My home phone is tapped..


Well-Known Member
Whenever I use the land-line phone at my house, when you click the 'dial' button to make a phone call, you can hear it make a noise that is hard to describe really.

anyone ever tried one of those things you can get from spy equipment shops.. its some kind of counter-surveillance tool that allows you to check your landline phones for bugs/tracers. They also have ones that you can wear out in public that comes with an ear-piece and alerts you if someone around you is wearing any kind of mic/recording device - rather it be video/audio or just audio to record you.. the detection tool will alert you via ear-piece.

But yeah, anyone ever tried one of those tools to sweep phones with.. to check if its bugged or being tapped?



Well-Known Member
call them gay every time you pick up the phone then have phone sex wit your girl and make sure she uses the house phone when she gets on thos 3 hour convos with mommy lol


Well-Known Member
Tapping a land line is a lot like tapping ass. Sometimes you just got to take it and tap it without permission. Damn Gubenments


Active Member
I completely dropped my land line yrs ago when I thought I was tapped ... nothing but contractless cell phones for me nowadays . Paranoia still makes me get a new one about twice a year though .....

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
what leads you to think it is wiretapping? Prior experience? At the end of the day it could be nothing anything or everything, but shit, i must be missing the issue, if the police were to tap my phone they'd here plans for a night out or work plans, who the heck sits around chatting on the phone about the cannabis they grow and sell or whatever. If ya following the normal rules, it wouldn't give them jackshit, tap away all ya like.


Active Member
lmfao... people still worry about that shit..... cmon guys someones gonna catch you there gonna use a CI nowadays or they will have a swat team come kick your door in. trust me raided 12 times and only busted once..... watch for a CI... confidential informant. they will seem like a friend or a customer and they will knock on your door and when you answer it they swarm in put a gun to your head and pistol whip you and throw you on the floor and search your shit.... phones tapped... lmfao so shut your phone off dumb ass or dont use it.... tyour lettn em get to you.... fuck with them like they are with you... go file harrasment charges on them. lol if you got any proof there doing this...

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Keep picking up your phone, and pretend to talk to somebody....

after enough calls they will think there is an issue with their equipment :lol: then you can spot them trying to come fix it

...:lol: joking


Active Member
You could just keep talking about how your neighbors (assuming you don't like them) are cooking meth or making bombs and see if their door gets kicked in. Really though that shits not funny. A friend of mine had his house, car and phone bugged in an act of industrial espionage. Here's how it went down.

B had been working as a consultant for a company that was developing software which was competing for government contract which would be worth something like $500,000,000 over the next ten years. Well, his brother was in a similar line of work and they'd talk things over if one was having trouble with something. Well, B started noticing every time he'd discuss a problem with his brother (who has a rather odd approach to doing things, but they always seemed to work) that the company he was working for would magically come up the same solution. B was basically being paid for every problem he fixed, if the company fixed it first, he didn't get payed. So, he decided to come up with a bogus fix to one of the areas that they were having the most problems with. Magically, they (his employers) came up with the same fix (which really fixed nothing) and so he called a security firm to sweep his home and everything he owns. They found bugs. Lots of them. He quit and now has a lawsuit pending against the company he was working for. Funny thing is, they lost the contract anyway.
