My First grow


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color is still a bit off, go figure ;)

but she is looking good... and a growth spurt is a definite good sign.


Well-Known Member
Yea it is, just hope shes not gonna spurt up toooo much, i got like 3" max before plexi, and i mean i could probobly clean some of the tertiary growth out and do some more training, but thats only slowing her growth that much more, i just hope to see buds forming before she touches the top.....

Any idea what a bud squished up on plexi would do? Thats my fear really, and closing it some of the heads near the lip have to be tucked back so they don't get closed into the seam.

Color is a bit off, as in Green color, or Zn def? Green color, either being toned with yellow, or more blue? If its yellow, its because i didn't dim my camera as much as i had been. And the lights are only on one side of the plant, so its hard to sorta get a good color shot.

The close up of the curling leaves is about the best color shown for her right now. Early last week she was almost a Dark Green/Blue, because of too much N.


Well-Known Member
Not Bad, I Think On This End, The Lighting Is Giving A Bit More Yellow Than Is Realy There. Because The Othier Pic. Looks Better In The Shadow Areas. So Stay The Coarse... And Has The Timmer Time Been Checked In Person. On Side And Off. No Sleeping In Check It And Time It One Day. To Confirm Its On The Money. And Were Running It Were In Needs To Be.! Db.:)


Well-Known Member
i dont have an idea, i know exactly what a bud squashed on plexi does ;)

it gets all flat and doesnt fill out properly and eventually starts to rot.

tie those puppies down as need be... twist ties make it easy.

oh, and on a side note, i cannot say that tieing a plant slows growth any... in fact every time i tie the plants get a pretty good spurt from it... also, trimming can make the trimmed area slow down, but i use pruning to force growth to other areas... for instance, let's say i fim a plant and get the neato triple (or more) growth... sometimes the out branches will rapidly outgrow the center growth.. i top or fim those outer branches and this forces the center growth to shoot up.... anyway, point is, slowed growth is regional not global :D

all the standard wisdom of dont cut on your plant or tie it down or stress it in any way goes right out the window with ScrOG (or SOG).... BTW, you want to see some merciless treatment of plants, check out the ruthlessness of SOG.

you can either strap and cut your shit or let it choke itself out and crush itself into the environment... so, let me pass you the bong, the scissors and some ties ;)


Well-Known Member
Been using them green twist ties for about month-.5 or so, i jsust keep pulling them down, crossing them if need be, to hold eachother down, and let them do there thing, and trying to keep them all under control, i've got ALOT of plant material, lol.

As far as trimming, i did pinch of the tips of the yellowing chlorisis leaves, lets say 70% of them that i could see.

I checked the timer last night......and reset it, walked in at 9:45pm saw light, FK, i forogt to turn the uvb off, so i set it to 10am to wake up instead, so for now on she's getting 13hrs dark period from here on out. I had it set properly as well, at 12:15mins dark for the last few nights but fk'd it up last night, but i feel more comfertable now knowing i'm on the darker side of things. I do hope though that that little fk up didn't bother her......was typing a paper, and lost track of time :)

I'm just waiting for her to look like all those pictures i see of heads, alot of white hairs sticking out and then filling in around them.......i got like 8 pubes on each head, which would be like 30+ easily.....go figure.


Well-Known Member
U In School.??? That Comes First With Me!!! Hope Your Doing Well.!!!

After This Run And The Move, Re Set.... Your Going To Be Giving Answers In Stead Of Asking Questions...!!! Remember Deep Breath... Full Of Cannabis Smoke If Perfered...what Is Going To Happen Will...! And Were Just Realy Along For The Experience, And The Ride.!!! Think That And See Her As Just A House Plant,.... Dandy Lion! Or Glorified Thistle... Db.~tlb! :)


Well-Known Member
Yup in classes over the summer 5 week sessions. Takin modern art 1900-1950 right now, and writing a paper on picasso, intresting stuff, french avant garde into cubism/futurism.

But next run i'm definently going to keep a head on my shoulders, really i just need to get a small decent stash going and i know i'll be more patient, save some cash in the long run, and that'll keep me a little more patient. Still looking for suggestions on strains that don't stink very much.

Though i know it dosent fall under that heading, but jack herer is on the top of my list, as its a smaller sativa dominant strain witha nice taste/smell.

