My first organics trial - what am i missing?

You can do a foliar spray or a drench. All depends on what stage the plants are in. I've been using comfrey for veg/stretch and pumpkin for stretch & flower. Anywhere from 1-4 oz per gallon of water as a top feed, about once a week.

Fair warning - these mixed with fish hydrolysate smell worse than a morgue... might want an air purifier for the room you mix your water in, especially if there is a spouse or roomates involved lol.
This is bad ass. Where can I get more info? Can you explain your grow process using these extracts/teas? What kind of soil are you using? Is it necessary to ferment the plant extracts or can you just bubble them with some compost and water? Thanks!
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Good afternoon form Oklahoma. It's 94 degrees now, 10 degrees cooler than last week.

Someone ask for my Super Soil recipe but I don't rember who so I'm going to post in 3 threads. I know 1 of them was the one. So here it is:

This is the recipe Super Soil I use. Down to Earth has most if not all. It's a big layout up front but for an MMJ user but you have several years of soil.
25+ pounds worm castings
5 pounds blood meal
5 pounds feather meal
2.5 pounds bone meal
2.5 pounds fish bone meal
3 cups oyster shell
3 cups kelp meal (5 pounds if outside in the heat)
2 cups azomite
3/4 cup epsom salt
2 tablespoons mycorrhizae
This is enough nutes for 14 bags of base soil. Second time on the soil just requires dressing with a little more of the nutes, they didn't say how much. I haven't found the website I got it in the first place.

I'm recycling 45 gal this afternoon. Since none of the plants show any signs of nute problems I'm making a wild guess and treating it like 20 gal. The "Roots Organic" soil drains maybe too well, A 15 gal bag will settle about 2 inches from watering, that gives room for more SS. The way Roots drains it washs the nutes from from added down into the roots. That leaves enough SS nutes for 8 more 1.5 cubic foot bags of Base soil. Now, considering how much growing I'll get get from these nutes and how much is left in the boxes, some half full, they are not all that expensive.