process**

I'll be starting another seed in the paper towel method sometime tomorrow to be with the 2 that are currently germinating.. btw the white seed has turned darker to resemble the other one, I believe I can still tell them apart though. Tomorrow total seeds = 3 in.
Okay, omg omg omg I got a taproot. I followed my instinct and checked the seeds anyway this morning [told myself last night i wouldnt until this evening today] and my seed has a taproot!! w00t!! [wake'n'bake b4 work btw lmao]
The taproot is, about an 1/8" at most in length, I know I can leave it in the paper towel longer. I do have to leave for work quite soon, and I will try looking this up later.. BUT ..


What length of a taproot would you guys recommend to have before I drop my seed into the soil??

That's my question for today. Any comments and help are much appreciated.:peace::joint:



Active Member
Well I drop the seed as soon as it cracks and I see a tiny piece of the taproot.
I do this because I'm too scared of the taproot growing and then the paper towel getting dry which will cause stress and damage to the taproot.
I would suggest you plant it as soon as you get home.


Well I drop the seed as soon as it cracks and I see a tiny piece of the taproot.
I do this because I'm too scared of the taproot growing and then the paper towel getting dry which will cause stress and damage to the taproot.
I would suggest you plant it as soon as you get home.
yeaq okay.. i walked in the door literally.. less than 10 minutes ago.. im still in my wet work clothes.. the taproot doubled in length from this morning, filling my ice cream jug now, gonna put in the seedling, and make it a bit damp. i will be leaving in less than an hour, and i wont be able to see her til tomorrow evening,, this time but most likely an hour or 2 later.. so 26 hours or so..


yeaq okay.. i walked in the door literally.. less than 10 minutes ago.. im still in my wet work clothes.. the taproot doubled in length from this morning, filling my ice cream jug now, gonna put in the seedling, and make it a bit damp. i will be leaving in less than an hour, and i wont be able to see her til tomorrow evening,, this time but most likely an hour or 2 later.. so 26 hours or so..
so i put the seedling in, snapped a pic, took one of the white seed too.. will post them tomorrow as im in quite the hurry ATM.


so i put the seedling in, snapped a pic, took one of the white seed too.. will post them tomorrow as im in quite the hurry ATM.

okay, so when i put my seed in the dirt .. yesterday, i sprayed it 7x with distilled water, covered it with seran wrap, but not 100% tight, as it wont stick to my container so i taped it shut. today i got home and opened it up, was curious to see the seed, it grew a little, so i reburied it [i wont do this again] and i lost it lol,, sprayed like 12x with water, covered very tight with seran wrap to keep moisture. I know it is inevitable that I won't know the exact position of my seed in the soil until it breaks through.. I have a slight worried feeling, though I'm quite sure I have nothing to worry about.

i need to soon make drainage holes though...

Do any of you think I'll need to water my seedling any more until it breaks ground?? I'm hoping that it's tight enough to keep in moisture.. cuz when i got home today there was no condensation on the seran wrap, so obviously [even though i knew it] it wasn't tight enough,, but it is now.

3 pics: 1 pic is of my seed in the dirt before getting covered, another is of my white seed, that is darker now because of moisture, unrooted, and a pic of the last bits of the blunt i rolled with the pruned bud leaves from my Cali Mist, and the remaining 2 or 3 dots of the shit i bought last monday. i was blazzzed.



im about the same point as were u as now same light but my sprouted 3 days ago yus!!!@
sweet man, sounds good!!
I checked mine this morning, condensation on the plastic so it's tight enough..
just wondering if I should provide the damp dirt with my light now?? or just wait to put it under lights until it breaks ground?? .. just, because I can't see the seedling utilizing my light until it can see it,, and I'm sure the ground won't absorb the light for plant use.. the only benefit I can see right now of putting it under the light right now is for heat.. I'll be looking into this after work.



K OMG hey to all who are interested.. I don't mean to sound liek a little girl.. but it broke ground!! eek!! attached pic. happened sometime within the last 6-8 hours. was in utter darkness.


p.s. heading to walmart RIGHT now damnit!! to get a timer for ma lamp.



So, my sprout has gotten bigger again, it's red, well, still red btw. Is it normal for sprouts/seedlings to be red like this?? I havent seen them be red in any other grows I've seen,, unless it's just so early that most people dont snap pics yet.. IDK..

I'm also having a hard time trying to decide if I should continue my plan of 12/12 all the way.. or to go 18/6 for veg.. KEEP IN MIND my plant will NOT be transplanted OUT of the 2L ice cream jug. This seed will have only 1 home for my 1st grow.:joint::peace:



here's more pics of it being red,, there is a little bit of green between the top and the rest of the stem.. i don't care if it stays red forever.. red's my favourite colour :P

oh, also, I decided not to start germinating another seed.

as of the time now, my seedling's top has now opened so it looks like the beginning of it's first 2 leaves.
but in these pics is just its' redness, and being put back under the light, and with the light reflector right over top of it.

I decided to stick with my 12/12 lighting from seed plan.

Now I really need to get a few small holes in the bottom of my ice cream container, this should prove interesting. I'll try to remember to take pics while doing it. I'll be making 45 degree slits along the rim of the container to slide in and secure either string or pipe cleaner for lst.



If you are flowering from seed, you are definitely going to need some more light man. Id say at LEAST 4 bulbs total- 2 warm, 2 cool
I wouldn't worry too much about the redness, I just had my first couple sprout up and mine were similar. Although mine also shed the seed shell right away and yours look like it hasn't yet. I would be careful with getting that 42w bulb too close though, the seedling is fragile at this stage, remember to keep it between 2-4".

Good luck, I'll keep checking in and we can compare notes.


Spacely- thanks, yeah I will need more bulbs, but they will come in the next week or 2 as the seedling has yet to get used the 1 bulb, also gives me time to get the sockets and adapters.

robo- I figured it is normal, and it looks like the shell isn't on it, as the first leaves have opened, but I'll check in the morning before I leave for work. My lighting sched is on @ 8am and off @ 8pm.

I've taken off the saran wrap as off lights out and added some more moisture to the seedling. I'm going to leave the light at the angle it's at because I can put my hand up to about 1/4" away or closer and not be too hot. lol scratch that, I just angled it up a little, now the total distance is about 4 fingers (measured @ first knuckle from finger tip) so at least 2.5". should be good until I get home from work tomorrow, and maybe even til lights out.

R. bongsmilie


I just decided to forgo the 12/12 veg to flower so now I'm on from 6am to midnight. I figured why bother doing 12/12 the entire way, it'll veg slower and not get as big, and why not try to get it as big as possible as fast as possible.. duh. I just don't want to go 24hr light, she and I both need some dark time ;)
I don't think there's anything else, peace out guys.

Thanks for the input!! All comments and advice/suggestions are welcome and appreciated!!


w00t I've had 420 views!! though I'm making my own 18th comment.

Light has been on all day, so far for.. almost 14 hours today, I think my seedling has gotten a bit bigger, I wont check until tomorrow morning when lights come on.

R. :joint::peace:


Wicked sweet post man...

I germinated like 7 all at once, what would be the benefit to doing it one at a time? I have just been planting them as they sprout i really wish i had some pics to share, cuz i got like four spouted. Sadly my plants are at my brothers house, we decided to become partners sense i cat do it at my place.