my first plant


Well-Known Member
i love the smell i welcome it. my house is 2 stories and my roomate has the top i have the bottom and there is no one that will come near it to smell it.

so stoked i just got the confirm that it is shipped. im thinking monday will be the day


Well-Known Member
thats cool man yea id love to just let it stink up may place but i cant . hey anny comfirmed females yet??


Well-Known Member
not 100percent but under the nodes ther are those long horns forming and formed so i guess the next few days we will see. what about you?


Well-Known Member
lol watchin the kettle boil bor never gonna happen.

ok well im going to leave for the night i wanna get home before the lil bitch goes to sleep. i transplanted her today (i know youre not supposed to in flower but her roots looked so healthy dude. shes in a 3 gal pot now. so she can get huge!!!!!!
im building a rubbermaid set up tonight for when the hps comes. pics asap.


Well-Known Member
my girls when into the rubbermaid last night and look so happy today all streching their leaves up and being all dark green and delicious lol.....anyway i still have yet to see white hairs coming from the pre flowers......uhhhh....but......i have not seen any indication whast so ever of male parts growing so at least that is good. oh and let me take this time to say fuck the police!!! i had six cop cars outside my house last night for 4 hours because some jackoff parked a stolen car there. if the had knocked on the door .........goddamnit.

sorry im really pissed about this.


Well-Known Member
oh man well i hope everything worked out for you bro,and with that said i just want to take the time to say. fuck the jackass that parked the stolen car infront of your house out of all the fucking streets he pics your street. fuck him i hope they get him just for that!!


Well-Known Member
thats fucked up man. id a been paranoid as a motherfucker cause i remember when my boyz house got raided. its some fucked up shit hope he gets ass raped and made a bitch


Well-Known Member
me too i already have had encounters with DEA in 2006 im not trying to repeat that.

im sure im safe though. i have a good security system.


Well-Known Member
so its the 7th day of flower they are sleeping right now but wen i checked earlyer i staill had no comfimed males or females so keep fingers cross, and i also want to add that i juat came from a comedy show omg was it funny, and im sure aot of you guys on here kno or have seen this guys movie , true pot head doug benson, the guy who made super high me , man is he funny way more in person too he had me crackin up, if you guys ever get that chance do it cuz he is well worth it.:joint: