My Growitup Greenhouse Grow 2010

Are all the hydro plants in the same shape? For instance, are the ones that get the water first in line better looking than the ones by the drain? I know there are only a couple, but just trying to think it out. Do you think the clog could have had an effect on it, I mean if I had a root turd like that I'd look shitty too, shittier than normal that is :D

Na, the clog just flooded them, their roots sat in water a couple days is all.
Yea they are all effected the same way.

they just need a micro boost my friend ;) Not specifically Cal Mag, but rather Boron, iron, zinc and some others. Notice the plants in pots don't have those symptoms?

Yes I did. So whats a good multi-micro-nutrient I can use?

Loaded dragon said it. My first reaction was to say Magnesium deficient, but you're juicing up the cal mag right now. If they're getting the same food I'll bet it's a handfull of micros they aren't getting(as much of). Dejavu, eh? weren't you just saying soil was the way to go? :-D
PS : Everything looks healthy on the other side of the coin. You'll have an alright pull when it's time from the looks of things.

Ya, over all they are lookin good, Girls in soil are lookin great.

Hey Cruzer

gotta put my 2 cents in,,,,my 1st choice is that it is a P ( phosphorus) deficiency caused by the colder temps, P absorption with temps below 50 degrees F (10 degrees C) can be an issue if I'm wrong and it is a micro nute def, I would say it was manganese, which is rare and associated with iron and zinc

Good point, I remember reading lower temps effects nutrients so I have been heating the water to 68° but once it is in the leaf its much colder at night. On the other hand the plants in soil are not effected. Maybe the hydro girls just need better transport of the available nutrients. I have some GH Diamond Nectar already so I will start by adding a bit from now on. Maybe that will help them get what micro-nutrients are available in the mix now.

Gotta have the 2 cents man, no sense in sharing a journal without it.
well here is 2 more cents then, when I have micro def's I use DynaGro, Foliage Pro for veg and Bloom for flower as it contains all 16 required elements in one bottle and is a liquid designed for both hydro & soil grows
Thanks for the tip, I will get some.
I think I was on the wrong track with the golden nectar, I got some budswell hydro guano I can use in the mean time.
i started the dyna-grow as well cruzer, and am liking it so far. i also added the pro-tekt, which may help with your temperature, if Riddleme was accurate about the P not being taken up correctly in the colder temps. sorry, hate to sound like a salesmen, but I guess I could be considered an advisor!!!
Howdy Everyone,

I just read this entire Journal, beginning to here, took about a week, but well worth the read. Thanks! This really feeds my OCD personality well. I become quite obsessed with anything I do, or think about for very long. Great info here though!
Hi Alterego, Welcome to the journal and thanks, I'm glad to hear it was of some help to ya.

This is ridiculous, I was about to go get some dynagrow and looked in my nutrient cabinet, Its full. LOL
I got GH 3 part series with Golden nectar and Kool bloom plus Flora Nova series grow and bloom, Chi and flora necter. Then I got Fox Farms 3 part (no cha ching) And Dutch Masters whole line up with rooting gel, liquid light and zone. Not to mention Budswell guano, Nitrozime and the rest of pura vita.

No, I think I should hold off on the dynagrow for now. I added some Kool Bloom and Budswell.
Talk about being obsessive. HA!

Have a Merry Christmas Everyone!
well i think dynagrow is one of the only ones you dont have!!! that is one heck of a line up, just add like a drop of everything.

umm, maybe not!
No, not a drop of each but I mix some of them. I got enough to do a full grow with each set of nutrients but thats never how it happens. I always run out of one part so I buy that, then I have that left over so I dont want to waste it, I buy the rest again, Its a vicious cycle.

Anyway that Floramite kicks ass. I hit them the other day and I see no movement at all.
Unfortunately a couple clones from the first rooting didnt make it so I only got three. I found a guy on craigslist that has some of that hindu skunk. 7 to 10" clones for $10 ea. I'll pick up a few more of those and add the larger girls to that. Then fire up the 400w to veg them for a few weeks while the girls in the greenhouse finish up.


Didn't forget the mite hotel,


She is looking much better in just a couple days.
hey cruse merry christmas bro. love the pic man. i still have 10 lb bags full. but might start the barn up soon,
nice what the fuck you buy clones from craigslist? you never know if they have mites and such or if there even the strain they say or if its a trap even if you legal or im just paranoid
Floramite is bad ass stuff.
Sure is.

looks good man! happy holidays! have a good one!
You too man.

hey cruse merry christmas bro. love the pic man. i still have 10 lb bags full. but might start the barn up soon,
Ha! you can never have enough. Happy Holidays bro.

nice what the fuck you buy clones from craigslist? you never know if they have mites and such or if there even the strain they say or if its a trap even if you legal or im just paranoid
Yea well I haven't actually got any from craigslist but I would if they had what I wanted and the price was right. I'm not worried about any kind of trap. I'm legal. True, they could lie about the genetics but i doubt it. I'm going to treat all clones I get for mites from now on so that wouldn't matter, so yea, I'd say a little paranoid.
Winter Flower Week 7
800ppm pH 6.2

We had a little sun yesterday and the girls drank up the water. Went through about 2 gallons, about twice as much as they have been using. Making up some R/O now so I can get them a fresh res tomorrow. Headband is starting to put on weight, Hindu skunk has filled out real nice. She is supposed to be a high yielder and she is. I think I will veg a bit longer next time to get more size though. These started at about 12 to 14" I think 18" should do it. That reflective material has burnt some leaf, not much but there is hot spots.





I finally fixed the dam door. Took off the hinges and cut off about 1/4 inch. didnt recess the hinges again but she closes now.


Heres a vid,

lookin good! I want a outdoor winter grow, Harbor freight has some cool green houses for really cheap im thinking about buying one next summer end.
Thanks guys,
Honesty I wasn't surprised. I've seen how fast they recover in hydro before. Just thought I would share.

So, Like today I figured I could get a few more cuttings from the little mum I got and found spidermites In the cab.


Looks like they been at it for a while. The second set of clones has them too.
I'm tired of dealing with these things so I bought some Floramite on eBay yesterday, It will be here in about a week. I plan on hitting the cab with it right away and continue with neem on the plants. I know its bad stuff but I figure I can use it once before a grow in the area, Again when they start to flower and use foggers after that. Its so concentrated I figure I wont need much so I got a 1 oz container on eBay for $18 That will make about 20 gallons of the stuff.

I have been using the "No-Pest-Strips" inside my cab, and it works great. I will use it in the larger flowering room occasionally. When I use it in a larger area, I generally put it in just before lights out, turn off the exhaust ventilation, and just leave 1 circulation fan on low. It will ususally get all the adult mites in 1 night, 2-4 nights for the babies and eggs. You can leave it in 24/7, or bag it up during lights on (dont forget to turn the ventilation back on), as it wont be as effective with alot of airflow. I dont think you would ever see another mite in the cab if you left it in there for 24 hours, once a week. Ugh, I HATE spidermites!

Good Luck! +rep when I can...