My First grow


Well-Known Member
Thought i would add this link, for future reference for myself, and for anyone reading....

I havn't used this yet, but wondering if its usable during if i flower fert on every other water, can i do molassas on the alternating??? This is a bit cut a dry aproach but theoretically, without burning the plant.

Its a VERY good read, i recommend just skimming if anything.

I'm still looking for a read on apple juice, i've used in a few times, and the plant seemed to love it, less than a teaspoon in 1/2 gal along with flower nutes.


Well-Known Member
yeah ive been having a problem with yellow leaves and its been a guessing game why

so im cutting down on ferts and using molassas


Well-Known Member
Now that i know for sure that its a girl, how much larger is she going to get ? now that she's into flowering and showing hairs.....I have 4-5" left of vertical room without tying down any more parts.

The only thing that seems to be getting larger are the inner nodal area, where tertiary buds will form. These should be the smaller buds, where the larger buds would be at the 6 heads.


Well-Known Member
Little update, now that i know its a girl, this is day 2 of true flowering......Watered her yesterday 1/2 gal with 7/8 teaspoon of flower nutes, NPK 10/20.8/.8 with a teaspoon of Simply Apple, which has 250mg potassium and 150calories. I watered the whole 1/2 gallon 1/20th of the total solution coming out the bottom. The plant perked up nicely in reacton to the cocktail, and i'll be upping nutes more depending on how the plant reacts to far so good. Also increasing exposure to my UVB, today its been on for about 9hrs, the plant seems to love it, and tempertures are steady 85 and below. I'm considering weening it onto molasses as well, the one i have. also add molassas into the mix during alternating flower nutes, ie every other watering, which is about twice a week or so as of now.

More hairs are coming out of some of the other main heads......

Facts about the Apple i'm using....
Calories in Simply Apple Apple Juice - Nutrition Facts, and Healthy Alternatives - The Daily Plate Calorie Counter

Any feedback?

Also notice the thermometer placement, and highs and can i up my humidity without upping my temp?

When would be a good time to start removing fan leaves for better bud light developement, ie lillipop style.
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Well-Known Member
Little update for the night.

Day 3 since female confirmation.

I have a feeling i need to get the size of this grow under control, as i have a feeling the plant has alot of sizing up to do......i watched some time lapse grows over on youtube and main colas look 5-10" taller than they were after sex is shows. and this was just 3 days ago from me........and i beleive its going to get bigger than i may be able to handle..........i have as it looks 8" of space from my screen to the plexi. Is there anything i can do to keep the next 3-4weeks of growth under wraps?

Or should i be fine since alot of my newer growth seems to be interior. some of the heads that are slightly longer i'm pulling again to keep them under control. I'm not sure now much longer i can make use of the screen but i may if need be add some verticle screen areas to allow for vertical tying as well, so i can push and pull in 3 dimensions. and not just 2.



Active Member
I am a first time grower. I got some seed from a friend and to tell you the truth I don't know exactly what kind they are. I was told Super Silver Haze. I am currently growing 20 healthy plants. Can anyone tell me from experience what kind of total yield am I to expect from 20 healthy plants? Thank you in advance


Well-Known Member
Sorry bro but this is the wrong place to be asking that question, this is my personal grow.......I'm using generic bagseed myself, these are no heady genetics, just beaster as far as i kno.

Try this link.....

But to answer your question.

Without knowing what the seeds are, for sure its up in the air, alot has to do with plant size, number of heads, and training, etc done to its highly variable.


Well-Known Member
Well just a little update....

Watered the plant today, 3/4 of a 1/2 gallon. For flushing purposes i can use that full 1/2 gallon during the last week or two for flusing before harvest. I decided i would use some Molasses as a natural fert. Since i've heard such acclaimed talk of it.

Found Grandma's Unsulphured Molasses.

Added a 1/2 teaspoon for a 1/2 gallon, and shook vigouriously to mix, got a yellowish brown liquid.

60 Calories, 15mg Sodium, 150mg Potassium, 15g Total Carbs, 10g Sugar, Calcium 4%, Iron 4%, and Magnessium 2%.

We'll see how the plant takes it up and reacts to it. I've used the Apple juice below, with good result through this grow and the plant loved it each time it was given in conjunction with my Expert Gardener 10-52-10, which equates to 10-20.8-.8 as far as NPK goes.

Looking closer at the mineral paramaters of Simply apple, Pure Pressed is.

120 Calories, Sodium 5mg, Potassium 250mg 7%, Total Carbs 30g 10%, Sugar 28g, Magnesium 2%

Both Apple and Molasses are promoting Potassium (K) which helps rid plants of disease and helps to influence denser buds and larger yields. They also give necessary calories allowing the plants better uptake of nutrients and easier photosynthesis. Molasses does have an advantage over Apple as is documented under molasses, as a Chelating agent, or which means that it can help convert some chemical nutrients into a form that's easily available for organisms and plants to use. Along with all the other micronutes in the mix.

I hope all i'm doing will allow a very nice buddage here in the next two months.


Well-Known Member
Its more like....

Almost dry plant, feel by weight.
Water with Nutes/Apple juice.
3 days later when close to same weight as before
Water plain
Wait 3 days to same weight
Water molasses.
Wait 3 days, plain water.
Water Flower and nutes.

Thats how i've been doing it so far, though today is first day on molasses. And i beleive the 1/2 gal i'm using is maximum the pot can hold. But that does sound like a good regiment and rutine.

Before i was doing nutes/apple every other water.

