My Growitup Greenhouse Grow 2010

Thanks guys,
Honesty I wasn't surprised. I've seen how fast they recover in hydro before. Just thought I would share.

So, Like today I figured I could get a few more cuttings from the little mum I got and found spidermites In the cab.


Looks like they been at it for a while. The second set of clones has them too.
I'm tired of dealing with these things so I bought some Floramite on eBay yesterday, It will be here in about a week. I plan on hitting the cab with it right away and continue with neem on the plants. I know its bad stuff but I figure I can use it once before a grow in the area, Again when they start to flower and use foggers after that. Its so concentrated I figure I wont need much so I got a 1 oz container on eBay for $18 That will make about 20 gallons of the stuff.
Ha! Yea, I knew I couldn't have killed them all when I cleaned the cabs but I thought I would have caught it by now. Just that I dont look down there much.

Now I'm not sure what to do next. I'm running out of veg time for the next grow. I may just chop all of her up into clones and put them in hydro to catch up.
Still no way in hell are they gonna be ready in time. I have to start thinking two grows ahead.

Changed out the res today, Week 7 of FF plus Cal Mag. 1030 ppm pH6.0
My powder pH up got wet and I tried to dry it out and it got more damp until it almost liquefied, weird.
So I am using baking soda to raise the pH. we'll see how it works.
Ya i feel your pain on that one, i found spider mites in my flower room a couple days ago....... Payday im getting a concentrated Pint on ebay for $100 its the only things that kills the eggs and the mites, well it doesnt kill the eggs just suffocates them in an oil i guess. All natural too and is supose to be the shit, ill let ya know my results. Heres a link to the site HERE of the company that makes it. Called SNS-217

EDIT: they also have difffernt products for gnats and PM
Ya i feel your pain on that one, i found spider mites in my flower room a couple days ago....... Payday im getting a concentrated Pint on ebay for $100 its the only things that kills the eggs and the mites, well it doesnt kill the eggs just suffocates them in an oil i guess. All natural too and is supose to be the shit, ill let ya know my results. Heres a link to the site HERE of the company that makes it. Called SNS-217

EDIT: they also have difffernt products for gnats and PM
Thanks for the link man, It looks like some pretty good stuff.
Ya about killing the eggs, that's why I am getting some floramite. That kills mites and their eggs with residual effects lasting about a month. Toxic as hell so I need to be real careful having a dog and all. Second thing is I need to mix it up some so I dont create a supermite species. So I plan on using floramite in the grow area before the grow and on vegging plants then advid at 4 weeks flower and any other treatments will be foggers and Neem oil. Or finish with predators.

Sorry to her about the bastard pests, Hope you get them taken care of asap.
I'm a man with a plan.
Those dam things have destroyed 20 to 40% of almost every grow I have had in those cabs. I was going to quit growing then decided to build the greenhouse. Figured I would beat the bastards by growing more. It worked, the larger the plant the less stress the mites cause but it sure would be nice to be rid of them.
Cruizer! Here is my regiment. (in Veg)
90% ISO
Ro Water
50/50 Mix
Let it evaporate
I hit them with
SNS 217 (Rosemary oil extract)
ivory unscented dishsoap (emulsifier)
RO Water
I Spray them with that first it kills eggs on contact as well
let it dry out a bit

then I use
Azamax (Neem Product)
ivory unscented dishsoap (emulsifier)
RO Water

I used to have mites just as bad as you. In fact it completely ruined a crop for me once :(. I cleaned my room and started using the above and nothing but great results!

Hope this helps :)

Cruizer! Here is my regiment. (in Veg)
90% ISO
Ro Water
50/50 Mix
Let it evaporate
I hit them with
SNS 217 (Rosemary oil extract)
ivory unscented dishsoap (emulsifier)
RO Water
I Spray them with that first it kills eggs on contact as well
let it dry out a bit

then I use
Azamax (Neem Product)
ivory unscented dishsoap (emulsifier)
RO Water

I used to have mites just as bad as you. In fact it completely ruined a crop for me once :(. I cleaned my room and started using the above and nothing but great results!

Hope this helps :)


Sounds like a great combo to me!!! Glad to see some other people havin success with the SNS217, im almost scared to spend the 100 on the concentrated pint i dont know if ill have enough to cover all my plants! I probably will get the pint and after harvest fork over the 400 and get the gallon of concentrate.

No problem cruzer always tryin to spread good knowledge!! Im to far into flower to use Floramite, thinkin about doin the veg room with it though. For flower im gana try the SNS-217 and a couple food safe foggers. Im gana get about 10 and let them off in my whole basement and the rooms to clear the whole bitch out. probably should leave the house for a while to air out lol
Thanks again guys, We'll beat these things yet.
I already ordered the floramite and avid in small quantities so I will use that first but I got a question.
ISO, I assume that's rubbing alcohol but how much do you use again? 90% or half and half with r/o?

Dam, Max just ate my doobie I had in the ash tray. I thought we had a deal.
My dog does the same damn thing!! Hes always eatin roaches and little nugs on the table ( My fault for leaving them there i guess) i try to give him stems to show him like "only eat these!!" ya know? I found out vapped weed really messes him up, almost to much for some reason he just sleeps and when he walks hes all wobbly. He likes the smoke though he tries to lick it. Dog...... there funny sometimes
tell him I want mine back too..... for fertilizer yah know?? LOL
Ha! You can have it. Seems my dog shits more then I feed him. I swear.

lol he musta been least u grow and u got bud so a missing spliff isnt that much of a deal lol
Agreed, It's not like that was all I had. That would have sucked.

My dog does the same damn thing!! Hes always eatin roaches and little nugs on the table ( My fault for leaving them there i guess) i try to give him stems to show him like "only eat these!!" ya know? I found out vapped weed really messes him up, almost to much for some reason he just sleeps and when he walks hes all wobbly. He likes the smoke though he tries to lick it. Dog...... there funny sometimes
Yea this didnt seem to phase him, How the hell can I tell, he sleeps all the time anyway.
Temps mid 60's days and low 50's night.
Topped off the res, It was 1250ppm, brought it down to 800ppm with a couple gallons of r/o pH at 6.2
Storm is coming through so we have rainy weather. No leaks so thats cool. RH has been 50 to 60% some nights higher but so far it's been alright, no sign of mildew. Plants in soil are using very little water.








Hindu Kush Skunk



That baking soda I used to raise pH is all I am going to use from now on. Works better then the pH up I been using. I'm going to start using vinegar as soon as this pH down is gone.
looks great in there! is it mne or are the hydro behind the soil? i use vinegar and it works great!!
The soil clones were about twice the size of the hydro clones when I got them so I gotta figure their older.
They are a 8 or 9 week flower strain where the headband takes like 10 to 12 weeks too.

looks tits bro :)
I love it man. Rainy and cold and I go inside to warm and dry.
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