My First grow


Well-Known Member
no its completely alright, gotta learn somehow and what better way than messing up :D

But it was odd cause i've read many threads about it working fine.....that way.

Either way i'll proboly just keep the cloning area outside of the main cabinet, i seem to check it alot more than the actualy cabinet grow.

Just waiting to restart i guess, Still unsure of what to do with mama though, she seems to be looking just overall bad after the trimming i gave her..........jsut dunno what to do after almost 3 months. :(


Well-Known Member
oh have no doubt, i wont be changing how i do my clones... the humidity dome was totally shit for me... my clones look great doing things the way i do them.


Well-Known Member
cloning didn't seem to be working for you very well, which is a shame

i am having the same problem wiht one of my plants... it just wont look healthy no matter what i try


Well-Known Member
Monkee, Its working perfect now, there flourishing with a dome and spraying........all i needed was the humidity dome, they look great. at 16hrs or so.

Here they are. I think what i'm going to do with them is throw one into 12/12 right away, and let the other veg for a few weeks. I'd like just see the type she is if anything.

Any suggestions at to what to do with mama? She's barely into flower if at all which is still rather odd. Before i start another inside the cabinet i want need to fix the fan output :( temp hit 100F when i looked inside before adding an ice bottle, somethigns not pulling properly.


Well-Known Member
are you starting a new journal or continuing with this one???

hows the big plant?

also i thought you were going to have to move in mid august, are you going to move all the plants?


Well-Known Member
Well i mean thats still in the air, i'm on a month advance of getting out of my place so anytime.......if i dont' move before the end of summer which it dosent' look like, havn't found a proper place yet. Until then i'll be doing what i'm doin, and just really in no rush to move anywhere.

Big mama is ok, i cut the tits off of her pretty much to make her alot smaller to keep her going in my size grow, sucks but had too, and rearranged her growths above the screen so thers only growth 3-4" above it. I might just keep her going to yield the most i can. I've been having such a problem with temps its rediculious.

I may need to rip out all the padding in the box and figure up something else as temp even with 2 42w isint dropping below 95F.....which is stupid. I dunno i'll take today and the next few days to work itout hopefully.


Well-Known Member
Just thought i'd update the thread, i'm going to keep mama going and see her through, she looks like total ass right now, i just watered her today, gave her 3/4 teaspoon of 15-30-15.

Temp is hovering around 84-86F today after a few modifications to the new cabinet outputs, so i'm now venting hot air. I'll be slowly adding more light back to the hood to see if i can get her going again, theres no telling how long it may take her to recover but i plan no more cutting from this point as she's trimmed to good size.

happy to say the clones are doing GREAT, coudn't be happier with how their taking. Just keeping an eye on them and misting them when needed as well as the dome.

I wish she would have flowered awhile ago but better late than never i guess.

There seems to be a few different folilage problems.....crisping, yellowing of some, and overall just very bad looking


Well-Known Member
Sorry For Me Abb. Baried Here. What I See Is Mass Heat Damm. And The Light May Be To Close For The Size Plant. And Doing Soming Reading To Catch Up... The Cab Looks Great.!!! The Clones, Heat The Light. Issues For Sure. Just My Thoughts Hope Im Not Typing Out Of Turn...db.~tlb! :)


Well-Known Member
Yea i figured it was heat stress, ice packs and changing the outward flow i've gotten it down to 84-87F, where it was hitting 95+, and at one point 102F, before modification.

I still need to modify it more to better it more and mabey get me to the mid 70's but that will be difficult.

Thanks for checking back in, not too much is happening on this end.


Well-Known Member
Come Check Me J' Baried Here.!!! Yes Forsure "heat" #1 On List I Hope!!! All Were Missed.. Even U M' She Got Big. Dammmm! But Still Not Tammed.!!! But Alive That Is A Plus.!!! Db.:)


Well-Known Member
Yes sir, has been on an 13/11 dark heavy cycle for a good 2 weeks. Before then it was on a 12/12 cycle, and was 15mins from being a solid 12hrs dark......

But its currently on 13hrs dark and temps have been kept at 85 for the past 2days, hit 95+ right after i built the cabinet, and just got it tweaked and fixed, so i hope smooth sailing for now on till i get the HPS.

