My friend got into some trouble, and you guys should help

Hi riu, my friend, who is in high school got in trouble I think he said 2 nights ago, he was driving on a provisional license with passengers, weed, and past curphew. Well that's three potential charges, and the cops ended up finding the weed but only charging him with being out past curphew and having passengers. Well I have three questions, he came to me for help and idk what to tell him. Question 1) since having passengers and being out past curphew is under the same law or whatever will this only be 1 potential charge at court? And 2) he was driving with two passengers, one being 19 and legal to drive. The cops allowed the 19 year old to drive home charge free and high, and they understood just 1 hour ago he had smoked a blunt. Couldn't someones parents go after this cop for knowledgly letting a high kid drive them home? 3) they got caught driving in a cemetary (not speeding). Could he just lie in court and say that the 19 year old was driving the whole time but my friend just wanted to drive through the cemetary & once they were out of the cemetary they intnded to switch seats again. Or would pleading not guilty be stupid for him since the cops dropped the weed charges? I honestly don't know much about his case, 8i stay out o trouble haha


Well-Known Member
he'll probably just lose some points on his liscense or lose it till hes 18 or something stupid . those are not serious charges at all. where im from when kids get caught after curfew they just get taken downtown and have to get picked up by there parents most the time the cop will just drive you strate home. having passengers in the car and being out past curfew is not the same charge at all. your friend should have let the 19 year old drive since hes legal and you were out passed curfew driving through a cemetary smoking a blunt... you kids need to think about things a little harder so you dont get caught doing stupid shit. try to onlybreak one law at once you be less likely to get caught and if you do get caught you wont be getting a long list of charges.


Well-Known Member
its worth checking if the cemetery is a "designated public right of way" or not, if not road laws do not apply therefore, he cannot be charged for driving without a licence as anyone no matter what age and whether they have a licence or not can drive "off-road" as it were perfectly legally, traffic laws only apply on any road/car park/field/bridge etc that is designated as a public right of way.
also with the lad they allowed to drive home high if you throw that in their face they will prob charge him with " driving whilst under the influence of drink or drugs" just to get back at ya, that then means he loses his licence as well


New Member
Sounds like the cop gave all kinds of slack...... probably could have fucked him up much more. Could have hauled all of them in for posession and the driver with DWI. Shit, sounds like a pragmatic copper for sure. Cop let the 19 yr old drive instead of a tow. Plead no contest to everything, UR just talking a fine. Did the cop keep the stash to himself? That has been known to happen.
well both bags of weed found he says his friends admitted to owning, and if the cemetary is in fact a public right of way why not get off scuff-free legally? im pretty sure it is anyway, you cant get a traffic ticket in there. so can the cops turn the weed charges around on him or what?

edit: he is the only one who got charged with anything, a traffic ticket, so how could the cops rebring the weed up on his friends if theyre not even part of the case, or could it be brought on him since it was in his car?


Active Member
Hi riu, my friend, who is in high school got in trouble I think he said 2 nights ago, he was driving on a provisional license with passengers, weed, and past curphew. Well that's three potential charges, and the cops ended up finding the weed but only charging him with being out past curphew and having passengers. Well I have three questions, he came to me for help and idk what to tell him. Question 1) since having passengers and being out past curphew is under the same law or whatever will this only be 1 potential charge at court? And 2) he was driving with two passengers, one being 19 and legal to drive. The cops allowed the 19 year old to drive home charge free and high, and they understood just 1 hour ago he had smoked a blunt. Couldn't someones parents go after this cop for knowledgly letting a high kid drive them home? 3) they got caught driving in a cemetary (not speeding). Could he just lie in court and say that the 19 year old was driving the whole time but my friend just wanted to drive through the cemetary & once they were out of the cemetary they intnded to switch seats again. Or would pleading not guilty be stupid for him since the cops dropped the weed charges? I honestly don't know much about his case, 8i stay out o trouble haha
when i was busted in a park for marijuana i had my pedal bike cuz i dont want my car impounded if i get caught but the cop clearly understood that i was baked outta my mind i mean i almost couldnt talk an he was fukkin wif my mind cant wait to here the video recording in court :) but.... he asked if i wanted a ride to my house an i said no an asked if i could ride my bike he said yes i was like in love wif my self then but i ended up falling off my bike in the middle of the road but that is after eating a full pan of brownies which i put 2 oz of bud in i no i overloaded it an then i smoked 1/4 in the parjk an some one called on mye:( i was to high but it was fun


Well-Known Member
if you were smart, you would just make a deal to plead guilty with the charges being expunged after legalities are closed. pay your fines, and walk away.
nothing sets the crosshairs on you like fighting them in court....


Well-Known Member
if you were smart, you would just make a deal to plead guilty with the charges being expunged after legalities are closed. pay your fines, and walk away.
nothing sets the crosshairs on you like fighting them in court....
Bad idea. You only plead guilty if you are facing life without parole and you are offered life with possibility after 25 yrs. Ok i'm exagerating but you get the point.

Out past curfew ain't shit. Driving with passengers is a traffic offense. If they didn't charge you with the weed it's because the state has ordered resources to concentrate on violent crimes and crimes involving a loss of property of more than 3 grand(the point where in a lot of states a property crime goes from a simple felony to an aggravated case more worthwhile).

Your friend should be a lot more afraid of the fury of his moms belt than any legal problems.....


Well-Known Member
if you were smart, you would just make a deal to plead guilty with the charges being expunged after legalities are closed. pay your fines, and walk away.
nothing sets the crosshairs on you like fighting them in court....
just because something is "expunged' does not mean that it cant be found out later if they look hard enough.
I honestly don't know much about his case, 8i stay out o trouble haha
Have your friend visit a real Lawyer that has passed the State Bar Examination in your state.

When I was young, dumb and stupid and got caught doing dumb shit I grew a set of balls and paid the fine(s) and went on with my life.

1. He knew he was wrong and still tried to get away with it but got caught.
2. Time to Man up to the charges and pay the fine(s)

Sorry to sound harsh but whinning like a bitch cause you got caught doing something wrong and now want to find a legal loop hole to get away with it.

Would you still feel that the loop hole would be ok if someone destroyed your bicycle, car, motorcycle or home and walked away free of any charges


Well-Known Member

I don't even know your "friend".. nor do I know "you".

If your friends wouldn't have been acting like a bunch of immature kids.. they wouldn't have gotten into trouble to begin with.

Best of luck!



Well-Known Member
sounds like the cop helped already by not mentioning the weed inthe charges.
tell your little buddy to suck it up and take his medicine and face the music.


Well-Known Member
sounds like the cop helped already by not mentioning the weed inthe charges.
tell your little buddy to suck it up and take his medicine and face the music.
Ahmen to that. ;) Nicely put Turtle.

he says.. 'and you guys should help'.

Help someone that I don't know.. because you told me to? Nope. Not going to happen my friend..

Think about it.. the incident already happened.. its too late. The law has already taken care of everything.. there's nothing we can do.. or could have done to begin with man.

But, best of luck to ya's.