My Growitup Greenhouse Grow 2010

HA! Nice fun-house you have going Cruz. This Greenhouse keeps getting more and more tits every day. Eventually you'll have to jot down a list of every improvment and build a new GH from scratch based on your observations with this one. I think it would be the Greenhouse to end all Greenhouses. :D
No, guy lol...I followed the build of your green house...awesome to see the your getting some harvests from her! I can remember when the floor/brick was the only thing layed down lol.
My bad man, Yep, that was the beginning alright.
Thanks for following along.

HA! Nice fun-house you have going Cruz. This Greenhouse keeps getting more and more tits every day. Eventually you'll have to jot down a list of every improvment and build a new GH from scratch based on your observations with this one. I think it would be the Greenhouse to end all Greenhouses. :D
IDK man, this ones pretty tits up if ya ask me. I think I'll keep it.
just think what that reflective material is gonna do for ya next summer. maybe 14 lb next summer (i think thats close to double this summer :D)
Man that is some beautiful root porn!! Are those the same Rapid Rooters that we use for seeds? Did you use rooting hormone on them before sticking them in? I've not been overly impressed with my GrowClone unit so I'm moving on to try and find a better method.
just think what that reflective material is gonna do for ya next summer. maybe 14 lb next summer (i think thats close to double this summer :D)
Nawww, no way man... be cool though.

Man that is some beautiful root porn!! Are those the same Rapid Rooters that we use for seeds? Did you use rooting hormone on them before sticking them in? I've not been overly impressed with my GrowClone unit so I'm moving on to try and find a better method.
Sure you can use these with seeds. That's what there made for. I tear it apart to set a cutting in then close it up, a few drops of clonex solution and its good to go. I thought more people did it this way.

dam those look gorgeous good job, by the way im subd for this grow
Thanks gonnabe, ;-)

awesome pics cruzer! the plants look so happy in there.
Thats my goal, Happy healthy plants.
You should be gettin close to harvesting those sativas, So Topping seems like the best way to prune them huh? My next run is Sativa dominate, Silver Jack.
Thats my goal, Happy healthy plants.
You should be gettin close to harvesting those sativas, So Topping seems like the best way to prune them huh? My next run is Sativa dominate, Silver Jack.

ya man. the one that I topped and pinched are doing the best. that would probably be the way to go. :D and yup! harvest time is coming soon. just in time for the holidays:weed:
I checked on the grow this morning and noticed the hydro was dripping, not much but something was leaking, I opened up the last plant site I left empty and looked in to see the tube was about 1/2 full of water. Ya know, I have seen a bunch of people build this hydro setup and I had asked about the roots clogging the drain but everyone said they didnt. I removed the drain line to check. Well, I was right, The roots had grown into the drain line.


I cut 'em off.
Did a little root pruning myself and pulled the rest back up through the hole.



I took off about 18 inches. We'll see what happens, I think most are from the first plant in the row.
Honestly I don't think its gonna make any difference, In a hydro setup the roots get all they need delivered to them. Guess we will find out huh?
Dam I just noticed, I forgot to make scissor hash with those scissors.

So, I replaced the drain line and topped off the res with nutes today. I had a drop in PPM from 800 down to 600 and a big drop in pH, 5.9 down to 4.7 Got it back to 800 ppm, pH 6.0 I think the girls are using the nutrients correctly now.
I like it much better in there now. Good job.

Is it still shining like a beacon at night though?
Thanks Dragon.
No, not bad at all, sure it does shine but its straight forward and that runs the length my yard then blocked by trees. I've decided to run the light on these cloudy days too so its on from 5 am to 5 pm and I turn it off when we get some sun.

I got the fans circulating 20 out of 24 hours now too. morning dew is not as bad as it was but I do get a little.
"Dam I just noticed, I forgot to make scissor hash with those scissors."

Lmao, Wow man sorry about the miss information. Kinda like a accidental experiment though and we all love experiments. My guess is they might go into shock for no more than 48hrs and be fine.
That's a huge root turd cruzer, wonder how long it would have gotten before ruining everything if left unchecked. I am glad you didn't find out that's for sure!!
LMAO "root turd". I wonder how effective it would be to dip the tube (and any other place you don't want the roots to go) into the copper laced paint you can buy. I bought a bunch of 1 gal pots treated with copper paint and it keeps the roots from growing around the inside. It's a good thing you were on top of things Cruzer.
Cool, Thanks for the replies guys,

"Dam I just noticed, I forgot to make scissor hash with those scissors."

Lmao, Wow man sorry about the miss information. Kinda like a accidental experiment though and we all love experiments. My guess is they might go into shock for no more than 48hrs and be fine.
If they are going to go into shock I would think they would do it now that I messed up.

That's a huge root turd cruzer, wonder how long it would have gotten before ruining everything if left unchecked. I am glad you didn't find out that's for sure!!
Root turd, Ha! Nothin compared to the size of a Max turd but I bet if not removed it would stop draining. If I make any more of these I will use a larger drain, like a 1 1/4 small sink drain.

LMAO "root turd". I wonder how effective it would be to dip the tube (and any other place you don't want the roots to go) into the copper laced paint you can buy. I bought a bunch of 1 gal pots treated with copper paint and it keeps the roots from growing around the inside. It's a good thing you were on top of things Cruzer.
Yea, I read that in the growers bible, paint the inside of the pots to prune the roots. Bet it works like the smartpots. I dont think it would have worked inside a drain tube though cause of all the water going over it all the time would create a thin barrier. IDK.

When I checked on them this morning they were drooping a little bit. I wondered why all of them, not just the first plant in the row were doing that. They were bone dry. I must have knocked off the supply hose yesterday, good thing we had high RH yesterday then a night cycle and when I glued the end caps I only put glue on the lower half. Worked sort of like an overflow valve in a flood and drain but more of a flood and drip.

The girls in soil don't use as much water as they did in the summer grow. Actually a lot less. I was watering for 4 min twice a day at full flow in the summer, I'm at about 1/4 of that and it seems too much. I noticed slight signs of over watering so I removed the feed lines from the soil and set them in the trays under the smart pots. Let 'em dry out some. Gotta remember to put them back in a couple days.​
I wouldn't say you messed up, just pointed in the wrong direction.
Now I know who that is, Mary Louise Parker.
I dont have Showtime but TV giude network picked up Weed. I got comcast service and they got the first two years episodes on demand... I watched them all the last couple days and ordered showtime. Now I gotta find the rest to get caught up, gonna check blockbusters.

2 weeks to read it all. Now i'm sub'd. Thanks Cruzer!
Wow, Good job man, I know its a lot of reading but doing it that way really gives you a better feel for whats going on.
Welcome to the grow barns, any comments or suggestions are always welcome.