Any more suggestions..........i'm only gonna do a single plant at a time i think, unless i can find a spot that i can get 2 going on alternating harvesting months, etc. But i need to find a cabinet i can modify that is stealthy as fk, it'll be fun though, even if i have to design and build it, it'll be worth it in the long run if its 100% stealth, only problems i see is sufficient air flow in and out........i can control the light very easily, but airflow and keeping a 75F temp is hard in my was peaking at 95F, and extreemly humid, its 85 or so in my apt, and 83 i think in the box, which is somewhat high.......but over the winter i know this is going to be ideal......IDEAL temp.

Thanks again peeps for all the kind words and words of enouragement, cannot thank ye enough.
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Picasso, the RUI poster, not the painter, has a really nice cab setup... looks simple and effective to me. if you havent seen it give it a gander.

Jack Herer is a fav of mine too, but in these low grows it scares me... also, from what i understand it is not the easiest or fastest grower... might want to get a few good grows under your belt, but that is mostly my advice to myself on that one. i have hit a couple of Sativa's in my bag seed grows and they wind up literally tied in knots to keep short... i am almost thankful each of them have turned hermie along the way and gotten yanked out of the grow. Indicas are what we need to grow in our ridiculously small ops.

my grow has a separate flower and veg area so i am seriously contemplating trying some auto-ak47 in my veg tank while i do some real indicas in the flower. Lowryders arent anything to really brag about for smoke, but i bet they do well in those tub grows.

one of the strains i want to try due to yield, size and harvest time is Mango... again nothing to brag about, but a good strain in my guesstimation for these small grows. and clonable ;)

and 83 degrees is not evil for the plants.... i wouldnt feel too shabby about those results in your situation.


Well-Known Member
Yea i read through his journal, very nice cabinet, i don't need anything that large though, mabey 4ft max height. for the grow chamber. And i'm planning on keeping with the scrog i like the method, and i like the control you can have over directing it where to go, next time i need to top it earlier, and control the arms a little better, and not let them get so long without being into flower already, with proper time/temps, etc. Which would have cut probobly a foot off my growth lol.

The mango sounds tasty, BCbudking was haivng a 10 free with purchase last i looked, i think they had juicy fruit last too.

I love fruity, flavorful herb, but i need something that can pack a hefty punch. Any ideas how tall a jack herer would get really done similar to how i have my scrog?? I think i might be able to with sufficient though and care be able to do a sativa properly, just through training. I just crave that mind bending smoke lol. They always sit well, and much preferred over an indica, though a potent indica is like a decent opiate. :D


Well-Known Member
harvest your indica early then and it will be more like the sativa up buzz... i harvest early and late to allow for different kinds of buzzes to come out of each plant.

i have never grown Jack... in fact, all i have grown is Northern Lights, Gainseville Green and assorted bag seed so i cant say how tall it would get or more importantly, how short it could be kept. but i have a feeling it is a real leggy bitch of a plant to grow.

my satvia bag seed plants grow about an inch or two each day, all through flowering even. quite the unruly mess in a small area and the ScrOG starts getting insane with folds and tucks and nips... like i said, i have been kinda relieved when the previous ones went hermie... i have one more in flower and one in veg that i might cull to make room for my nice and cooperative indica clones... the sativa i have in flower is still tiny (she had a hard life as a sprout) but is getting bigger and all the veg time is REALLY scaring me... usually, my plants do not spend 3 weeks in veg from seed. the first clone that has made it to flower spent just over a week with HER(!) roots in veg but that is because she was taken small... her sister is staying in veg to become a mother and i should be pulling clones about a week before my next harvest... this will allow those clones to hit flower almost as soon as they get roots. all that stoned babble is just to point out just how hard i work at keeping stuff SHORT.

i like the ScrOG, but fuck it makes this into work!


Well-Known Member
Yea but hey i'm not trying to get a Moderate sized op going, i want to stay small, self sufficient, and fk the money i don't want to sell, just have some for my piece of mind, and the fun involved. I'd like to have a plant in flower, and a plant in veg, thats it. Start a seedling, let her get 1/2 through flowering, start clone in veg chamber-2-3wks then into flower, so its almost a perpetual cycle, but delayed for my own needs, getting a nice stash of a few oz will be nice to save my pocket.

I've figured i'm going to harvest at two times, one early and one moderately late, so that i can taste both, have two different smokes from one plant, you know the daytime working smoke, and the night time sit on the couch stoned off your ass high lol. I like having multiple types for that reason, so that one type dosent get OLD.

