My first time stickin' it to the man!


Active Member
DAY 15

Hey just an update... I think my plants have a little nute burn going on. I took some pictures and I'm not sure you can see it very well, but tell me what you think. I know now that I probably shouldn't have used any kind of nutes within the first 3 weeks but oh well. I hope they can recover from this. I was using Humboldt Roots ( This stuff was crazy retarded expensive like $45 for 125mL. The dude at the store said it would be awesome for roots and it make them grow huge and healthy. I think I just started using it a little to early and now my leaves are burnt. I have also applied 1 spray of neem oil to the leaves and the top of the soil to ward away any chance of spider mites early. Do you guys think my plants will recover?

Ok just a reminder from the beginning of the grow I have 4 plants from 4 seeds that I germed. I named them in order of longest-shortest tails respective to the order that each of the disney "princess" movies came out (inspired by the fact that I am growing Snow White :)). Cinderella had the biggest tail, Aurora second, Ariel, and Belle. Cinderella was the heathiest and has now taken second stage to Aurora. Belle (who is not pictured in this set - I forgot to take a pic of her) isn't doing as well as Cindi or Aurora but I think she's going to make it and Ariel (last pic) looks like she is knocking on heaven's door.

Pics are:
1. The setup - which is doing well by the way. I love my grow box.
2. Aurora (lead performer now)
3 & 4. Cinderella
5. Ariel



Well-Known Member
I know you stated that you shouldn't use any nutes yet. I agree, just be patient and they will grow if they pull through. Pretty soon the roots will fill the pot and they will take off. I wouldn't worry about the oil on the seedling either unless you know you have mites and then I would still only use it in the general area. Hope all is well with the girls.


Well-Known Member
hope everythings goin good for you man...just started my own first cfl grow...check it out and maybe we can help eachother through this


Active Member
DAY 17

After much tribulation, my plants seems to be back on the road to success:clap:. Well, most of them... Ariel was completely dried up with like half a leaf left - most had crumbled away - so I just pitched her out. Yesterday, I flushed my pots with 3 gallons of fresh water per pot. I gave them a day to respond and they seem to be doing much better. I suppose I will wait another few weeks before I give them any kind of nutes again.

Like I said, Ariel bit it yesterday and Belle is still struggling. Although, she does have just a little new growth and most of her is still springy and flexible (except for that curly leaf in pic 5 - it's a little stiff but that may fix itself) so I think I'm just gonna keep her around to see what happens.

Cinderella isn't doing too bad. She has some very interesting new vegetative growth replacing the leaves that she lost. She has the cutest little 5-point fan leafs coming in (pic 4) on top and another node coming in just below that. The spots where the new growth is coming in just looks wierd. It looks like I topped her because I have 2 nodes coming in on top and on node coming from the base of another branch. Cindi's new growth is the very light green stuff you see in pics 1 and 4.

And finally, Aurora has almost sprung back fully. She's got a whole bunch of leaves now all growing from the center of the top node and she's growing more every day. She is in pics 2 & 3.

Tell me what you think!

Thanks for lookin!

Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
Dude all this good news is a high boost,

Pretty soon your plants will be nice and healthy and big.

I see from the pictures that you give the plants adequate light, cause they're staying low, which is perfect for your set up.

Good job this is coming along great


Active Member
Dude all this good news is a high boost,

Pretty soon your plants will be nice and healthy and big.

I see from the pictures that you give the plants adequate light, cause they're staying low, which is perfect for your set up.

Good job this is coming along great
Hey thanks man! I'm glad to hear some positive. I just checked them again and they don't look much different now than they did yesterday. Yeah Aurora is staying low because the light is so close but I think the other 2 are just staying low b/c they're barely growing at this point. Cindi's baby 5-point leaf turned a darker shade of green and her baby node looked about the same as it did yesterday. Unfortunately, I may only get 1 decent plant out of this whole thing. I'm still not too sure if Belle is really going to do anything and Cinderella is dragging along very slowly. We'll have to wait to see what happens.


Active Member
DAY 20

Just got me a new camera and what better a thing to test it out on?!

