My first time grow. Nameless.



my first time ever growing. really oblivious to plant-life; along from what i was taught in school about it. haha. please forgive my lack of growing lingo. i keep it simple.. because, well.. i'm not aware of all of it yet. yes, i am a complete newbie-grower. just a girl who wants to get high on her own supply for once. pretty much got a majority of my information off this website and from friends.. and well, the internet in general. google is a great gift to earth.

first off, i have about 11 or 12 plants in my grow space. currently all looking healthy. 2 are growing faster.


STARTED: (germination) june 19th, 2009.
PLANTED: june 22nd, 2009. (approx date. sorry, i smoke alotta weed).
:: they actually sprouted right away. within 2 days or so.
:: just some regular bagseed. got it from the bud spot.

the usual. between two papertowels. had them in a little tuppa-wear. didn't cost more than 2 bucks. germinated a shit load of seeds at first. only kept the ones that looked the best.

- gave rest of the plants and seedlings to my neighbor; but they're just using regular sunlight (yes, i know. not the greatest idea unless the plant is literally outside) they'll be getting lights soon; i will also post pictures of how theirs are doing eventually.

- replanted neighbors stems on june 26th, and mine as well. both were looking abnormally long. still look healthy after transplating. but, only a few days will tell.

started out in the kitchen. big plastic tub with light slightly suspended above it (i seriously used shoe-lace to suspend it: just for now). learned that the kitchen wasn't a good idea. currently in my closet. closet is not a huge closet what-so-ever. little modest one. hopefully big enough to grow all my plants in the long-run.

- i have a sun visor reflector thing for a car windshield around the perimeter of the closet. along with tin-foil in and around the whole plastic tub.

- one window fan in the front of the closet, and smaller fan in the back. nailed to the back wall.

120 volt / 60 hz. 1 to start out. getting more within the next few weeks. broke right now. also need to get nutes! within next 2 weeks.

none yet, as I said above. but, my plants are looking healthy. so, i'm pretty sure i don't need them for awhile.

called "GOOD EARTH" only 4 bucks to start out all the plants. my soil is only like 2 bucks a bag. after first grow, i promise to myself i won't skimp on the soil. hopefully plants will live in it. seems pretty good. a lot of people said it was okay for indoor growing. has the little white styrophome things in it.

2 liter bottles of coke with top cut off. have one in a taco bell cup, too. lol. ;) will transfer to pots when they start to get bigger. but, was also told i can keep them in those. not sure what i'm doing yet.

photo's of my plants in pretty much week one.

one of them before i replanted stem and better-fied my grow place.

the before picture of the grow space.

another one before stem was replanted and grow space was made better.

another before. this is my oldest one. she was planted like 2 days before all the rest. shitty quality cam. shes not yellow like it looks.

after a night of getting stoned, here is what the grow spot looks like now! june 27th.

fan in the front of closet. other one is in the back

all my babies at once numero uno.

all my babies at once numero dos.

close up.

another close up.

questions, comments, suggestions?

definately will keep up with this thing.


New Member
wow, 2 liter bottles are shit, WHY, think ,is soil transparent? light is not supposed to touch roots, you will get rot, foil is another no no, what wattage light is that? they are stretched and sad, not hating, grew in 2 liter bottles to horrible results.


Well-Known Member
looks like you used pop bottles for cup's. Did you put drainage holes in them? clear pots/cups are bad for the root growth. Are you planing on growing in them or repotting? Can't tell what your light is, but it looks weak. some type flour tube? If so need to be one inch off the tops of the plant will help stop streaching.


constructive critisizim, dude. sa'll good.
what do you mean light isn't supposed to touch roots? explain that. because i thought i replanted them far enough, and took care of that problem.. did i fuck up there? i mean.. they are growing.

yeah. they all have drainage holes. i dunno why i forgot to mention that.
i'm planning on planting them in pots when i see some shit happening.. but, i just feel it's too early? someone said on here that the first thing first time growers do is too much to their plants too quick. so, i'm tryna take it step by step. slowly. i seen one kid on here grow his shit in a beer pong cup. made me think anything is possible. but.. yeah, 2 liters are just for now. i mentioned that in the first post. also said what type of light it was. pretty sure it was used for an iguana. waiting a week or two until i get paid to get better lights. i thought it would be good right now? it seems to be doing fine. light is about 2-3 inches from the top of the tub. i also thought that replanting the plants with more soil over the stem was supposed to prevent stretching. i dunno.

why is tinfoil a no-no, i've seen a lot of people use it? what does it do to the plants.



New Member
light is not meant to touch roots, it's an evolutionary development from eons of growing in dark soil, your light needs to go, unless you have nothing else, try a 400 or 600 watt HPS for gangster plants. foil is also a terrible idea hense the hotspots, shite reflectivity, so on and so forth.


Well-Known Member
the roots rrow out to the side of the pot so when you use a clear pot the light will get to the root sooner then later. that might be some type of uv light just a guess. cfl would be better mh would be even better. if the plant has to search for light it will keep streaching.