Am weening it onto the molasses as well, but trying to get up to Apple/Nutes then Molasses, every other day....then flush when its time for harvest or slightly before. But just going by feel on how the plants are taking it in. Will update in a hr or two with a picture of tryin the heads down a little more.


Well-Known Member
Picture of outside of filter, thats the 6x6" facing out, hot air is felt through it, does very nice. A cut to size carbon filter pad is put on the inside of it so the fan blows through it and the home filter then out into the air. Notice that i used a towel wrapped around the output side, with tape wrapped around it and onto the filter, to keep pressure on the filter to hold it tight onto the output, and towel helps dampen the sound a little. I do need to figure out a dampener for the inside of the fan length inside the box.

Heres a picture of the top of the screen, notice that the heads are still growing longer......more tying down, and probobly for the next 2-3weeks still.

Any ideas how much larger its going to get?

Plant looks a little sad since watering. Hopefully it wasn't the Molasses.

I hope she's perked up by morning. :(
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Well-Known Member
nice little ScrOG you have going :)

yeah, those buds will keep getting taller for a bit yet, so plan on tying them as needed.

cab you get under the screen and clear out some of the leafy stuff down there?


Well-Known Member
I've been wondering for awhile what i should cut if needed, all of my lower 1st 2nd and 3rd nodes at the bottom have been cleaned out, i have some smaller growth down there, but its currently sheltered.....

Above the 3rd nodes majority up to 6-8 pairs still exist on majority of all the heads, at those pairs is the inner nodal growth which i guess turns to buds?? How much of this should i clean out and how progressively should i do this? Majority of all growth below is from tucking fan leaves. mabey 1 or 2 node pairs exist below the screen.


Well-Known Member
ok, keep in mind i am NOT a ScrOG expert... i am going to go make my first screen as soon as i finish this post and smoking... so, this is all just what i have gathered and what i will be doing on my own ScrOG....

from what i gather, all the leafy growth that is below the screen is removed from the plants after a good portion of the growth is above the screen.

from what my experience has taught me, this would best be done slowly rather than all at once so as not to stall the plant's over all growth or shock it.

the reasons for this is to keep the temperature and humidity down below the screen and prevent making a nice little bug habitat.... also, this growth, specially under CFL's... just isnt getting any real light and is a waste.

remember, this is just what i have read... i have not tried it out yet at all, but i am fixing to go take my own advice :D


Well-Known Member
Haha well thanks man, any advice is better than none, so i appluade that, and will thank you for you addition.

Temps have creeped up again ~85-90F, so possibly getting a little more airflow around the screen would be nice, but i want to be able to maximize the amout of light the plant is getting, allowing better converstion of nutes into active processes.

Tommorrow, after she wakes up round 10am, i'll start slowly removing some lower higher nodal leaves......i have 6 main growth heads, at the top the 2nd and 3rd nodes are at the same height as the 4th and 5th nodes of the lower main heads, along the main stalk. I'm going to remove some of them, to allow better light penetration into the center of the screen (largely now full of new tertiary or internodal growth). But around the outside i'm going to see if i can articulate mare of my leaves to the outside to frame the screen (try and maximize the amout of avalilable light to inner growth and still keep plant growth very quick), which can be seen at the bottom of this picture.

Is there any way to speed up the upper main head tertiary growths, the top 2 head are the more pronounce as seen in the middle of the screen, the next pair, is somewhat behind, the lowest pair of heads has the least tertiary growth. any way to equalize them without furthering the maturing 2-3weeks to catch up?

So plans:
1)Remove lower growth more over a week, hopefully this wont stun her any and slow growth. open more lower inner growth ie tertiary to more light.
2) Reposition some of the higher fan leaves so they are positioned on the outside ofthe screen to maximize innner growth and light uptake.......Questionable though.

BTW no Bug problems here at all, seen a few nats but only 1 or 2 here or there, havn't seen more than 2 at any given time.

Thanks again for your addition.
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Well-Known Member
the only ways i know of to speed/slower growth of nodes is either with moving the lights or topping/fimming... taking the top growth off at this point of flowering would be BAD, so i think all you can really do is move and tie the longer ones and let the lower ones get more light... as you thin out the undergrowth, try to concentrate on the leaves that are on the tallest stems to start and that will help slow them down.

and yeah, one things those Rubbermaid grows have going for them is they are a nice and sealed environment... hard for the bugs to get in.


Well-Known Member
as you thin out the undergrowth, try to concentrate on the leaves that are on the tallest stems to start and that will help slow them down.
Will start removing them at those 3rd nodes on the highest heads, using a sterilized fresh exacto blade, 1/4" from head stalk. Any ideas how much larger in growth i may get, 1 week? 2 weeks? I can control it as long as needed but i would have assumed they would have slowed considereablly.

Do i need more red temp lights? I have 3 blue 26w, and 3 red 42w, and a single 23w UVB Tropical natured, i'm running the uvb about 10hrs today, probobly 12 hrs tommorrow or the day after. Plant seems to love it for long periods, no burning or anything negative as far as i can tell, hopefully its not getting too much.


Well-Known Member
they dont really slow down on growth until the buds are clearly defined usually... so, you can expect a bit more growth. easy week to ten day's more of growth if not longer.

i have only been using CFL's for a couple few months so i am not a big expert on color matching them and what sort of ratios.... but for flowering the plants want more red than blue, so my best guess with CFL's would be 3 blue spectrum's (cool white) for every 5 red (warm white)... where i got that from is i really liked 1000 watt HPS with 600 watt MH for flower.... but good grief if that aint apples to oranges!

one thing with lights and indoor growing is you can never have too much!