My Friend Might Die.

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Well-Known Member
With a little quick math I can see from your activity bar that you are very close to the same percentage of activity that I am, but over a longer time since join date.
I think you will find you are totally incorrect. The main times I come on here are the weekends. The only reason Im on this late now (01:40am) is because i fell asleep on the sofa for 30mins at 9:30 pm. 1/2 sleep at that time of night and Im up all night! I think I average 5 posts a day ish. I have had periods of months where i havent posted. I dont think our useage is even comparable...Anyhow I packed up all my addictions 6 years ago!


Well-Known Member
wow, this got off topic quick... anyway.. still waiting on money and my battery to charge.. if y'all don't hear from me in the morning, you know i'm Mississippi bound.. god I can't wait.. I miss home..
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