Well-Known Member
if you cover those bottles to stop light they could work for the whole grow. But imo for a new grower more soil is better. you need to pay alot of attentoin to whats going on. but it can be done. check the heat out put on your light put the soft part of your arm as close as you have the light to the plant if you can hold it ther a few mins. it's ok if it get hot move it away till it stops burning. that works for all lights.


covered them with black-tape. lowering the lights in a little bit. need to find something rope-like around my house. lol. :) thankkkkss.


lights lowered. keeping the tin-foil. nutes very soon. (maybe in next few days, even?). will take pics later because they look a lot better than yesterday.


Well-Known Member
about the foil. don't think it will hurt with low watt lights. all the wrinkles you get in foil could cause hot spots with hid lights. and burn your plant kind of like a mag glass and the sun.


about the foil. don't think it will hurt with low watt lights. all the wrinkles you get in foil could cause hot spots with hid lights. and burn your plant kind of like a mag glass and the sun.

my babies are outside today in the containers. soaking up that natural sun light. :) i think i'm going to do this everyday until night-time.. then, put them under the light for the rest of the hours. my backyard isn't secluded at all. so, i should be sitting out there with them. plan on doing that in a little bit. is this healthy to do until they start getting bigger/noticable when i'm bringing them outside..?


Well-Known Member
I see no permlem with it. might go slow with the sun light at first. a few hours a day for a few days


Got that fancy light bulb. Now, there's two lights. Still getting more soon, though.

how're they looking?
[some of them are the ones i put upstairs in my neighbors house]

yay or nay?

i think they're looking pretty good here.

yeah. whats up with the three leafs? is she special?
my babygirl!

input, anyone? :]


Well-Known Member
your soil looks light on perlite. bet you even said what it was somewhere. bet you could go another week under the light. with out going out but out is good too. Has the second set of leafs pop out yet? I can't tell in the pic's.


Well-Known Member
get some cfl's on the go if ya on a budget, not the tubes but the light socket types. Apart from that keep the light of the sides of the bottles you have cut in half, tape will do but next time just pay $10 for some real pots lol. Hope you put drain holes in the bottoms of them cause otherwise ya ganna get rot. Keep ya fan on low to, ya just want anothe breeze is to them air and a little bit of movement to streghten them up. Just check if the soil you are using has starter ferts/ slow release ferts ect. You shouldnt need any nutes for the first 2 weeks or so and you will probably wont need any at all with time release soil. gl anyhow


yeah, is perlite the hard rock-like things, or the small styrophome looking balls? and about how much does it run?

second set of leafs popped out on maybe 4 of the plants. some of the leafs are like tiny-microscopic ones.. but the other ones have two full sets.


get some cfl's on the go if ya on a budget, not the tubes but the light socket types. Apart from that keep the light of the sides of the bottles you have cut in half, tape will do but next time just pay $10 for some real pots lol. Hope you put drain holes in the bottoms of them cause otherwise ya ganna get rot. Keep ya fan on low to, ya just want anothe breeze is to them air and a little bit of movement to streghten them up. Just check if the soil you are using has starter ferts/ slow release ferts ect. You shouldnt need any nutes for the first 2 weeks or so and you will probably wont need any at all with time release soil. gl anyhow
yeah. there are drain-holes. about how long 'til i transfer them into pots? someones said i can actually just grow them in the 2 liters. true, or no?

fan is on low setting. my soil was really cheap, not sure if it has slow release ferts or whatever. so.. should i still get nutes?

but all in all.. do they look like they're growing right?


Well-Known Member
This is truly ghettofabulous, and I love it. Some of the plants do look a little stretched, but they're still little and there's plenty of time for those stems to fatten up.

What was the "fancy light" you said you got, LadieGanja? If it's a flouro you can put it really close to the plants so they don't have to stretch so much for the light.


Active Member
love your little grow you have going on here darlin! im going to subscribe fo sho! my shit is also ghetto fabulous lol anyways my grow is to see how much i can get at how cheap... and i dont even think ive spend 50 bucks on it and i started with 12.....blah just go read my journal youll see and for what your doing you will fine it will help you alot seein my grow is to see how cheap i can do it and still be happy! eventualy im going to go full hydro! anyways check it out and keep up the good work!
ya and get more lights and get them closer look up CFL turorials...urs are streching like mine did cuz the light was to far away!


my setup cost less than like $10. i had most stuff in my house already. LOL
i just wanna grow some weed to smoke. i don't care what kinda weed. just some damn weed. prices have gone up drastically. but, good thing is; when they grow - i'll be making a killing. :)

yeaaahhh. my baby girls are looking pretty good today. i got those things.. perlite? yeah. that's what it's called. neighbor had a bag of it, so i jacked that shiiiiat. ;) put a handful and a half (i have really small hands LOL) of them in each. watered them because they were feeling a little light. i also taped the light to the side of the sub, instead of having it hang above the plants? someone said it will help them stretch outward instead of upward. i used to have the light suspended from a hook on the wall. i dunno though. they're looking good.

.. i wish i could smoke them right now. :(

ps: i know this is off subject. but, i got a job!!! that means i can get more shit for my set-up. $11/hour. i start tommarow; so in about a week or two.. my babygirls will have a pimped out home. :)!!! i'm so excited.