My First Outdoor


Active Member
we can only wait my friends! im thinking its a female to cuz the male already showed like 10 days ago. it should be showing any time tho.


Active Member
when you top it, can you or do you put it in rockwool or a medium and clone it or what?? and what is lollipopping?

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Yes you most certainly can! Clone it! I go right to soil,but thats just me!im mobile,so its hard to be discriptive,but there are many threads here for cloning procedures. Jorge cervantes explains it well!


Active Member
its not looking good right now! i think i see some balls! im going to let it grow out a little more.. ill post some pics later when i get back.


Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
daaaamn! i swore that was a girl too! sheesh sorry 510!! ya can come take a cutting from my yard if ya want.honestly.can u clone bro?ive got alooota strains rt now.


Active Member
its alright bro i was expecting it cuz it was a going to just grow it for practice and make some hash out of it.


Active Member
would but its the last plant.. i guess my thread is over... THE END... unless u want to watch the male grow!!


Hey 510.

Thread was a nice read and brought back all the good memories I had rearing my fella. Over the last few days I started noticing some bad signs.

There's still a small bit of hope these are just swollen calyx or new growth but for the most part I'm resigned to the fact that this outdoor monster could very well be male or hermi :(

What's really annoying is I saw a preflower only 10-15 days ago.

Might not be particularly impressive by normal standards but considering this was grown outdoors in Dublin, Ireland where summers consist of a week of sunshine. In this respect it was a sight to behold!

While I'll definitely be continuing with this until I see clusters, I half thought like yourself that I would just carry on letting it grow but you should consider this may affect other growers crops in your area. Personally I'll be leaving this one outside my local cop shop if it is a male :D

