My First RDWC Grow with 1000w from Seed


Well-Known Member
I'm so f@#ing mad ,had a bad ass update with last night pics and todays and when I hit post sent me straight to and error screen and everything was gone. I might try again tonight.....maybe.


Well-Known Member
you wont believe this shit. I did the whole update hit the back button by mistake, and lost everything again:fire::cuss:, not my day. I'll try again tomorrow. going to hit the's the only way outbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Thats messed up. lol. Pisses you off doesn't it? Throw the damn computer out the window. POS. Lol. Third times a charm.


Well-Known Member
Got a question?
Got a new 400w HPS and I'm wondering if I should use it in combo with the 1k mh for vegg. Would it make any difference? Or should I stick with the 1k mh for vegg and then use the1k hps and a 400w mh for flowering and just keep the new 400w hps just in case .


Well-Known Member
What I'm going to do is to make the 400w hps in to a switchable ballast by taking out the hps igniter out of the curcuit with a switch to use a 400w mh and that way I won't have to change ballast when switching from mh to hps . The only differece betwen a same watts mh and hps ballast its the igniter wich its not need it for mh. Oh yeah ! I got that hps ballast with bulb for free!


Well-Known Member
You seem to get a lot of bulbs and ballast for the right price :wink: that makes it so easy to grow, and want to grow when great lighting is so easily available :D just keep a good distance from the plants, I have heard 30 inches away for the 1k, but you got to feel it out when your dealing with 1400 watts. Maybe you could try something vertical down low and let them grow a little taller before flower. You do have a good amount of space.


Well-Known Member
30" sounds about right. The 1k sits 36" from the top of the plants I might go up to 4' from tops if I use both. Vertical sounds good too, for flower I might put the 400 mh in a cool tube in between plants? But I have 3 weeks before thinking about flowering. Thanks for the input!


Well-Known Member
Ive changed my set up to make up for the 1k heat. Drilled a hole trough the cinder wall and now Im venting in to a nother area in the basement so... now I can keep the grow room door closed and keep temps of 75f


I've raised the PPMs to 1000 during this past week and no sign of nute burn.

Temps 75f
Water temps 73f
PH 5.9
RH 52%
PPMs 1000

This is how they looked monday night after lst'ed

This is how they looked last night. I have to adjust the lst every day due to the rapid growth



Well-Known Member
Looking good. That LST seems like alot of work to have to do daily. Maybe not so much during flowering tho. Hard work pays off in the end. Props to you on the exhaust. I wish I had somewhere I could exhaust to or a basement would be nice to have as well.


Well-Known Member
Yeah blu I've been thinking about doing it for a while ,it only took 15 minutes to do. I think Ill keep lsting for the next week or two and probably thru the first weeks of flowering its a litle work but well worth the effort as you can see by the pics , hope they turn out females And no hermies, after all this hard work that will piss me off.


Well-Known Member
Just went back and looked at the pics when I fiimmed, and that was only 15 days ago and only about 9 days since I started lsting.... just saying can't believe the change and growth of rdwc when its done right.


Well-Known Member
Today was ress change day. It's been two weeks since last one so... it was a must.
Prunned some leaves blokcing light to the inner nodes, and I think this is the last time I'll do that ,because The inner growth almost catch the older outer growth , and I dont see the use on having more colas.I am happy with the tight nodes little bushes I have.

Temps 74f
Water Temps 70f
PH 6.0
RH 59%
PPMs 1100

I'll say... two more weeks and I'll flip the lights


Well-Known Member
They are looking very nice. We should flip to flower around the same time. Im 22 days in veg but am planning on flipping in about 2 weeks also if my screen starts to fill out.


Well-Known Member
It'll be interesting to see both grows flowering at the same time!.
I'm going to flower and I won't put a screen until I make sure they're females and after the sites start filling up with buds ,I guess... that'll make it easier to set the starting point of the screen.


Well-Known Member
Doing this from cell don't knof if it is going to work.

Some of the older leaves developed this rusty looking spots any Ideas?
Ordered cal/mag just in case



Well-Known Member
Looks like it may be the start of a mag def. Mag starts in older growth first, and Cal starts in newer growth I think. They still look very nice :D