My Friend Might Die.

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Well-Known Member
what kind of person just starts jumping somebodies case about something they don't have a fucking clue about? You don't think I feel bad enough about all this fucking shit? you felt the need to pile it on? thanks you fucking peice of shit.. I hope your fucking kids are born fucking retarded you motherfucker
u r ruggged id make u fish food talkin about my kids

Straight up G

New Member
you want me to re-name it too??
Yea could you, I tried to but it doesn't work can you call it "SUG's Fem'd A/F LR2 grow off: the quest for diggity dank"

I rep'd you eirlier, a drop in the ocean!

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
Any updates on backdoorman's situation?

And you guys, I know you've already gotten serious love from this thread, but this whole thing was beautiful. People going out of their way to help people they don't know at all over the internet, man. Made me proud to be a member of RIU. Backdoorman, I'm not very religious, but I'm praying for your friend.


Well-Known Member
he's gonna have to have a "filter" put in, to stop any bloodclots from developing.. he's in alot of pain, so they're keeping him sedated and asleep... he wakes up and his mom and grandma see him, but they have tubes in him, so he can't talk... they said he's swole up really bad.. but thats to be expected after a chevy blazer landed ontop of you and you've had two life saving surgeries in one day... his mom told me that the truck landed on his head at some point or something, because he's got a chevy symbol indention in his head right now...

I'm about to go outside and see what I can do about getting my truck running.. if I can, i'm gonna see if I can get his mom to send me the money for me to get home so I can be by his side.. everybody tells him I love him.. but I wanna tell hm myself... anyway...

Sorry go, I thought it was the interceptor he was driving but it was the purple blazer... they said it threw him through the windshield... apparently he was the only one seriously injured... the rest had broken noses, one girls teeth got knocked out, and her wrist was broke... but he's the only one seriously injured...


Well-Known Member
fuck man. i feel ya. my best friend in this entire world died just a year ago....since high school 20 years ago. ive lost 20 or so of the guys i grew up and hung with. lifes tough man. and i hope this doesnt fuck up every xmass for you now. sorry to hear it man. i consider myself a pretty manly guy. i cried so hard when brian died. i dont really remember the funeral. oh i remember carrying his body, but not the but nothing after.. his death will give me dreams for the next 10 years at least. i was such a mess that i dont remember my lasst goodbye. im so sorry for ya man. my friend died in my place and it makes it hard because if i dont live my life to the fullest i feel like i wasted his life.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
fuck man. i feel ya. my best friend in this entire world died just a year ago....since high school 20 years ago. ive lost 20 or so of the guys i grew up and hung with. lifes tough man. and i hope this doesnt fuck up every xmass for you now. sorry to hear it man. i consider myself a pretty manly guy. i cried so hard when brian died. i dont really remember the funeral. oh i remember carrying his body, but not the but nothing after.. his death will give me dreams for the next 10 years at least. i was such a mess that i dont remember my lasst goodbye. im so sorry for ya man. my friend died in my place and it makes it hard because if i dont live my life to the fullest i feel like i wasted his life.
Rough shit man.


Well-Known Member
fuck man. i feel ya. my best friend in this entire world died just a year ago....since high school 20 years ago. ive lost 20 or so of the guys i grew up and hung with. lifes tough man. and i hope this doesnt fuck up every xmass for you now. sorry to hear it man. i consider myself a pretty manly guy. i cried so hard when brian died. i dont really remember the funeral. oh i remember carrying his body, but not the but nothing after.. his death will give me dreams for the next 10 years at least. i was such a mess that i dont remember my lasst goodbye. im so sorry for ya man. my friend died in my place and it makes it hard because if i dont live my life to the fullest i feel like i wasted his life.

damn man, that is rough... I don't even know what to say...

So, my aunt just tried to rip me off for my truck... it needs two new fenders and dents pulled out of the hood... maybe even a new hood at the worse... but the motor in it is runs fine, the transmission is no older than a year.. and she tried to tell me it wasn't worth $500.. fuckin bitch... so i'm no longer flying in... I don't know how or when i'm going to get home.. but as soon as it is running and I have the 200 to make it home, i'm Mississippi bound... fuck Oklahoma and these bloodsucking leeches.. i'm out this bitch ASAP


damn man, that is rough... I don't even know what to say...

So, my aunt just tried to rip me off for my truck... it needs two new fenders and dents pulled out of the hood... maybe even a new hood at the worse... but the motor in it is runs fine, the transmission is no older than a year.. and she tried to tell me it wasn't worth $500.. fuckin bitch... so i'm no longer flying in... I don't know how or when i'm going to get home.. but as soon as it is running and I have the 200 to make it home, i'm Mississippi bound... fuck Oklahoma and these bloodsucking leeches.. i'm out this bitch ASAP

im confused.... what does this have to do with the flight??
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