My First RDWC Grow with 1000w from Seed


Well-Known Member
Day 35 update

The plants and roots are growing at a very fast pase taking in consideration they almost die over a week ago. I trimmed all dead leaves a few days ago ,and raised the ppms using the lucas formula 5ml micro and 10Ml bloom and using 1/2 to a 3/4 strenght flora nectar and flora blend at about 100 ppms every 2 days. The ppms are set to 700 as of yesterday.

I'm so glad I didn't Cut the damaged roots like I was going to do , they grouped together After drowning , but the roots in the midle of the bunch were alive, and are growing.

They are becoming very bushy aftert the lst, I counted around 8 tops on each plant . Don't know if I want any more tops or not?. I've. Seen pics of plants with 30+ tops but IMO that's to many.

I took pics this mornig so... ill post them tonight. :peace:

Teyo Green

Active Member
Day 35 update

The plants and roots are growing at a very fast pase taking in consideration they almost die over a week ago. I trimmed all dead leaves a few days ago ,and raised the ppms using the lucas formula 5ml micro and 10Ml bloom and using 1/2 to a 3/4 strenght flora nectar and flora blend at about 100 ppms every 2 days. The ppms are set to 700 as of yesterday.

I'm so glad I didn't Cut the damaged roots like I was going to do , they grouped together After drowning , but the roots in the midle of the bunch were alive, and are growing.

They are becoming very bushy aftert the lst, I counted around 8 tops on each plant . Don't know if I want any more tops or not?. I've. Seen pics of plants with 30+ tops but IMO that's to many.

I took pics this mornig so... ill post them tonight. :peace:
8 tops on each plant is pretty killer man.
lets see those pics!


Well-Known Member
I'm so freking happy that my litle ladies are doing so well after a shity past few weeks. I think I have the nutes figure out at veggin and if I dont fuck up from now on I think IMO i'm going to have some nice looking plants.

Those little fuckers double their size in a week. I was thinking on going back to dirt , but I think I'll give a chance to this grow and the next, because i think I could do better next time around.

I don't know what made the big turn around on this grow... was it changing to lucas formula? was it the big round airstones? lst perhaps, dont know but I like it.
It's been warmer out side and I think Ill have to do something to control the heat after spring or my temps would get to high I think.

Temps 76-80
Water temp 70
PPMs 700
PH 5.9
RH 50%

ok now to the pictures
this first ones are from the giggest plant and the last 5 are from the
I love LST they exploted in just a week. I think cutting all the big fan leaves that were in the way of the inner lower growth was a good choice too IMO.


in this pictures you can see how the
"dead" roots weren't completly dead and some of the new growth wich is a lot because that wasn't there a week ago.
the first one are from the biggest plant and the second one from the smallest.
:peace: now I can finish smoking bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
It may have been lowering your water level. Are you still running it several inches lower than the bottom of the net pot?

The girls are looking awesome though, great work :clap:


Well-Known Member
Got home last night at 7 the light comes on at 6. Went to check on my grow and it was so hot down there I knew something was wrong. Before I left that morning I disconected the 400w and the fan and used the 1k while I moved the 400w ballast. Connected the 400w back and I left. When I checked the room was at 115F and the water was 89F. what happened was,I left both lights on with no exhaust on, I'm so fucking stupid. What it's weird about it is that the plants and roots were looking better than ever and the PPMs were down 100. I guess they were very thirsty and hungry after enduring some of the Saharas weather lol.

After that I did some more lsting and spread them out trying to get more light in there , but I over did it and ended up snaping one of the fim new growth not big deal. Added nutes to raise ppms back to 800 this time. Checked this morning and they looked so healthy and bushy. Don't. Know If I should go any higher than 800 ppms so far no nute burn signs.


Well-Known Member
HaHa, I did they same thing before when I use to grow out of a cardboard box (yep, cardboard :fire:) I felt like such the fool. But the plant didnt mind it. Some strains thrive in the heat, the only thing that probably hurt you was the rez temps, but sounds like they needed it. Maybe bump the ppm up a bit more during rez change. How far from full dose are you on the container label?


Well-Known Member
HaHa, I did they same thing before when I use to grow out of a cardboard box (yep, cardboard :fire:) I felt like such the fool. But the plant didnt mind it. Some strains thrive in the heat, the only thing that probably hurt you was the rez temps, but sounds like they needed it. Maybe bump the ppm up a bit more during rez change. How far from full dose are you on the container label?
Cardboard! Shit! I'm glad you didn't burn down your house lol!
Last time I used the instructions from the bottle I went up to 1/2-3/4 strengh and didn't like the results. This past week an 1/2 I've been using the Lucas formula for a 3 part GH nutes without the bloom

Micro 5ml per gal
Bloom 10ml per gal

Micro 8ml per gal
Bloom 16ml per gal

And then I add to that 1/2 streng Diamond nectar,flora nectar and flora blend
You see the result, but probably was the combo of everything I did last week.


Well-Known Member
Everything is looking good Mel. But I noticed your pH was 6.9 you said. Little high? Or is that how you like to run it? Keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
Everything is looking good Mel. But I noticed your pH was 6.9 you said. Little high? Or is that how you like to run it? Keep up the good work
Thanks ! The ph was an error from my part ,it was 5.9. We post on each other journal almost at the same time lol!


Well-Known Member
Yea I figured it was prob an error. Just wanted to make sure in case someone else was reading it and decided to raise their pH to 6.9. Don't do it people.. Haha


Well-Known Member
You can bump it up a bit and see. You are after all getting a feel for this. At least it would be a controlled test to see how far you could push the PPM. I wouldnt go above 1100, but you should try to push it a hair or you'll never know where to stop!!!


Well-Known Member
This is what I'm going to do Gball because you are right .I need to test them and push them so I don't have to next time.I'm going to keep raising the ppms by 150 for the next 2 weeks and try to reach that 1100 or more or untill they say no more.


Well-Known Member
just be sure to inspect the lower and upper section good everyday. hydro will show signs of problems just hours after they occur, so you can catch problems quickkly too, but you do have to look all over. I think you will be good though


Well-Known Member
ok! Got very high took the pictures, but now I dont feel like typing any more:bigjoint:


After seeing what lst with pruning combined can do in a week , I decided to prune some of the leaves blocking the light to the inner nodes