The good Doctor Haze's prediction a few posts back about them bouncing back was correct, my babies are doing better than ever! Aurora is still my top performer and she is growing by leaps and bounds. The moral of the story is: If you get nute burn, F$%^ing flood that S#$%! It works!

Ok so here's the details. Aurora has a small set of 7-leaves established and I'm guessing those are gonna be 9-pointers coming in shortly. She's also got a few branches now (what a comeback right?) Cinderella is gradually improving - faster now more than ever. She's still not quite on par with Aurora but it seems there's a snowball effect to her growth. The more leaves these plants have photosynthesizing, the faster they sprout more leaves and nodes. It's ridiculous. Belle has just really begun to get her recovery really going. I dont think it will be long before she's back up and running with the big dogs.

Can I get a professional's opinion on this: Do you think it's time to start LST'ing Aurora? Check the pics and let me know.
And for the porn: Aurora is in the first 3 pictures, Cinderella is in the next 3, Belle is in the last.


Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
Nice, that's a real comeback.

The flushing worked like a charm but you have to remember that if your soil has "Time Released" nutrients than flushing wont work. Cause all it will do is add more nutes.

As for the LST, I would give it another 2-3 days because it's recovering. You don't want to jeopardize how far you've come.


Active Member
DAY 23

Nothin much new to report other than they are all doing well. Aurora's embryonic leaves are starting to die and fade off now and Cinderella's are just starting to turn yellow. I took a pair of precision trimmers (which are going to be badass come harvest time) to the damaged crispy leaves that had been left over since like day 12 or 13 or whatever. All they have now is healthy vegetation, albeit not very much on Belle. Cindi seems to be catching up and just now I placed her in the center. Maybe she'll catch more light or maybe the change will be insignificant - time will tell.

Oh and if my plants haven't already endured enough bullshit from my fucked up apartments, I got a letter 2 days ago saying that they are sending fumigators through on Friday (tomorrow) due to some bug problem from an apartment in my building. And a follow-up visit may be necessary in 2 weeks. Awesome. What the fuck am I gonna do? I'll work something out so that my plants don't die.

Here's some pics!


Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
Your plants are staying alot lower than i expected. I think it's cause you give them good lighting.

And don't worry about the fumigators. When they come, just invite them in, offer them a bowl of your best bud and ask their opinion on the best way to prevent mold :bigjoint:

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Id worry about fumigators. I just had plumbers smell my op and I shut everything down mid-way thru flower.... f'n sucked.... God damn pipe leak.... but I heard them whispering how my place "reeks like weed" and then some more whispering i didnt hear... but, once security is compromised...... also one other thing happened the day after the plumbers so between the two I shut down.... I wouldnt be able to sleep at night.... So, now I have to lay low for awhile and wait until everything is coolio again which sucks.

Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
Ya but Infidel doesn't have to worry about smell. Their tiny little things. He just has to worry about them seeing it, which he can prevent just by putting a blanket over the lamp and plants.

Or the day they're scheduled to come, you can take down the lamp and put the plants on a window sill (or somewhere else that they get natural light. Four plants on a window sill does not look suspicious.


Active Member
DAY 25

Well, the pest control dudes came and went. No prob :D. I just unplugged my grow cab, reeled the extension cord back inside (see setup pics from DAY 13 pg. 4 of this journal) and nonchalantly threw a blanket over it (making sure to cover the ventholes in the back) and put a chair upside down on top of it so that the door wouldn't just fall open or crack. I have recently considered hitting Lowe's back up for a cabinet lock though. The best part - the dude showed up like 4 and 1/2 minutes after my photoperiod had ended and I was able to re-enter the apartment 3 hours later. No interruption of light whatsoever - f#$%in' score!!!

As for the plants, Aurora has entered a very important stage in her life - LST. I have a few pics below to show you. Also, I'm leaving town in a couple days so this may be my last post for about a week or so. Stay tuned though!

OK: 1st 3 pics are Aurora just LST'd. 2nd 3 are of Cinderella - coming along nicely but not yet ready for LST. Last pic is Belle - she's alive I'm not complaining.

