My Grow Kicking Ninja ass under a 150 hps Tell me what you think!!!

I do have a pH problem, I tested with a new tester I got just for soil and it read right at 5.9 to 6.3 , thats between all 3 plants. I cant not find a damn pH water tester, the only ones I can find are for swimming pools. but havent been to loews yet, but I need to fix this problem fast as it has been over half a week with leaves dying, luckly its only been fan leaves, none of them on the branch that is going to be bud all those are fine.
also wanted to ask something, an I know its been asked alot lol, when is the time to start counting , on the weeks??.. after you can tell the sex or when you started them on 12/12 ?
lookin good everyone.....
wampus...i use a hanna meter to test my ph...made for testing water
a little snapper dried...ill post a pic of more when its dried :)
Here's my setup. Let me know what you think!!! Also a few pictures of my plants.


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think i got my ph right on one plant anyways, every store I went to had shit for testers, so I bought the strips, using them and the soil probe I got it up to about 6.8 to 7
sup WeedX, those do look awsome bro, look real healthy, an the size of the leaves dammnn, I need to get me a grow cab set up, so I can have some growing and flowering :joint:
Well thanks. They are 3 weeks old today and i was going to start 12/12 in about 2 weeks or so! I hope there is at least 2 females and I hope I get an amazing yield!! Everyone will be updated!
dude your in gud hands now...this thread will make the difference in your efforts to grow sum dank...jus you see!!! anything and i mean anything at all you have a query about jus post it here bro!!!! there will be no disputes here cause me and my guys are all on the same page..the dank page that is!!!

Ok. Thanks so much Smokesumkush! I'll keep you updated!!!
yes that would be a good way to go, but have no where to put one, I was just going to buy me a one of those tent cabs you can buy, just one big enough for about 4 to 6 plants, see all my stuff is in my bedroom so space is a lil limited, already have to get rid of a couple things to get the new cab and just have the space for it. plus I have to get me a dehumidifier, my humidity runs at about 65+ in my cab and room , I need to get that down bad, thats the next thing I am buying, probly need to get it today if I can. but ya man if I had the place to put one that would be the way I would go for veggin :D
wampus may i suggest a fridge for its simplicity and stealth ?
"Life is easy ungrateful people make life hard they have no mercy, they promote church prisons and graveyards...Life is easy but the pagans say life is hard the vampires are thirsty they want more blood bank and more morgues!!!"

I wayne-album "Book of Life"

a quote that applies to life on all levels, you will always find that people are inherently evil and dumb and shit!!! lol
Yeahh. They are constantly growing. I just love how fast they are growing. I have to LST them all the time and they just keep fast growth. I pointed the lights down on the plants so its closer and I just keep y'all updating. Ill point all my questions toward this thread! Thanks for helping me on my grow! I hope all goes well and my yield is large!