My grow new to RIU not a pro not a beginner

This is actually my 8th grow cycle. Definitely made mistakes in all of my.grows just hope I don't make same mistake twice. Looking for any advice or i sight i could get. My room 4×4×6 equipped with 6 inch exhaust fan with carbon filter. Two oscillating fans. Room is sealed this grow is my first time using co2. Seeds are from nirvana 1 super skunk 1ak48 you will see in my seedling pics there were 6 plants I gave away 4 knew my room would not be big enough. Germinated seeds using paper towel method like always. My light is 400watt mh/hps light. I do start seedlings under cfl bulbs 2 40watt. Once seedling is 4 -5 inches I move to 400watt mh light after for week or so I transplant right into 5 gallon pots. Soil is ffof , notes I use nirvana grow tabs , and flower tabs for flower. I have busy schedule so the tabs work for me. I keep bubbler in my water res. Even though it's soil grow. Seems to oxygenate the water not a scientist just something I have tried. After five to six weeks of veg. I give plants 24 hrs of darkness and then into flower after 9 to 10 days of flower I put flower tab in soil about 2 inches down close to main stem. Plants are now in week 6 of flower will update until harvest. Sorry for no order to pictures but sure you get the point. You Can Tell From Pics I Had Some Issues Along THE way. Any advice would be appreciated. I also listened to a so called pro and striped alot of my fan leaves off no ill effects can be seen but definitely stunted growth for a few days.


Here are some updated pics 6 weeks or actually 2 days shy of six weeks had an issue with mites used sticky traps and sand so far so good. Have to figure out a way to keep my dog hair out of room have a big dog that sheds frequently. Might have to put some type of suit on because the hair sticks to everything. Getting nervous try to keep the room extra clean. Have two new plants starting under cfls in a small home made grow box. Will post pics of them later.

This is main cola of nirvana ak48
This is pic of both plants nirvana super skunk is in front ak48 in back