A friend of mine has one going that might produce 1/8 or less, same seed, female, and it looks pretty good, not sure how many days but its beginning to fill out and stink nicely, midway down the leaves the fiberous material goes purple as well as the stems on the fan leaves higher up. Gonna be anice plant if i can get her going....I think its a skunk.


Well-Known Member
Nope none yet unfortunantly, seemed to me the hairs disappeared, either she pulled them back in or they were stressed off by heat and the cutting/layering i did to make them fit, either way as long as she dosent turn hermie on me and still yields anything i'll be thrilled.

My box is sitting at 82F today with ice added, nights are 75F, so if i can keep her there we'll be golden. I feel like i'm at day 1 of flower, again lol.


Well-Known Member
Hey, just been reading through your thread. I saw somewhere in there that you were gonna get a 150W HPS for around $60? Think you could show us how you put it together and everything? Sorta how you did with that cabinet build?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for reading OH,

Havn't gotten an HPS yet, HTGSupply has one for $70 or so. Also various online sites that have kits for the ballast for $30, sockets are $10, and a bulb is $15-20, gonna build a reflector. I'm only using 3 42w right now.....unfortunantly until i can get the HPS.

And a link to my Cabinet build.

I still need to modify the top for better heat control. 2 ice bottles keep me at 82F.


Well-Known Member
Are you building one? Or just ordering it online? How is the size of the sterilight cabinet working out, i think you said that it seems to be a bit small? Did the carpet lining silence the fans enough?

What are the temps without the ice bottles? That seems like such a big hassle to keep doing.

Im also doing a rubbermaid setup, and thinking about upgrading to a cabinet eventually. Though my temps range from 82-92


Well-Known Member
Yes the cabinet i built is at the link in the previous response i made, its the build log read it. I went to target and got the kit for the cabinet @ $50, the linings and modifications were all my own doings and they seem to work very well. I really need to modify the top area to allow for better venting as i think i'm getting some resiistant to flow with a 180 kink in the ducting over a 8" distance, almost bent back to back. As for temps without ice bottles right now around 95F, and i think it may have something to do with the lining and allowing a cavity, ie inner and outter walls, the cavity heating up then not releaseing the temp much after it heats up. But this is all speculation, when i order my HPS, i'll modify the top to hold the HPS centered with ducting flowing out for a vented hood.

The ice isint too much of a hassle i usually check it at those times anyway so i just either grab a previously made ice bottle, and drop them in, or check it and pull one out and replace it, not too big of a deal......1 bottle is around 84-85F, 2 is 82-83F Without i'd imagine 87+ but i could be wrong, when i check it in the morning after the night and a 1hr heat up its usually at 85-88F or so, and just keeps heating up, so the bottles do help........get the temp leveled out over a few days and the bottles will last 2-3x longer than on the first day or two. Just a few things i've noticed....

IMO the cabinet is pretty damn silent, the febreeze wall carbon filter i have stuck near it on a wall is louder than the cabinet fans outside....2 CPU fans and a 78CFM duct fan. So a huge improvement over the rubbermaid in that regard. Light is much better as well, a little black pain on a few areas on the inner doors and iit'll be light sealed 100%. Smell has yet to be a problem, but i imagine i'll soon find that out.

Anyone know wher ei can quickly find a carbon filter if it does become an issue and the DIY one i have now stops working...or gives out.


Well-Known Member

Just a little picture update, still waiting for her to turn over.

My clones are doing great though, turning purple on the branch stems and the upper stems, hairs popping out again too....odd. I know its the strain though, mama just dosent seem to want to flip over....whats odd is that the clones are on 24/0 for about 4 days, showing hairs, and the mama is on 13hrs dark and yet to show hairs again.

Just very odd, heres a picture of the clones and what should be happening with the stems, etc.



Well-Known Member
Taking a look at your cab, is that duct running from the lights to the top just for heat? And do you have a exhaust fan for the box? Also, looked at htgsupply, and didnt find it for $70, you talking about just the bulb or the whole set up w/ballast? Im a bit paranoid of those purchasing growing equipment from growing sites. Wonder if they keep your info...