But anyway i do like the scrog method alot, very interactive, i should have started it ALOT earlier, and lower, and had my timer FKN RIGHT!, and topped earlier as well.......drop her height down to 4 heads instead of the 6 i have now (i would have had 8!!!dunno wtf i would have done if i didn't fk up in the first place topping her).....would make it easier to control and keep the screen from getting so damn clogged, as 6 heads with 2 shoots coming out ever 3", with 9-10 pairs per head, so lets say 10x6= 60 tertiaryheads = way too many for this size screen. 4 is plenty at 10 pairs = 40heads/growths. Primarles has a nice scrog that he harvested in 2 turns, i think it was 18x18, 1st was like 180gms, 2nd harvest was 140g off the same plant i beleive......rediculious.
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Well-Known Member
yeah i agree metal, my goal is to get 3-5 ounces every 4 months or so... some for hash and some for smoke

hope i can pull that off in my little tent someday haha


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In a tent should be rather easy monkee, i wish i could put up a tent, but whatever i do needs to either be stealthy as all hell, inside of a subbox or somethinganother, or inside an existing cabinet that looks stock....

My only problem is my parents coming to visit, i just need to be able to put it in a storage room, etc, or leave it be, stealthy and quiet would be nice....

I'm keeping it in a storage room when my parents come, covered with boxes and objects to blend in.....thats not secure enough imo. I've had to do it once and it worked flawlessly, as long as they have no reason to go looking....which i keep nothing in there to begin with. Works for the time being, but i'm moving and i need something more perminent, and inside something that looks normal.

If i harvest her and get anything thats good for smoking 1.5+oz i'll have spare cash to put forward into a new grow, proper genetics, nutes etc, mabey a new fan similar to yours monkee, (How much was it BTW?), and really enough to buy a cabinet and modify to my likings i'm thinking, Cooled ballasts, etc.
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my fan was 130 regular but because i got it from an industrial supplies company i got it for 83

yeah the tent truthfully looks not stealth at all, but its in my closet and people dont go in there haha, its a large one

for my next grow i am going to buy a better carbon fliter, thats about it, something stock... down the line a hps, then im set


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Just watched the timer click off at 8:48pm, 1 click to the 8 side of the 9pm, i have it set to come on at 9:30am, i'll wake up in time to watch it and make sure.

If i can get a nice fan for cheap that is a whisper quiet type of fan, IE below 50db at 100+cfm, which means larger fan lower rpms then i'm definently going to, i just want it to be quieter than the one i have now, that thing sounds like the bearing is a little off or something, but you can't hear it through the walls, so thats good, and my only concern really.

But i'm thinking like a hardware cabinet, similar to picasso's, i'm thinking to eventually get a 150-200w hps, with a cooled ballast. And i'd like to but a carbon sock, i have it all planned in my head, cash is the problem. So if and when i get a harvest from this then probobly the cash i was spending on herb will go for the grow cab, shouldnt' be near as expensive lol.


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Little update for the day....came on at 9:35am this morning, She's still stretching upward, i had to bend two growths and bring them back down some, i'm up to about 5-6 alternating leafs per tertiary growth, the longest being about 9-10" tall, about 2-2.5" per alternating nodes. Starting to get some foilage fill in those alternating node areas, hopefully she'll start putting more energy into those and not upwards growth.....:(

She's still exhibiting Zn or Mg def, is it safe to mix like a 1/2 tspn of lime in with water to give her back those nutes or leave her as is??

Also leaves feel very thin, and light, very whispy, which is due to the deficiency, she just looks unhappy. But she's still looking better than she has, but alot of curling still going on, basically curling into a 180 pointing at its stem right where the leaf starts.

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Just finished watering her, i let her run a little longer than i should have probobly but she was weeping slightly when i watered her.

You can see the coloration on the leaves the best though. Her upper stems are somewhat flemsy as you can see there all curling over. I gave her 1/2gallon plain water.

Is it safe to say i can start giving nutes again for the next watering, i have both 10-52-10, and 15-30-15. that i can use.



Well-Known Member
i hope it starts to look better man, it looked so good a few days ago

my plants starting to experience the same shit, im worried


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I think it has to do with the fact that those stems seem stretched, and there like the size of a pencil led all the way up, i just hope they get some girth on them and stop growing the fuck up. Starting to get rediculious how fkn big she's getting. Figured upwards growth would be done by now but nooooo never. But the droopyneess i think is because she was bone dry, 3days solid when 2-2.5 would do.
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